#journalism agenda: Google on an international framework for digital evidence…Facebook wants to embrace great journalism [despite its algorithms…

Facebook wants to embrace great journalism — try telling that to their algorithms Mashable! by Jason Abbruzzese Facebook’s in the midst of a serious campaign to convince everyone how much it cares about journalism. Even at F8, the company’s giant developer conference taking place this week, it’s saucing on the charm. An international framework for digital evidence  The … Read more

Cyberculture agenda: PEW report on Information Overload… Mr. Robot Killing the Hollywood Hacker….

  Information Overload  Pew Internet Rss Feed: Reports Since the 1970s, the term “information overload” has captured society’s anxiety about the growth in the production of information having potentially bad consequences for people as they struggle to cope with seemingly constant streams of messages and images. The advent of the internet, it was thought, would only … Read more

Journalism agenda: Turkey practically shut down all Kurdish media with the latest state of emergency decree…

Turkish government shuts down 15 media outletshttps://t.co/rBrlRkTXCo pic.twitter.com/NR6xlM3qcX — P24 (@P24Punto24) October 29, 2016 The rest of the Kurdish media in Turkey closed down by decree on top of days of no internet in the Southeast. https://t.co/p401np2FRz — Emma Sinclair-Webb (@esinclairwebb) October 29, 2016 The team set out to build a ‘truly integrated narrative’ and … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “Spain’s voters say no to two-party system…

Spain’s December 20 General Elections: start of a new historical cycle  open Democracy News Analysis – by José Luis Villacañas Being able to foster ‘real’ change in favour of the oppressed while, at the same time, responding to their need for security would be a great achievement for any political entity. Español MAIN FOCUS: Spain’s voters say … Read more

Journalism agenda: “The Data-Driven Future Of Journalism…

The Economist’s Tom Standage on digital strategy and the limits of a model based on advertising  Nieman Journalism Lab by Joseph Lichterman LONDON — The past few months have been full of change at The Economist. In January, Zanny Minton Beddoes was appointed the magazine’s new editor after her predecessor, John Micklethwait, left for Bloomberg. In … Read more

Journalism agenda: A global ad alliance of The Guardian, CNN, Reuters and more… BuzzFeed’s New Strategy..

The Guardian, CNN, Reuters, and more enter into a global ad alliance  Nieman Journalism Lab by Justin Ellis Five of the biggest online news publishers in the world are joining up to form asupercontinent. For advertising. With The Pangaea Alliance, The Guardian, CNN International, Reuters, The Financial Times, and The Economist are creating an advertising network … Read more

Journalism agenda: 6 news orgs’ Snapchat stories…

Snapchat stories: Here’s how 6 news orgs are thinking about the chat app  Nieman Journalism Lab by Joseph Lichterman When Sam Sheffer, The Verge’s social media editor, launched the site’s Snapchataccount at the end of July last year, he meant it to be a small-scale experiment. “I only promoted it on my personal Twitter account,” Sheffer … Read more

Cyberculture agenda: Peter Sunde says The Pirate Bay Should Stay Down…North Korea and the Sony hack…

President Obama writes his first line of Javascript  Mashable! by Stan Schroeder The U.S. now has a “coder-in-chief:” President Barack Obama has written his first line of code Peter Sunde: The Pirate Bay Should Stay Down TorrentFreak A few weeks ago Peter Sunde was released from prison where he’d been serving a sentence for his involvement in … Read more

Cyberculture agenda: the EU pressures Google more: right to be forgotten’ to be applied on global search results

Europe wants Google’s ‘right to be forgotten’ to be applied on global search results  The Next Web by Abhimanyu Ghoshal The European Union wants Google to wipe search results mentioning people who invoke their ‘right to be forgotten’ across all its sites, and not just its European versions, reports Reuters Majority of global population agrees Internet access … Read more

Cyberculture agenda: Flirtmoji: Emoji for sexting… Feminist Hacker Barbie.. EU’s new plan against Google…

Emoji for sexting Boing Boing by Mark Frauenfelder Flirtmoji. I don’t understand what some of these are. The EU is reportedly planning to call for Google Search to be broken off from the rest of the company  The Next Web by Napier Lopez Google’s rocky relationship with the EU looks like it could be getting rockier. The European Parliament’s new … Read more

Cyberculture agenda: Detekt- A New Malware Detection Tool… “…wild world of Twitter bots

Detekt: A New Malware Detection Tool That Can Expose Illegitimate State Surveillance  EFF.org Updates by Eva Galperin Recent years have seen a boom in the adoption of surveillance technology by governments around the world, including spyware that provides its purchasers the unchecked ability to target remote Internet users’ computers, to read their personal emails, listen in … Read more

Cyberculture agenda: EFF Surveillance Self-Defense; Open Access Week, ISIL Social Media Guide….

EFF Relaunches Surveillance Self-Defense  EFF.org Updates by Jillian York We’re thrilled to announce the relaunch of Surveillance Self-Defense (SSD), our guide to defending yourself and your friends from digital surveillance by using encryption tools and developing appropriate privacy and security practices. The site launches today in English, Arabic, and Spanish, with more languages coming soon. The Younger … Read more

France?s Abraham Kiprotich winner, the men?s competition in the 35th Vodafone Istanbul Marathon… Istanbul news roundup..

Frenchman wins Istanbul Marathon, two Turks on podium France?s Abraham Kiprotich won the men?s competition in the 35th Vodafone Istanbul Marathon Tulip professionals gather in Istanbul The 5th World Tulip Summit, which was previously organized in Canada, Australia, England and the United States Istanbul, The City That Never Fails To Captivate VisitorsBernama ISTANBUL (Bernama) — … Read more

Dear @RussellCrowe Istanbul’s traffic is all right as millions leave for vacation….Istanbul news roundup…

I wish Mr. Crowe was in town right now… He would miss the traffic:) Russell Crowe meets with Turkish culture minister, seeks for assistance for actors Famous Hollywood actor Russell Crowe has met with Turkish Culture and Tourism Minister Ömer Çelik ************** Pigs spotted swimming across Istanbul’s Bosphorus A herd of pigs were seen in … Read more

Filiz Taylan Yüzak EFD’ye özel yazdı: George Brock’la GAZETECİLİĞİN GELECEĞİ KONULU BİR BEYİN FIRTINASI…

GAZETECİLİĞİN GELECEĞİ KONULU BİR BEYİN FIRTINASI? 26 Eylül 2013, Filiz Taylan Yüzak İletişim: filiztaylanyuzak@gmail.com   ?Londra?daki Yazarlar ve Gazeteciler? adlı Meetup buluşmasının ilk konuğu Londra-City Üniversitesi?nin Gazetecilik Bölüm Başkanı, Profesör Dr. George Brock?tu. Bu toplantı için farklı ülkelerden gelmiş (Slovakya, Almanya, Türkiye, Hindistan, Yeni Zelanda, İrlanda, İngiltere, Finlandiya), ancak Londra?da yaşayan yaklaşık 10 gazeteci, gazeteci … Read more