6 historical Beyoğlu places disappearing after gentrification… Istanbul news roundup…

Historical Emek Theatre is already gone. For the other 5 places check out this post [in Turkish[. Istanbul central to Orhan Pamuk’s A Strangeness in My Mind The Australian So writes Orhan Pamuk in Istanbul: Memories and the City (2003), a book that is both a childhood memoir and a paean to the Nobel prize-winning Hurriyet Daily … Read more

Protests on the 1st Anniversary of Corruption Probe as Turkey NOW Convicted of Torturing 19 y.o. Demonstrator

Protests on the 1st Anniversary of Corruption Probe  Bianet :: English Several protests have been held on the 1st Anniversary of Corruption Probe within which four minister resigned. While the hashtag #hırsızvar (#thereisathief) became a top tweet, 5 demonstrators were detained in Istanbul. Blame game continues in Dink murder case: Former Istanbul intelligence head accuses former Trabzon … Read more

Next week events (1): “Governance or Ungovernance: A Strategy Workshop for Internet Activists #ungov

Governance or Ungovernance: A Strategy Workshop for Internet Activists 3rd of September, 2014 at MMO [1] Istanbul, Turkey https://iuf.alternatifbilisim.org/gov_ungov_workshop.html * Are you confused about all the complicated and overlapping institutions that claim to be working on Internet governance? * Are you unsure about how activists concerned with local censorship and surveillance fit into these global structures? … Read more

Cengiz Aktar: Ennn büyük?

Ennn büyük?   Büyük, yeni, dik, iri, diri? Oldum olası eril büyüklük, azamet, prim yapmıştır bu memlekette. Ezikliğin, bir baltaya sap olamamışlığın, taşralılığın ilacıdır büyük olan. ?Büyük? senin olmasa da vatanın yani bi parça da senindir? AKP?nin 2009 yerel seçim sloganı ?Sen Türkiye?sin büyük düşün? bu ruh halini en güzel özetleyen slogandı. Bu defa büyüklük AKP?nin … Read more

“İstanbul’s historical peninsula disappearing… an Istanbul news roundup…

İstanbul’s historical peninsula disappearing Cihan News Agency The historical peninsula, İstanbul’s Old City, is like a huge outdoor museum, with thousands of artifacts and architectural masterpieces; however, it is Istanbul Becomes the Last Stop on the ‘Grand Tour’ Men’s Journal Istanbul has gone by several names over the years. Founded as the Greek city of … Read more

Turkey today: Police starting al-Qaide operation replaced; Graft probe in Beyoğlu cannot proceed…

If the police does what the prosecutor orders, it is replaced. If not, they are ok. So an operation against corrupt officials in Beyoğlu, İstanbul cannot proceed because government does not allow. Because government believes all the corruption case is an attack to its sovereignty. Police chiefs do not want to be replaced. So they … Read more

EFD Rights Watch: “ODTÜ shows no lesson learned: EU?s envoy”…

ODTÜ shows no lesson learned: EU?s envoy The debate over a controversial road construction on the ODTÜ’s land shows that ‘some people have not learned their lessons,’ according to EU Ambassador to Turkey This guy with the bat is claimed to be sent by Ankara Municipality. via @EratalaySevinc Main opposition CHP reveals report on jailed … Read more

Urban transformation issues leads to the closure of Istanbul’s oldest bookstore…Istanbul news roundup…

Oldest bookstore of Istanbul closes due to urban transformation issues The oldest bookstore in Istanbul?s Beyoğlu district, Librairie de Pera, has closed its doors due to the latest developments in urban transformation Court cancels execution of expropriation decision in Istanbul’s Fatih The Council of State has canceled the execution of an urgent expropriation decision for … Read more

Bu akşamki (23 Temmuz) @SosyalKafa @Cafenetd

  NSF/PRISM skandalı bağlamında dijital gözetim meseleleri ana konumuz olacak. Edward Snowden’ın konumunu da tartışacağız. Tartışmaya Marmara Üniversitesi Bilgisayar Müh. Bölümü / Alternatif Bilişim Derneği’nden Doç. Dr. Melih Kırlıdoğ gelecek. Ayrıca Ömer Atakoğlu ve Orkut Murat Yılmaz da katkıda bulunacak. Ömer Atakoğlu (Alternatif bilişim/ nemedya eşkurucu / aktivist) (twitter.com/omeratakoglu) ile Drupal yazılımı üzerinde de duracağız. Programın son bölümünde … Read more

EFD Rights Watch: Ex-police chief Hanefi Avcı sentenced to 15 years NOT because…

of his police deeds but because he changed sides….He became critical of the current political elites configuration…. Ex-police chief Hanefi Avcı sentenced to 15 years Former Eskişehir Chief of Police Hanefi Avcı has been sentenced to prison for 15 years and fined 10,000 Turkish liras Devrimci Karargah Case Verdict Announced 24 defendants acquitted in Devrimci … Read more

Today the Park is open again… A roundup… #direngeziparkı

  İstanbul Taksim Streets yesterday… Turkish magazine releases ?Gezi Park? issue online after disbanding Recently folded history magazine NTV Tarih has uploaded its last issue online, one week after NTV?s owners disbanded the publication here is the website: www.yasarkenyazilantarih.com(Written history while it?s still living). Municipality skips tent plans, settles for iftar tables at Gezi Park Istanbul?s … Read more

Erkan?dan Gezi Direnişi üzerine düşünceler (7): “Meseleyi sandıkta çözmek”

Gezi Direnişinin ilk gününden itibaren AKP apolojistleri sandık çağrısı yaptı. Göründüğü kadarıyla kendilerine en çok güvendikleri alan. Bu sandık vurgusu öyle bir boyuta vardı ki Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül bile demokrasinin sandıktan/seçimden ibaret olmadığını vurgulamak zorunda kaldı. Tabi artık kötü niyet, ya da yanlış anlamlandırmalar sonucunda daha en başta bir yanlış vurgu var. Gezi direnişçilerinin derdi … Read more

A social fabric roundup: “One-third of Turks are poor or needy: Ministry?s report

One-third of Turks are poor or needy: Ministry?s report Nearly one-third of Turkish people, 23.6 million, are poor or needy *********** Behind the facade of Turkey?s recent economic growth Numbers do not lie, but they do deceive. Turkey?s GDP has more than doubled in the last decade, the International Monetary Fund expects the Turkish economy … Read more

Esnaf için timsah gözyaşları dökme meselesine dair… #bubirsivildirenis

Bazı arkadaşlar esnaf için çok üzülüyorlar. Dükkanlarına zarar geldi diye. Açıkça söyleyim, vandalizme tamamen karşıyım. Böyle bir şey gördüğümde elimden geldiği kadar müdahale edip, vandalizme engel olmaya çalışırım. Dün Taksim meydanında medyaya kızgınlığını medya emekçilerinden çıkarmaya çalışanlara da engel olmaya çalıştım, başka bir bağlamda. Son olarak şunu da ekleyim ki esnafın malına son olaylarda en … Read more