Cyberculture agenda: The US military studied social media to learn how counter propaganda…

  The US military runs studies on Twitter, Facebook and Reddit to learn how to counter propaganda  The Next Web by Josh Ong In light of Facebook’s disconcerting emotion experiment, The Guardian has published an in-depth look at the US military’s own research efforts to understand and influence social media. DARPA, the Department of Defense’s tech research … Read more

Journalism roundup: “The newsonomics of measuring the real impact of news…

  The newsonomics of measuring the real impact of news Hello there! It?s me, your friendly neighborhood Tweet Button. What if you could tap me and unlock a brand new source of funding for startup news sources of all kinds? What if, even better, you the reader could tap that money loose with a single click? … Read more

Rest in Peace dear Stuart Hall, the god of cultural studies…

Stuart Hall The Guardian – ?29 minutes ago? When Richard Hoggart founded the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies at Birmingham University in 1964, he invited Stuart Hall, who has died aged 82, to join him as its first research fellow. Four years later Hall became acting director and, in 1972 Jamaican cultural theorist Stuart Hall dies, aged 82 The Voice … Read more

Journalism roundup: “The Guardian experiments with a robot-generated newspaper…

The Guardian experiments with a robot-generated newspaper with The Long Good Read   The Guardian is experimenting in the craft newspaper business and getting some help from robots. That may sound odd, given that the company prints a daily paper read throughout Britain. A paper staffed by humans. But the company is tinkering with something … Read more

FP Agenda- US, NATO clarify Chinese missile system not interoperable…Turkey, EU resume membership talks

  US, NATO clarify Chinese missile system not interoperable NATO and the US conveyed to Ankara that a Chinese missile defense system will not be interoperable with NATO systems Turkey, EU resume membership talks Turkey has resumed talks to gain entry into the European Union after a 40-month freeze in negotiations. VIDEO: Turkey seen as not … Read more

“the story behind the explosive NSA Bullrun scoop…”Appelbaum, Campbell, Rusbridger on NSA and mass surveillance.. Cyberculture roundup…

ProPublica journalist explains the story behind the explosive NSA Bullrun scoop This week, The Guardian broke a sensational news story that revealed the NSA?s $250 million-a-year ?Bullrun? program that is apparently responsible for putting backdoors into consumer software for the purpose of monitoring. Appelbaum, Campbell, Rusbridger on NSA and mass surveillance | Wikileaks on spies … Read more

Eurosphere roundup: Germany and the third Greek bailout…

Q&A: Germany and the third Greek bailout Barely a year after the last Greek rescue, the huge black hole remains as revenue collection lags behind because of tax reforms and chasing evaders Germany finally admits to a third Greek bailout, but what form might it take? It seems the German government has finally publicly accepted … Read more

Journalism news: UK intel officials enter Guardian offices to destroy Snowden docs. Still they don’t get it…

UK intel officials enter Guardian offices, destroy hard drives with Snowden docs   Glenn Greenwald, left, with David Miranda, who was held for nine hours at Heathrow under schedule 7 of Britain’s terror laws. Photograph: Ricardo Moraes/Reuters The UK government smashed the Guardian?s hard drives in hopes of stopping the Snowden leaks The Guardian Editor … Read more

The Pirate Bay: 10 years old…NSA firing 90% of its sysadmins to eliminate potential Snowdens… A cyberculture roundup…

The Pirate Bay Turns 10 Years Old: The History   During the summer of 2003 The Pirate Bay was founded by Swedish pro-culture organization Piratbyrån. Piratbyrån, which translates to Bureau of Piracy, was formed by political activists and hackers in the early 2000s, many of whom had already launched other web projects challenging political, moral … Read more

Alan Turing to be given a posthumous pardon by the British government…

Alan Turing, Brilliant Mathematician and Code Breaker, Will Be Finally Pardoned by British Government ?Alan Turing, the Enigma codebreaker who took his own life after being convicted of gross indecency under anti-homosexuality legislation, is to be given a posthumous pardon,? writes The Guardian today.  

Cyberculture roundup: Digg Reader, Pirate Bay Founder Guilty of Hacking, PRISM scandal..

  The making of Digg Reader Writing for Wired, Matt Homan Mat Honan on Betaworks’ race to build a replacement for Google Reader in just 90 days. If you are interested in a 35,000-ft view on how Web-based software is built, read this. Inside Digg’s new RSS Reader It wouldn’t be a sexy subject were … Read more

In the mean time, PRISM scandal grows in US…

MAIN FOCUS: US government’s spy programme uncovered | 10/06/2013 After the revelations about the surveillance programme Prism, an employee of the US National Security Agency on Sunday revealed that he was the one who leaked details to the press. The newspapers The Washington Post and The Guardian reported on Friday that in addition to recording … Read more

Wikileaks vs. the Guardian. A cyberculture roundup

Guardian denies responsibility for unredacted cables from Boing Boing by Rob Beschizza The Guardian released a statement today assailing Wikileaks’ accusation that one of its reporters published the password to an unredacted set of leaked U.S. diplomatic cables. The newspaper admits publishing the password, but says it was assured that the files encrypted with it … Read more

A journalism roundup: “The newsonomics of U.S. media concentration”; Storify for journalists; and more…

The newsonomics of U.S. media concentration from Nieman Journalism Lab by Ken Doctor The rise and potential fall of Rupert Murdoch is a hell of a story. It is, though, closer to the Guardian?s Simon Jenkins? description Tuesday, ?not a Berlin Wall moment, just daft hysteria.? Facing only the meager competition of the slow-as-molasses debt-ceiling … Read more

Now comes the Guardian op-ed on AKP and Tayyip Erdoğan. Losing foreign friends one by one…

Prime Minister Erdoğan addresses a crowd in Konya during a rally for his election campaign. Todays Zaman Recep Tayyip Erdogan: Is ‘Papa’ still a father figure to Turks? Six months ago, an odd falling out occurred between Turkey‘s prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan ? who is standing for re-election next Sunday ? and one of … Read more