Eurosphere agenda: “Plane crash in southern France… “Greece risks bankruptcy by 20 April…”Heretical Europe….

MAIN FOCUS: Plane crash in southern France | 25/03/2015  euro|topics One day after the crash of a Germanwings Airbus A320 flying from Barcelona to Düsseldorf, French President François Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy will travel today to the crash site in the French Alps. The press is shocked by the … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: A quarter of French voters support Front National, the far-right party…

MAIN FOCUS: Merkel and Tsipras seek conciliation | 24/03/2015  euro|topics   Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and German Chancellor Angela Merkel adopted a conciliatory tone in Berlin on Monday, after politicians and media in both countries repeatedly attacked each other in recent weeks. Finally Tsipras has realised that he needs Merkel, some commentators write in delight. … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: Pirate Party victory in Iceland… Greek-German summit…

Pirate Party Becomes Iceland’s Most Popular Political Party  TorrentFreak On January 1, 2006, Rick Falkvinge founded the Swedish and first Pirate Party. The party has survived more than nine turbulent years while provoking heated discussion on copyright reform, privacy and freedom of speech.   Icelandic Pirates soar: citizenship for Snowden?  Boing Boing by Cory Doctorow The Icelandic Pirate … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: Anti-corruption parties shake Spain… “Germany ends teacher headscarf ban….

Why we occupy: Dutch universities at the crossroads open Democracy News Analysis – by Enzo Rossi, Johan Hartle, Robin Celikates and Nicholas Vrousalis The Netherlands, a mere 10 years behind the UK, seems eager to catch up. Twin pressures of authoritarianism from above and neoliberalism from below make it necessary to develop the democratic alternative put … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: Clashes before a possible Ukraine truce…

  Iceland’s pagans reach new height with first temple BBC News | Europe | World Edition Iceland’s Asatru movement builds first temple Is there reason to hope for Minsk II? open Democracy News Analysis – by Michael Emerson The last Minsk agreement on eastern Ukraine failed to bring peace. The latest looks similar—but the context has changed. … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: Greek debt talks fail, BUT next meeting on Monday… Tension in Minsk…

No agreement in Greek eurozone talks  BBC News | Europe | World Edition   Greek and eurozone officials have left a seven-hour meeting without even basic agreement on how to proceed in talks over the country’s debt crisis. Greek debt talks fail, next meeting on Monday Greece’s new leftist government and its international creditors failed to … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: Herve Falciani, the whistleblower…Merkel and Obama discussing arms supplies for Ukraine…

  Hero? Thief? Who is Herve Falciani?  BBC News | Europe | World Edition Who is HSBC whistleblower Herve Falciani? COP 21 negotiations kick off in Geneva The representatives of over 190 countries met in Geneva on Sunday (8 February) to continue talks on a UN-level agreement to tackle climate change. This marathon of international negotiations … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: Merkel Pessimistic on Ukraine peace, Germany rules out arming Kyiv….

MAIN FOCUS: Merkel and Hollande negotiate in Ukraine conflict | 06/02/2015  euro|topics French President François Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have started a new initiative to find a solution to the Ukraine conflict, presenting a peace proposal in Kiev on Thursday before travelling to Moscow today, Friday. Commentators see the move as the last hope … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: ECB harsh on Athens… “Europe leaders in Ukraine peace bid…

Europe leaders in Ukraine peace bid BBC News | Europe | World Edition German and French leaders are heading to Kiev with a new peace initiative amid escalating fighting in the east of Ukraine. Don’t humiliate us, says Greece BBC News | Europe | World Edition Greece’s new finance minister Yanis Varoufakis urges Germany not to humiliate … Read more

Eurosphere agenda:”Europe in the global app economy….”Croatia and Serbia fail with genocide claims…

How Europe can win in the global app economy As the European Union prepares its plan for a Digital Single Market, policy-makers must take full account of the fastest growing segment of that market – the app industry, writes Sophie Mestchersky.   MAIN FOCUS: Croatia and Serbia fail with genocide claims | 04/02/2015 euro|topics The International … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “Syriza-led Greek parliament ‘will never ratify TTIP’

 Syriza-led Greek parliament ‘will never ratify TTIP’ The newly-elected government in Athens has always been suspicious of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and will use its Parliament majority to sink the EU-US trade pact, claims a former Syriza MEP now turned minister. EurActiv Greece reports. Greece holds ‘crucial’ meetings to secure new debt agreement … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “Europe’s Jihadi Generation… “The middle-class voters who can’t resist Marx…

MAIN FOCUS: Syriza forms coalition with right-wing party | 27/01/2015 euro|topics Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras was sworn in as new Greek prime minister on Monday, just 21 hours after the voting booths closed, to lead a coalition with the Eurosceptic and right-wing populist Independent Greeks party. The impoverished middle classes have brought this unusual alliance to … Read more

#CharlieHebdo Massacre… Protests against Pegida was growing louder but… Eurosphere agenda…

Prosecutor says 12 dead in attack on French satirical newspaper At least 12 people were killed in a shooting at a satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo in central Paris 11 dead in shooting at satirical newspaper in Paris: police   A French police official says 11 people are dead in a shooting at a satirical weekly newspaper … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “Euro slides to a nine-year low…”In Europe, Pirates and The Copyright Law

Northern Ireland’s incomplete peace: young feminists speak out open Democracy News Analysis – by Claire Pierson and Maria Deiana   Organising around a belief in feminism’s ability to articulate and represent visions of peace and politics, a new generation of feminists is emerging to challenge the traditional rigidity of Northern Irish politics.   Pipes for South Stream … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: EU court takes Hamas off terror list…Russia’s currency crisis escalates..

EU court takes Hamas off terror list BBC News | Europe | World Edition A European Union court annuls the bloc’s decision to keep Hamas on a list of terrorist groups, but temporarily maintains a funding freeze. VIDEO: Mass tango for Pope’s birthday  BBC News | Europe | World Edition Hundreds of mainly elderly couples have performed … Read more