A poll sums it all: ” Turks somehow liberal on rhetoric but not in practice”

Poll: Turks somehow liberal on rhetoric but not in practice “We came up with a set of questions related to liberal values and tried to figure out whether Turkey is indeed, as some outsiders might perceive, a country devoid of liberalism, or whether liberal and democratic values have in fact taken root in Turkish society,” writes … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: Socialist Jeremy Corbyn, new leader of British Labour Party….”Saving Desperate Syrians in the Age of Peer-to-Peer Aid…

Socialist Jeremy Corbyn is elected as leader of British Labour Party Mashable! by Liza Hearon UPDATED: 2:15 p.m. BST, Sept. 12 Leader Corbyn vows Labour ‘fightback’ BBC News | Europe | World Edition Left-winger Jeremy Corbyn sweeps to a landslide victory in Labour’s leadership contest – promising to lead the party’s “fightback”. What are the implications of Corbyn’s … Read more

As Facebook caves in, Turkey’s authoritarian march continues: “Specially authorized courts to be reintroduced

Zuckerberg’s free-speech rhetoric proves empty as Facebook censors Charlie … International Business Times UK “In comparison with Twitter and YouTube, Facebook cooperates with the Turkish authorities much better,” Yaman Akdeniz, a professor in cyberlaw at Bilgi University in Istambul, told the New York Times. “Therefore it’s not surprising that Facebook . Facebook Caves to Turkish Government … Read more

Turkish justice today: An academic sentenced for insulting Erdoğan, Pınar Selek Acquits for the Fourth Time, Arrest warrant for Fethullah Gülen

 News in Turkish. An assistant professor Elifhan Köse is sentenced for 11 months for slogans against Erdoğan during Berkin Elvan memorial. … Pınar Selek Acquits for the Forth Time Bianet :: English Acquitted three times and ordered to stand trial for the forth time regarding the 1998 Grand Bazaar Blast Incident, sociologist Pınar Selek acquitted from … Read more

EFD Rights Watch: Head of STV Channel arrested while Zaman chief editor Dumanlı released… #GazetecilerDerhalBırakılsın

  Turkish deputy PM objects to arrest of media bosses Hurriyet Daily News Deputy PM Arınç has opposed the detention of two media chiefs who were taken into custody during controversial weekend raids on journalists and television staff linked to Gülen Turkey appeals ECHR ruling on compulsory religion classes in schools Hurriyet Daily News Turkey has appealed … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “EU Parliament takes Google to task… “Finland Becomes an Unlikely Battleground for Same-Sex Marriage Debate

MAIN FOCUS: EU Parliament takes Google to task | 28/11/2014 euro|topics The European Parliament voted on Thursday in a non-binding resolution to separate Internet companies’ search engine business from other commericial activities. This could lead to Google being split up. Some commentators praise the Parliament for countering Google’s abuse of its market dominance. Others call for … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: Juncker presents investment plan…Pope’s Haggard Europe…

  VIDEO: Pope claims Europe appears ‘elderly’ BBC News | Europe | World Edition Pope Francis warns that the world sees Europe as “somewhat elderly and haggard” during a speech to the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Pope complains of ‘haggard’ Europe  BBC News | Europe | World Edition Pope Francis warns that Europe appears “somewhat elderly” and … Read more

Cyberculture agenda: the EU pressures Google more: right to be forgotten’ to be applied on global search results

Europe wants Google’s ‘right to be forgotten’ to be applied on global search results  The Next Web by Abhimanyu Ghoshal The European Union wants Google to wipe search results mentioning people who invoke their ‘right to be forgotten’ across all its sites, and not just its European versions, reports Reuters Majority of global population agrees Internet access … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “Jean-Claude Juncker’s President-elect speech… “INFOGRAPHIC: Who’s who in the new European Commission…

INFOGRAPHIC: Who’s who in the new European Commission? EurActiv.com After his election as European Commission President on Tuesday (15 July), Jean-Claude Juncker can now start discussions with member states on how to allocate portfolios within his team. Below is an overview of all Commissioners already designated by their member state as well as presumed candidates.   … Read more

Filiz Taylan Yüzak (@ftaylanyuzak): Strasbourg?da Uzun Hafta Sonu?

Strasbourg?da Uzun Hafta Sonu? Nisan ayının başlarında bir Cuma günü işten izin alıp haftasonuyla birleştirdim ve Fransa?nın Strasbourg kentine gittim. Burası Almanya sınırında olduğundan mimarisinde, yemek kültüründe, dilinde ve yer adlarında iki ülke kültürünün de izlerini taşıyor. İlk günümüz Strasbourg?un en sevimli yeri ?La Petite France? (Küçük Fransa) adlı kanal kenarında, şirin kafelerin bulunduğu küçük meydanda … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “EU seven-year budget adopted by MEPs…”Seven countries join forces to build a European drone…

Seven countries join forces to build a European drone France, Germany, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland and Spain have signed an agreement on Tuesday (19 November) to build an unmanned aircraft by 2020 and challenge the dominance of the United States and Israel on a market seen as strategic. Defence ministers meeting in Brussels instructed … Read more

Eurosphere roundup: “NSA defends spying attack

  MAIN FOCUS: NSA defends spying attacks | 30/10/2013 The US intelligence NSA has vehemently defended its controversial spying programme at a congressional hearing. Europe also spies on the US, NSA head Keith Alexander said on Tuesday, as well as on its own citizens. Commentators accuse Europe’s politicians of double standards and find the public … Read more