#Cyberculture agenda: “Data Mining Reveals the Rise of ISIS Propaganda on Twitter

Data Mining Reveals the Rise of ISIS Propaganda on Twitter MIT Technology Review Twitter has closed 25,000 accounts that supported the terrorist organisation ISIS. An analysis of these tweets shows how ISIS emerged with a message of extreme violence. How to find out what Trump’s favorite big data machine knows about you Boing Boing by Cory Doctorow … Read more

#Europe agenda: “Romania justice minister quits over corruption bill protests….

Romania confidence vote falls but more protests planned BBC News | Europe | World Edition   A confidence vote fails but the government faces more protests over moves to relax corruption measures. Romania justice minister quits over corruption bill protests BBC News | Europe | World Edition   The scrapped decree would have shielded many politicians from … Read more

#Anthropology roundup: “Cooperation and competition in social anthropology…”Refugees, Immigrants, and Trump’s Executive Order: Six Anthropologists Speak Out…

Cooperation and competition in social anthropology Anthropology Today by J.L. Molina, M.J. Lubbers, H. Valenzuela-García, S. Gómez-Mestres   The emergence of cooperation in human societies has received ample academic attention from different disciplines, and is usually considered as an adaptive response to competition over scarce resources. In this article, the authors review the specific contribution that … Read more

#Anthropology agenda: “A Field Guide to Trump’s Swamp

A Field Guide to Trump’s Swamp  SAPIENS by Janine R. Wedel   The president-elect has populated “the swamp” with power brokers who are marred by potential conflicts of interest. Andrew Harnik/Associated Press Artificially Intelligent, Genuinely a Person Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology — A Group Blog by Coltan Scrivner   It’s difficult to overstate our … Read more

#Cyberculture Telegram might not be good for some Iranian users… Selfies may be used by hackers…

Your selfies might be leaving you vulnerable to hackers Mashable! by Brett Williams   If flashing a peace sign is your go-to selfie move, you might want to think about coming up with a new signature look. Turns out, your light-hearted display of goodwill to the world could be putting your personal data at risk — … Read more

Fistfight, violent brawl accompanies debate on constitutional reform in the parliament, but President Erdoğan already declared: ‘That referendum will take place’

CHP’s Fatma Kaplan: To Hell with Your Presidential System, to Hell with Your Ambition  Bianet :: English   Beaten while warning AKP MPs who weren’t complying with voting procedures during discussions on 3rd Article of constitutional amendment talks, CHP MP Fatma Hürriyet Kaplan has protested the incident on parliamentary rostrum. ‘That referendum will take place,’ vows President … Read more

#Cyberculture -Wikileaks more into dubious waters as it considers exposing verified Twitter users’ data…

Wikileaks considers exposing verified Twitter users’ data The Social Software Weblog   WikiLeaks once claimed to stand for the people against the shadowy, truth-occluding governments of the world (primarily, the United States). But the last couple years saw the organization swerve into questionable territory as an Associated Press repo… Using real names online doesn’t improve behavior Boing … Read more

#Cyberculture – “Snap Inc. spent millions to get better at augmented reality…

Report: Snap Inc. spent millions to get better at augmented reality The Social Software Weblog   The creators of Snapchat are running toward an IPO at full speed, but it seems to have nabbed itself a neat holiday gift along the way. According to a report from The Calcalist (as interpreted by The Times of Israel), … Read more

A chart to classify US media… Journalism agenda…

via ********   Clamping down on viral fake news, Facebook partners with sites like Snopes and adds new user reporting Nieman Journalism Lab by Laura Hazard Owen   After weeks of criticism over its role in spreading fake news during and after the 2016 presidential election, Facebook announced Thursday that it’s taking some concrete steps to … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “EU’s Galileo satellite system goes live after 17 years

EU’s Galileo satellite system goes live after 17 years  BBC News | Europe | World Edition   Europe launches its long-delayed Galileo satellite system, aiming to be the world’s most accurate. Romania: a social democratic anomaly in eastern Europe? open Democracy News Analysis – by Cornel Ban   Romania should be the ideal playground for right-populist parties, … Read more

Cyberculture agenda: Washington Post claimed CIA believes Russia intervened to help Trump…

Obama orders review of pre-election cyber attacks Mashable! by Gianluca Mezzofiore   President Barack Obama has ordered a full review of cyber attacks and other hacking-related activities into the 2016 presidential election, homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco told reporters Friday. The Perfect Weapon: How Russian Cyberpower Invaded the U.S. New York Times – Eric Lipton – … Read more

Anthro roundup: The populist battle over a Christmas figure in the Netherlands…

More thoughts from the Archaeology Division of the AAA- Publications, Blogging, and Making Conversations Count Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology by Jane Baxter Lynne Goldstein is a Professor of Anthropology and the Director of the Campus Archaeology Program at Michigan State University. She is the outgoing Publications Director for the Archaeology Division of the AAA. … Read more

Cyberculture agenda: Pew Report: “The Political Environment on Social Media”

The Political Environment on Social Media Pew Internet Rss Feed: Reports by Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech In a political environment defined by widespread polarization and partisan animosity, even simple conversations can go awry when the subject turns to politics. In their in-person interactions, Americans can (and often do) attempt to steer clear of … Read more

Journalism agenda: Social Media giants react to fake news phenomena after the damage already done…

Twitter is banning multiple alt-right accounts The Next Web by Abhimanyu Ghoshal Following the release of new features to tackle abuse on its network yesterday, Twitter has begun suspending the accounts of users associated with the alt-right political movement, reports USA Today. That includes the one belonging to Richard Spencer, who heads up the National Policy … Read more

Journalism agenda: “eight promising business models for email newsletters

There are at least eight promising business models for email newsletters Nieman Journalism Lab by Andrew Jack When I began overhauling the Financial Times’ editorial email newsletters a couple of years ago, I was soon faced with positive reinforcement, technical frustrations, and sources of deep satisfaction. The good news was that we were on the cusp … Read more