A roundup academicus: “Game-based learning: latest evidence and future directions, Elite Journals, SOPA’s daddy…

Game-based learning: latest evidence and future directions Source: National Foundation for Educational Research (UK) From Press Release: The role of video games in teaching and learning is a source of debate among many educators, researchers and in the popular press. Detractors and advocates have been discussing the influences and the potentials of video games for … Read more

DRM screws people with visual disabilities, Linux Drives the Open Source Car, Top 5 Mobile Apps for the Techie Traveler, Chinese Internet superpowers and more…

How DRM screws people with visual disabilities: a report from the front lines from Boing Boing by Cory Doctorow ZDNet’s Rupert Goodwins is going blind. Most of us will lose a substantial fraction of our visual acuity, should we live long enough. As a service to his readers, Goodwins is documenting the way that technology … Read more

$1,049,343,540 Samsung has to pay Apple..Assange case… A cyberculture roundup…

Samsung ordered to pay $1,049,343,540 in Apple patent lawsuit defeat from The Next Web by Drew Olanoff via Apple wins software and design patent judgements against most Samsung devices in trial over iPhone and iPad from The Next Web by Matthew Panzarino   Apple scores huge win over Samsung in patent case from Hurriyet Daily … Read more

a new threat CISPA; WordPress dominates the blogging scene.. A cyberculture roundup..

Trouble in Trolltown from EFF.org Updates by parker Judges Increasingly Catching On to Copyright Trolls’ Unfair Tactics Life under the bridge is a bit less comfortable for copyright trolls these days, as a series of legal losses continues to undermine their misguided business model. Trolls make their money through variations on a simple scheme: file … Read more

for the record, LulzSec frontman Sabu was probably an informant.. more on LulzSec crackdown and a cyberculture roundup…

LulzSec frontman Sabu was FBI informant, fed Stratfor docs to Wikileaks from an FBI-owned computer by Xeni Jardin The Guardian has more on the big hacking news which Fox News broke yesterday (as noted in a post by Rob). “Sabu,” the trash-talking, self-appointed leader of LulzSec, has been working for the FBI for the last … Read more