#Journalism agenda: NEW IPI website calls on Turkey to release the 148 people in jail for practicing journalism

https://freeturkeyjournalists.com   NEW IPI website https://t.co/LjoauFjw6p calls on #Turkey to release the 148 people in jail for practicing journalism #FreeTurkeyJournalists! pic.twitter.com/rHrEr3qz8E — IPI – The Global Network for Independent Media (@globalfreemedia) March 22, 2017   ************ ‘Sometimes I laugh at this farce’: six writers on life behind bars in Turkey The Guardian – Kareem Shaheen … Read more

“First Comic & Arts Festival in Istanbul” Istanbul News roundup…

First Comic & Arts Festival in Istanbul The Istanbul Comics & Art Festival (ICAF) will be held for the first time this year at the St. Joseph Social Club in the city’s Moda neighborhood Governor claims Istanbul is ‘among safest cities in the world’ Hurriyet Daily News Istanbul remains among the safest cities in the world, … Read more

Turkey’s “unexpected allies” in Europe: i.e. Former Swedish PM Bildt…

https://twitter.com/emeyersson/status/771822923380248576   https://twitter.com/emeyersson/status/771825629746520065 https://twitter.com/emeyersson/status/771820004098441216 https://twitter.com/emeyersson/status/638694707053371392 https://twitter.com/emeyersson/status/638694218827984896 Carl Bildt'in @ecfr'ı zamanında Gülen cemaatinden fon almaya çalışmış, bak şu işe! 🙂 (Teyitli bilgi) İlgilenenler, RT lütfen — Umut Özkırımlı (@UOzkirimli) September 2, 2016   Swedish Democracy Promotion in Turkey The news coming out of Turkey these days are bleak. Earlier this week, a fifteen-year-old boy, Berkin Elvan, passed … Read more

“Selfie takers flock to Istanbul’s third bridge, blocking traffic…and causing one fatal accident…Istanbul news roundup….

Selfie takers flock to Istanbul’s third bridge, blocking traffic Thousands of people flocked over the weekend to take selfies at the third bridge over the Bosphorus Strait, which was officially opened in a ceremony late on Aug. 26 bOOK | Stamboul Sketches: Encounters in Old Istanbul Mavi Boncuk Mavi Boncuk | STAMBOUL SKETCHES Encounters in Old Istanbul … Read more

Last night at the Bosphorus Bridge… Istanbul news roundup:

Thousands of anti-coup citizens are on democracy watch at the Bosphorus Bridge. #TurkeyCoupAttempt #Istanbul pic.twitter.com/zq4HtfRgif — Failed Coup Facts (@failedcoupfacts) July 21, 2016   The Latest: Thousands on Istanbul bridge protest coup try Tulsa World Pro-government supporters, waving Turkish flags participate in a rally on the road leading to Istanbul’s iconic Bosporus Bridge, late Thursday, … Read more

Journalism agenda: The Wall Street Journal is the first US newspaper in Snapchat Discover… Automated Journalism…

The Wall Street Journal becomes the first US newspaper on Snapchat Discover The Next Web by Matthew Hussey The Wall Street Journal became the first American newspaper to win a spot on Snapchat’s coveted Discover page, reports Nieman Lab. While British based Daily Mail was the first paper to make it onto the page, WSJ’s appearance as brand … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “Number of displaced Syrians in Europe…

Reality check: Number of displaced Syrians in Europe AL JAZEERA ENGLISH (IN DEPTH) Very few of the 11.8 million Syrians who have fled their homes during the current conflict are now in Europe. Why EU guidelines on Israeli settlements are welcome  EurActiv.com EU guidelines on the “indication of origin of goods from the territories occupied by Israel since … Read more

#TurkeyVotes News, Online sources…

We are organizing an election watch program hosted by Public Relations and Corporate Communication MA program in İstanbul Bilgi University. Facebook event page here. Event photos and relevant stuff will be posted there. Citizens are invited to socialize and watch the game together. In the mean time, a group of my students producing special coverage at SosyalKafa.net Sosyalkafa Twitter, … Read more

Cyberculture agenda: CIA Director John Brennan emails in Wikileaks… Open Access Week 2015…

CIA Director John Brennan emails WikiLeaks Today, 21 October 2015 and over the coming days WikiLeaks is releasing documents from one of CIA chief John Brennan’s non-government email accounts. Brennan used the account occasionally for several intelligence related projects. John Brennan WikiLeaks Is Publishing the CIA Director’s Hacked Emails  Wired Top Stories by Andy Greenberg Days … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: Socialist Jeremy Corbyn, new leader of British Labour Party….”Saving Desperate Syrians in the Age of Peer-to-Peer Aid…

Socialist Jeremy Corbyn is elected as leader of British Labour Party Mashable! by Liza Hearon UPDATED: 2:15 p.m. BST, Sept. 12 Leader Corbyn vows Labour ‘fightback’ BBC News | Europe | World Edition Left-winger Jeremy Corbyn sweeps to a landslide victory in Labour’s leadership contest – promising to lead the party’s “fightback”. What are the implications of Corbyn’s … Read more

If you still wanna come: Istanbul’s culture and arts calendar for September 2015…”Al-Istanbul: How Turkey’s largest city became a hub for Arab tourists….

GUIDE: Istanbul’s culture and arts calendar for September 2015 Istanbul offers a wide range of activities to serve Istanbulites with different tastes, from a cooking workshop to one focusing on the problems of single mothers; from a Tarkan concert to a Latin music festival. Here is a calendar for Istanbul’s culture and arts events for September … Read more

:) New attack infects Macs in seconds – Cyberculture agenda:

New attack infects Macs in seconds, even without internet The Next Web by Abhimanyu Ghoshal Apple computers have always been touted as more secure than other PCs because their firmware couldn’t be penetrated. Unfortunately, that’s no longer true, as a newly created self-replicating worm has shown. Games, chat and personalized content: Ray Chan on the future of … Read more

Anthropology roundup: Dataverse: an open source solution for data sharing…

Dataverse: an open source solution for data sharing Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology — A Group Blog by Matt Thompson When you think of scholarship you might think first of publications, articles and books, but that is just the final product. Yes it is polished through countless hours of research, writing, and responding to … Read more

Journalism agenda: “The Data-Driven Future Of Journalism…

The Economist’s Tom Standage on digital strategy and the limits of a model based on advertising  Nieman Journalism Lab by Joseph Lichterman LONDON — The past few months have been full of change at The Economist. In January, Zanny Minton Beddoes was appointed the magazine’s new editor after her predecessor, John Micklethwait, left for Bloomberg. In … Read more

Journalism agenda: 6 news orgs’ Snapchat stories…

Snapchat stories: Here’s how 6 news orgs are thinking about the chat app  Nieman Journalism Lab by Joseph Lichterman When Sam Sheffer, The Verge’s social media editor, launched the site’s Snapchataccount at the end of July last year, he meant it to be a small-scale experiment. “I only promoted it on my personal Twitter account,” Sheffer … Read more