Protesters denouncing ‘Islamisation’ of schools met by Police Water Cannons today in Turkey…

Boycott of schools begins across Turkey A boycott of schools was launched on Feb. 13 upon a call from the Eğitim-Sen teachers’ union and a number of Alevi associations to protest the government’s recent education system implementations, including on compulsory religion classes. Dozens detained around Turkey in school boycott Dozens were detained around Turkey on Feb 13 … Read more

Turkey’s lira record low… “Bureaucrats in rush to run for AKP in election…

  Turkey’s lira drops to record low after US jobs data The currency has hit record lows for weeks as government officials make repeated calls for the Central Bank to cut Turkish interest rates Turkey is Ranked #23 in SwissLeaks Bianet :: English According to the latest leaks that reveled HSBC’s data in Switzerland, Turkey is ranked … Read more

Despite more transparency claims “Turkey falls behind in global corruption index…

Turkey falls behind in global corruption index Turkey slumps alarmingly in Transparency International’s annual Corruption Perceptions Index Turkey’s Growing Corruption Problem Is Getting Harder to Hide  Global Voices Online by Ece Basay Money in a shoebox. Viral image. In the last twelve months, the Turkish state has appeared significantly more corrupt. That is the underlying message of … Read more

EFD Rights Watch: ECHR Landmark decision- “Turkey discriminates against Alevis over worship places

Turkey discriminates against Alevis over worship places, Euro court says in landmark ruling Turkey was sued at the ECHR over the non-payment of the electricity bills of a cemevi by the state, while those of other worship places are paid ECHR Convicts Turkey of Punishing Funeral Attendance  Bianet :: English The European Court of Human Rights convicted … Read more

Turkish Constitutional Court working on 10 percent election threshold… Turkey’s Science Minister declares Muslims discovered Earth… Dispatches from Turkey…

Turkish Constitutional Court working on 10 percent election threshold Turkey’s Constitutional Court is considering applications that call for lifting the 10 percent threshold in the Turkish election system, according to Constitutional Court head Haşim Kılıç. Muslims discovered Earth is round, Turkey’s Science Minister says After President Erdoğan’s ‘Muslims discovered America’ claim, a Turkish minister raises the ante … Read more

#Kobane updates. Turkey agrees to let US use US air base in Turkey…

  Turkey ‘agrees to US air base use’  BBC News | Europe | World Edition Turkey has agreed to let the US use its military bases in the campaign against Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria, senior US officials say Student of prestigious Bosphorus University killed while fighting ISIL in Kobane Hurriyet Daily News A student … Read more

Police shoots a funeral attendee, #UğurKurt (27), Pro-AKP circles claim it is the work of German Intelligence…

Today at around 11, in Okmeydanı, İstanbul, we heard the news that a protester were killed due to a hit at his head after police opened fire with real bullets. Later, the news was corrected and the story went like this: A group of high school students were commemorating Berkin Elvan’s death, police intervened with police … Read more

EFD Rights Watch: Web censorship in Turkey is as real as possible. Critical news site Vagus TV banned today… is a well visited online news site. It has a critical attitude, initiated by journalist Serdar Akinan. I just heard that it is banned today…. In other news:  Child bride?s husband, family face 18 years   An official lawsuit has been filed against the family of child bride Kader Ertem, her husband and the … Read more

EFD Rights Watch: Turkey fined 52,000 euros by ECHR now… The RedHack trial…

ECHR Convicts Turkey Due to ?Halt Warning? ECHR found Turkey guilty of violating the right to life in Taydaş case, ordering Turkey to pay 52,000 euros for non-pecuniary damages. Turkey fined 52,000 euros for man?s injuries in 2007 operation in Tunceli The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) fined Turkey 52,285 euros for violating the … Read more

Alternatif “Gezi Raporu” İstatistikleri

Bugün haberlere geçen Emniyet’in Gezi raporundan ilham alan bir arkadaşımız da bir takım istatistikler sıralıyor: 1. Ermenileri, Kürtleri katledenlerin, Süryanileri, Rumları, Yahudileri sürgün edenlerin yüzde 99’u Türk ve Sünni 2. Faili meçhullerin azmettiricilerinin ve planlayicilarinin %97’si Türk ve Sünni 3. Namus cinayeti işleyenlerin % 68’i Türk ve sünni 4. Çocuk gelinlerle rızası dışında evlenenlerin yüzde 95’i … Read more

EFD Rights Watch: “23 security cameras reported broken during Gezi protestor?s killing…Alevi Rally…Hunger strike against wall along Syrian border

23 security cameras reported broken during Gezi protestor?s killing All 23 security cameras on the road that Gezi protestor Ali İsmail Korkmaz was beaten to death on in Eskişehir were declared out of order. BDP co-chair visits mayor in hunger strike against wall along Syrian border Gültan Kışanak thanked Nusaybin Mayor Ayşe Gökkan for her … Read more

Looking at its rector, islamitische universiteit rotterdam is a big farce…

A recent article in Dutch newspaper accuses the rector of Islamic University of Rotterdam, Ahmet Akgündüz, of spreading intolerance, anti-western beliefs etc. And he is also quoted today in our social media circles of blaming Occupy Gezi activists as “mosque enemies, communist union leaders, pro-Asad people who murders Muslims, Alevites etc.” Before he disappeared from … Read more

#DirenODTÜ There is only one provocateur in town: Ankara Municipality begins the “invasion of ODTÜ forest” at midnight

Since most of the students are in vacation due to 9-day holiday and cannot resist, Ankara Municipality grasps the opportunity and starts to cut down the trees in order to build a highway. Despite an ongoing judiciary process, AKP’s Ankara Municipality is keen on having a-fait-accompli strike at the forest. A video from the scene: … Read more

Divan Hotel gets ?Hospitality Innovation Award? for sheltering Gezi Park protesters… A Social fabric roundup..

Divan Hotel which sheltered Gezi Park protesters awarded PKF hotelexperts, based in Germany?s Munich, has awarded Turkey?s Divan Hotel with its ?Hospitality Innovation Award? ***************** Witness protection shields 273 in Turkey Close to 300 people are now living under Turkey?s witness protection program following procedures such as facial surgery Turkish government moves for shortening compulsory … Read more

Latest scenario in Turkish politics: One more term with President Gül…

  Latest scenario: One more term with President Gül President Abdullah Gül made very clear that nobody should dismiss him in predicting who will be the Çankaya Presidential Palace?s next tenant, who will be named in August 2014 elections. ************* Erdogan and Gul to hold crucial meeting Gul?s supporters suggest he is raring to return … Read more