“Seven things you should know about Tor… Snowden on Games… WordPress vs. Blogger…Cyberculture agenda…

snowden on games xirdalium Here is a passage from chapter two of ↑Glenn Greenwald‘s excellent newest book “No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State” (2014), which I’ve recently read: Seven things you should know about Tor Boing Boing by Cory Doctorow Tor (The Onion Router) is a military-grade, secure tool for increasing the privacy and anonymity … Read more

Best of Erkan’s Field Diary in 2013

Top posts in 2013 Video of How Lawyers arrested by police? #OccupyTurkey İrem Güner: Kızının adet görmesini sevinçle Facebook?ta paylaşan babaya medyatik linç girişiminin bir eleştirisi Ayşe Özer: ?Gecenin Öteki Yüzü: Angara Pavyonları? The Pirate Bay?s IP address? a cyberculture roundup ?The BBC has stated that its partnership with NTV is ?under review? in response to our petition? #OccupyTurkey … Read more

Hell yeah! WordPress Is 10 Years Old

WordPress Is Now 10 Years Old Ten years ago today, the first public release of WordPress became available. Initially started as a fork of the little-known blogging platform b2/Cafelog, WordPress has grown to be the largest CMS in the world, powering an astounding 18% of the web   WordPress is 10 years old today: Here?s … Read more

Check out Erkan’s Field Diary’s Facebook Page

http://www.facebook.com/efdiary I like to keep EFD as my central venue of digital production. However, there are so many tools and so many ways to produce. I am thinking of mapping out my digital existence. It needs some thinking:) I have had a EFD Facebook page for a while but mostly there was automatic posting from … Read more

EA vs. Zynga, Apple vs. Samsung. Clashes at cybersphere. A roundup…

EA to Zynga: Enough already, The Ville is The Sims and we?re going to sue you from The Next Web by Drew Olanoff   Zynga?s reaction to EA: Lawsuit is both unfortunate and ironic from The Next Web by Drew Olanoff   Apple v. Samsung: Why the Future of Ideas Is at Stake by Lance … Read more

Anthropology roundup: Savage Minds blog is 7 years old now, ancient tablet uneartherd in Turkey and more…

Now we are seven from Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology ? A Group Blog by Rex This week Savage Minds turns seven years old. It?s been a great, tumultuous seven years. Although regular readers may not know it, behind the scenes we at Savage Minds have contemplated closing down the blog numerous times, … Read more

Online Tools for my Students. Part I- the 3rd Edition.

Well,  it was time again to update a list of online tools I rely on. The second part will not be edited again as it was a collection of tools links I have found during my never ending web surfs and did not actually try most of them….and I hopefully I will post the 3rd … Read more

Duygu Yazıcıoğlu ile @sosyalkafa ‘da blogculuk üzerine sohbet…

a new threat CISPA; WordPress dominates the blogging scene.. A cyberculture roundup..

Trouble in Trolltown from EFF.org Updates by parker Judges Increasingly Catching On to Copyright Trolls’ Unfair Tactics Life under the bridge is a bit less comfortable for copyright trolls these days, as a series of legal losses continues to undermine their misguided business model. Trolls make their money through variations on a simple scheme: file … Read more

From US, Europe to Iran, internet freedom under threat… a cyberculture roundup

ACTA: The State of Play in the US from EFF.org Updates by maira In the last few weeks, we?ve seen surprising and significant developments with the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) in both the US and the EU. As we?ve noted before, ACTA is a plurilateral agreement designed to broaden and extend existing intellectual property enforcement … Read more

hell yeah, blogging seems to back;) a cyberculture roundup..

Erkan’s Field Diary has a growth in visit numbers recently. It maybe due to this fact or my personal attempts but in any case blogging seems to be back: After Blogging Died It?s Booming Again? from Daily Blog Tips by Daniel Scocco If you have been following the news about new media and blogging you … Read more

EFD online gündem toplantısından notları;)

Erkan: sonbaharın gelmesiyle post girmesem bile günde 500 ziyaret alan bir sitemiz var. hadi arkadaşlar ha gayret, bazıları yazmayı felan unuttu yemin ederim:) Can Erol Ben alfabeyi öğreniyorum tekrardan, sonrası kısmet 🙂 Nihan Güneli Ben su kurultayi yazicam pazar gunu 🙂 Beste Önkol Ben numnum yazıcam Emre Sevimbige ben de bugün yarın yazacağım, vizelerim bitti … Read more

Updates in EFD pages!

As the new semester begins, I have had some updates in some pages: All About Erkan and sub-pages. I have two graduate course this semester and their syllabi can be found at Cyber Anthropology and Issues in Cyber Culture Studies pages.

Erkan’s Field Diary silently passes through 1 million visits…

Since 12 June 2005, i have been using Sitemeter in my blog and according to that counter, I have finally passed 1 million visits. You know we celebrated this six months ago with the pressure of some friends, but now we actually passed the number. There are several ways of counting web traffic, and I … Read more

Online Tools for my Students. Part II

via It is in fact time to revise the first part but in the mean time enjoy the all the tools offered here from the heart of web. This is a collection of links i have had found out during my never ending web surfings. I haven’t tested most of them yet so use wisely;) … Read more