Check out Erkan’s Field Diary’s Facebook Page

I like to keep EFD as my central venue of digital production. However, there are so many tools and so many ways to produce. I am thinking of mapping out my digital existence. It needs some thinking:)

I have had a EFD Facebook page for a while but mostly there was automatic posting from EFD itself. Recently, I have begun to add flavor to the FB page. When I surf within my FB timeline, it is just too easy to share stuff -especially visual stuff- and so I now share more than EFD postings in my FB page. Plus, I share internship or job announcement through the EFD Facebook page. Feel free to send me stuff to share…

Anyway, please keep following here but also- if you are into Facebook- check also the EFD’s Facebook page. Then you will see some amusing stuff like this:

Photo: Gün Zileli'den "Fuck the System" yazısı-

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