Anthropology roundup: “Anthropology and the MacArthurs…

Anthropology and the MacArthurs Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology The 2016 MacArthur Fellows were announced yesterday and — unlike some years — there were no anthropologists on the list. Established back in 1981, the grant was intended not to find “geniuses” (despite the fact that its nicknamed the genius grant) but rather “talented individuals … Read more

Anthropology agenda: A new site “Sapiens” (@sapiens_org) by The Wenner-Gren Foundation… “Best Cultural Anthropology Dissertations 2015…

Dear Colleague, Chances are you’ve heard about SAPIENS, our new initiative to bring cutting-edge anthropological research to a broader public audience. Throughout its development, we’ve thought of SAPIENS as building on the tradition of Sol Tax andCurrent Anthropology. But whereas that journal’s launch marked a new era in scholarly communication, SAPIENS will provide a new … Read more

Journalism agenda: A global ad alliance of The Guardian, CNN, Reuters and more… BuzzFeed’s New Strategy..

The Guardian, CNN, Reuters, and more enter into a global ad alliance  Nieman Journalism Lab by Justin Ellis Five of the biggest online news publishers in the world are joining up to form asupercontinent. For advertising. With The Pangaea Alliance, The Guardian, CNN International, Reuters, The Financial Times, and The Economist are creating an advertising network … Read more

Filiz Taylan Yüzak (@ftaylanyuzak): A Contribution To “My Migration Story To the UK”, a GuardianWitness Project

A Contribution To “My Migration Story To the UK”, a GuardianWitness Project  You probably heard of GuardianWitness, a relatively recent project of my beloved British newspaper, The Guardian. This page is created to cover the experiences, opinions and ideas of the paper’s readers. There is a different theme being regularly published and anyone can contribute a related media … Read more

Rumeysa Kiger (@rumeysakiger): Culture remains a field for power struggles as AK Party marks 10th year

Culture remains a field for power struggles as AK Party marks 10th year PM Erdoğan calling sculptor Mehmet Aksoy?s ?Monument to Humanity? (on the left) in the eastern Turkish province of Kars a ?monstrosity? resulted in the monument being demolished in 2011 by the local municipality, while the premier?s remarks earlier this year on his … Read more