While Reza Zarrab approaches pro-Trump persons for his legal team, another significant arrest happened: “Halkbank Deputy General Manager Arrested in US

Turk in Sanctions Case Adds Rudolph W. Giuliani to Legal Team NYT > Turkey by By BENJAMIN WEISER and MAGGIE HABERMAN The former mayor is close to President Trump, raising the question of whether he was retained to help resolve Reza Zarrab’s case with the Trump administration. Halkbank Deputy General Manager Arrested in US  Bianet :: English … Read more

#Cyberculture agenda: “Data Mining Reveals the Rise of ISIS Propaganda on Twitter

Data Mining Reveals the Rise of ISIS Propaganda on Twitter MIT Technology Review Twitter has closed 25,000 accounts that supported the terrorist organisation ISIS. An analysis of these tweets shows how ISIS emerged with a message of extreme violence. How to find out what Trump’s favorite big data machine knows about you Boing Boing by Cory Doctorow … Read more

#Eurosphere agenda: Europeans trolling Trump…

Powerful magazine covers depict America after Trump’s immigration ban Mashable! by Marissa Wenzke   “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” With Donald Trump’s immigration ban targeting refugees from Muslim countries, the words of the Statue of Liberty don’t seem to burn with the same fervor they did before. A … Read more

Cyberculture agenda: Obama’s Cyber-Threat initiatives… EFF: Transparency Is No Substitute For Free Speech…

Transparency Is No Substitute For Free Speech  EFF.org Updates by Eva Galperin and Jillian York  / Twitter has released a new transparency report. The company—which scored five stars in our latest “Who Has Your Back?” report—blogged about the release, wrote that “[p]roviding this insight is simply the right thing to do, especially in an age of … Read more