“NATO calls emergency meeting at Turkey’s request… Let’s see how Turkey will explain its position…

Turkish PM: No troops into Syria BBC News | Europe | World Edition Turkey says it has no plans to send ground troops into Syria to fight the Islamic State (IS) group, as it continues air strikes on IS positions. Turkish court approves blocking of Kurdish websites An Ankara Criminal Court of Peace has approved a decision … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “Spain’s hologram protests

France outcry over school skirt ban  BBC News | Europe | World Edition France faces a fresh backlash against its ban on religious signs in schools after a 15-year-old Muslim girl is sent home for wearing a long black skirt. Charlie artist ends Muhammad cartoons BBC News | Europe | World Edition Charlie Hebdo artist “Luz”, who … Read more

Replica Kaaba, Replica Pilgrim in İstanbul… İstanbul news roundup…

‘Replica Mecca’ in Istanbul raises eyebrows Hurriyet Daily News A district mayor in Istanbul from Turkey’s ruling AKP has raised eyebrows by constructing replicas of Islam’s holiest places and objects, yet the building idea seems to have spread elsewhere Concert in memory of Armenian intellectuals Anatolian Culture and Kalan Music have collaborated to organize a concert … Read more

That’s all new Turkey: Council of Europe report: “Detained suspect ratio highest in Turkey

Detained suspect ratio highest in Turkey: Council of Europe report Turkey is the country with the highest rate of arrested suspects in Europe, with almost one-third of inmates in the country still awaiting their final verdict, according to a Council of Europe report released on Feb. 11 Turkish courts being turned into ‘revenge’ instruments says outgoing top … Read more

As Facebook caves in, Turkey’s authoritarian march continues: “Specially authorized courts to be reintroduced

Zuckerberg’s free-speech rhetoric proves empty as Facebook censors Charlie … International Business Times UK “In comparison with Twitter and YouTube, Facebook cooperates with the Turkish authorities much better,” Yaman Akdeniz, a professor in cyberlaw at Bilgi University in Istambul, told the New York Times. “Therefore it’s not surprising that Facebook . Facebook Caves to Turkish Government … Read more

Turkey vs. Facebook over some pages allegely insulting Prophet Mohammad. Erkan also quoted…

Facebook blocks Turkish users from viewing pages deemed offensive to Prophet … National Post This comes on the heels of an ongoing government crackdown on critical political expression in Turkey. “There is a continuous, routine crackdown on media,” said Erkan Saka, a communications professor and new media expert at Istanbul’s Bilgi University. Facebook blocks pages … Read more

For the record, 241 children killed in 11 years under AKP rule…

Turkish main opposition: 241 children killed in 11 years under AKP rule In the last 11 years, 241 children have been killed in Turkey, deputies from the CHP have said PM greets thousands chanting for Hizbullah in Charlie Hebdo protest in southeast Turkey PM Davutoğlu has greeted around 100,000 people who protested French magazine Charlie Hebdo in … Read more

Not the Saudis but Turkey declares day of mourning for Saudi king….

Turkey declares day of mourning for Saudi king  Hurriyet Daily News Turkish national flag to be flown at half-mast across Turkey and at foreign delegations on Jan. 24 Cold case of the murder of journalist Uğur Mumcu says a lot about Turkey today When considered in retrospect, it can be observed that the murder of Mumcu did … Read more

Erdoğan chairs first cabinet meeting, starts de facto Presidency…

Erdoğan chairs first cabinet meeting, promoting presidential system The meeting takes place at the Presidential Palace under the leadership of President Erdoğan and with the participation of Prime Minister Davutoğlu Erdoğan moves for de facto regime change in Turkey Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan convenes the board of ministers in his new Presidential Palace today on Jan. 19 … Read more

RSF Bildirisi: “Charlie Hebdo’ya saldırı– Medyaya Şiddet ve Sansür

Charlie Hebdo’ya saldırı– Medyaya Şiddet ve Sansür   View image | gettyimages.com Charlie Hebdo dergisine düzenlenen silahlı saldırıdan sonra medya organlarına yönelik şiddet ve sansür vakalarında artış gözlendi.   7 Ocak’ta ölümcül saldırıya uğrayan Charlie Hebdo dergisine açık destek verdikleri için birçok medya organı şiddet ve sansürün hedefi oldu. Baskı, tehdit ve fiziki saldırılar…   … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: Charlie Hebdo massacre might be used as a pretext for more surveillance powers…

  Swiss seek to avert EU immigration clash with ‘safeguard’ clause  EurActiv.com The Swiss government hopes to negotiate for a right to cap immigration from the European Union so as to keep its access to EU markets when it writes into law a popular vote requiring strict limits on migration.   AIN FOCUS: Charlie Hebdo publishes on … Read more

As Turkey loses the Charlie Hebdo trial… “Turkish PM calls reprinting of Charlie Hebdo cartoons ‘deliberate provocation’

  Turkish PM calls reprinting of Charlie Hebdo cartoons ‘deliberate provocation’ Davutoğlu slammed Cumhuriyet for reprinting the Charlie Hebdo cartoon featuring the Prophet Muhammad New Charlie Hebdo Muhammad Cartoon Stirs Muslim Anger in Mideast  NYT > Turkey by By ANNE BARNARD The authorities in Egypt and Turkey moved to place restrictions on the cartoon, which shows the … Read more

A very dark day for Turkey: A newspaper ambushed by police… Charlie Hebdo’s cover banned… Media Ban on Intelligence-Affiliated Trucks Coverage….

Twitter withheld @LazepeM in Turkey who released Turkish gov's alleged war crimes in Syria — Erkan Saka (@sakaerka) January 14, 2015 #Turkey: 94 journalists denied official press cards by government commission http://t.co/Ycz8mtuFV6 #ECPM #mediafreedom — Index on Censorship (@IndexCensorship) January 14, 2015 Since midnight, pro-akp trolls are massively provoking for violence against Cumhuriyet daily for … Read more

“Anonymous starts #OpCharlieHebdo -A #CharlieHebdo Massacre roundup…

Anonymous claims first victim in ‘Operation Charlie Hebdo’ Mashable! by Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai Hacking collective Anonymous declared war on Islamic extremists after Wednesday’s deadly attack on Paris-based satirical newspaperCharlie Hebdo, and the group is now claiming its first victim Anonymous, a loosely organized group of hackers with no leaders,announced its operation — codenamed #OpCharlieHebdo Charlie is Ahmed. And … Read more

Mostly conspiratorial reactions from Turkish leadership as At least two killed in hostage-taking…

At least two killed in hostage-taking in Paris Jewish store At least one person was injured when a gunman opened fire at a kosher grocery store in eastern Paris on Friday and took at least five people hostage, sources told AFP. Former President is the only exception in condemning the attacks without any Islamistic apology… Former Turkish president … Read more