#Wikileaks presents: “the “Internet Chapter” of the secret Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement (SOPA’s back)

Wikileaks publishes the “Internet Chapter” of the secret Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement (SOPA’s back) Wikileaks has published the Internet Chapter of the secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership, a global trade-deal negotiated between corporate leaders and government reps without any democratic oversight (the US Trade Rep wouldn’t share TPP drafts with Congress, and now it is headed for fast-tracking into law). … Read more

Cyberculture roundup: Peace and Democracy Party asks Facebook to reopen its official pages…Celebrate Software Freedom Day…

  Peace and Democracy Party asks Facebook to reopen its official pages BDP officials met with Facebook representatives requesting them to reopen their pages No, the Government Never Asked Linus Torvalds for a Backdoor in Linux   Contrary to some online reports, Linus Torvalds, a founder of Linux, was never asked by the U.S. government … Read more

Anonymous raises $54,798 to start Your Anon News news site… EFF explains Who Really Opposes CISPA… Cyberculture roundup…

Anonymous raises $54,798 through Indiegogo to kick-start its dedicated news site for Your Anon News from The Next Web by Nick Summers     Who Really Opposes CISPA? from EFF.org Updates by Rainey Reitman In a hearing earlier today on the controversial Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), Representative Mike Rogers dismissed the opposition … Read more

Cyberculture roundup: Aaron Swartz’s FBI File, CISPA is back: worst Internet law since SOPA, Chinese cyber attacks…

CISPA is back: worst Internet law since SOPA needs you to fight it! from Boing Boing by Cory Doctorow Join Namecheap and EFF in Stopping CISPA from EFF.org Updates by Adi Kamdar   Thoughts on Chinese Hacking and America’s Response from Stanford Center for Internet and Society by Richard Forno The release of Mandiant’s report … Read more

Cyberculture roundup: Between Facebook and Sex, Facebook Wins…

Brands: Apple the biggest winner in 2012, BlackBerry the biggest loser, Google passes Microsoft Between Facebook and Sex, Facebook Wins by Sarah Mitroff You do it in the morning in bed, at night on the couch, and occasionally at work. Turns out, it’s one of the hardest activities to resist. It’s not smoking a cigarette … Read more

Cyberculture roundup: How Wikipedia works, Top 5 uTorrent Tips,

How Wikipedia works: Building the world?s most expansive encyclopaedia from The Next Web by Mez Breeze Top 5 uTorrent Tips From BitTorrent Inc. from TorrentFreak by enigmax With around 150 million active users each month, uTorrent is by far the most used BitTorrent client in the West. But, despite finding the client incredibly useful, millions … Read more

Asylum granted to Assange, More blows to copyright trolls… A cyberculture roundup

Asylum Granted by Ecuador to Julian Assange … Civil rights implications of Big Data by Cory Doctorow An excellent editorial by Alistair Croll on the civil rights implications of Big Data contains a number of points I hadn’t considered before, as well as great analysis of the way that the Big Data situation arrived: France’s … Read more

EA vs. Zynga, Apple vs. Samsung. Clashes at cybersphere. A roundup…

EA to Zynga: Enough already, The Ville is The Sims and we?re going to sue you from The Next Web by Drew Olanoff   Zynga?s reaction to EA: Lawsuit is both unfortunate and ironic from The Next Web by Drew Olanoff   Apple v. Samsung: Why the Future of Ideas Is at Stake by Lance … Read more

New Cybersecurity Proposal in US, Google and Ramadan Traditions, Digg news and more.. Cyberculture roundup..

New Cybersecurity Proposal Patches Serious Privacy Vulnerabilities from EFF.org Updates by Rainey Reitman and Lee Tien For months, we?ve been raising the alarm about the serious civil liberties implications of the cybersecurity bills making their way through the Senate. Hours ago, we received some good news. A new bill called the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 … Read more

Cool! “WikiLeaks wins court case against VISA Iceland”, How the record industry killed legal P2P… and a cyberculture roundup…

WikiLeaks Wins Battle Against Visa, MasterCard by Alex Fitzpatrick WikiLeaks wins court case against VISA Iceland for blocking funds from The Next Web by Jamillah Knowles   Member of European Parliament sends “Thank you for fighting ACTA” email with 2K emails on the CC line by Cory Doctorow Lee sez, As part of my protest … Read more

Cyberculture roundup: The Netherlands Passes Net Neutrality Legislation

The Netherlands Passes Net Neutrality Legislation from EFF.org Updates by parker New legislation in the Netherlands makes it the first country in Europe to establish a legal framework supporting net neutrality. In addition to the net neutrality provisions, the law contains language that restricts when ISPs can wiretap their users, and limits the circumstances under … Read more

Cyberculture roundup: Assange’s TV show, CISPA as the new threat and more…

Is Twitter Trying to End the Tech Patent War? by Sam Laird   Julian Assange’s TV debut from FP Passport by Joshua Keating The first episode of Julian Assange’s new TV show, The World Tomorrow, premiered on RT today with Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah as the first guest. Aside from a quick intro and a … Read more

From US, Europe to Iran, internet freedom under threat… a cyberculture roundup

ACTA: The State of Play in the US from EFF.org Updates by maira In the last few weeks, we?ve seen surprising and significant developments with the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) in both the US and the EU. As we?ve noted before, ACTA is a plurilateral agreement designed to broaden and extend existing intellectual property enforcement … Read more

Cyberculture roundup: Proxy War Against The Pirate Bay; Facebook buys Instagram, Instagram alternatives emerge…

Proxy War Against The Pirate Bay Heats Up from TorrentFreak by Ernesto Last October the Antwerp Court of Appeal ordered two Belgian ISPs to block subscriber access to 11 domains connected to The Pirate Bay. The local anti-piracy movement applauded the landmark verdict which opened the doors for further censorship attempts. However, this cheerful mood … Read more