Davutoglu’s departure started with an Erdoğanist blog post…

20 confrontations between Davutoğlu and Erdoğan during 20 months of prime ministry What determined outgoing Turkish PM Davutoğlu’s fate most was his up-and-down relationship with President Erdoğan. Here is a list of 20 of Davutoğlu’s confrontations with Erdoğan during his 20-month odyssey as prime minister How mysterious new Turkish blog exposed Erdogan-Davutoglu rift – Al-Monitor the … Read more

Dirty deals: after £2bn EU border control deal, Turkey immediately rounds up hundreds of migrants While the world of Turkey’s people smugglers is hiding in plain sight…

Hiding in plain sight: inside the world of Turkey’s people smugglers World news: Turkey | guardian.co.uk by Patrick Kingsley in Izmir w Thousands of refugees are continuing to board boats to Europe everyday despite the worsening winter weather Turkey’s message to the world: “Give me the money while I still pollute” The most difficult issue to agree … Read more

Stating the obvious at #G20Turkey, Why #Putin is more effective than all: Some G-20 countries backing ISIL…

Putin accuses anonymous G-20 countries of backing ISIL Russian President Vladimir Putin has blamed some 40 countries, including those among the Group of 20 nations, for financing ISIL militants, Russia Today reported Stray cats frolic across stage at G20 summit – video  World news: Turkey | guardian.co.uk The G20 summit in Turkey had three unannounced guests on … Read more

As Turkey continues to arrest Kurdish politicians, new Freedom of Expression Violation Verdicts by ECHR…

Two Freedom of Expression Violation Verdicts by ECHR  Bianet :: English The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ruled that charges pressed against Günlük Evrensel newspaper writers Ahmet Sami Belek and Savaş Velioğlu, and Müdür Duman from HADEP are violation of freedom of expression and condemned Turkey to indemnity. ECHR fines Turkey over conviction of journalists … Read more

Mining safety standards postponed to 2020, of course Swingers, facing 177 years in jail, are a bigger threat to society (!)

Turkey swingers’ club suspects face up to 177 years in jail World news: Turkey | guardian.co.uk Prosecutors demand lengthy prison sentences for 29 people charged with organising wife-swapping parties to which prostitutes were taken New cabinet decree gives mining companies until 2020 to match safety standards A new cabinet decree has postponed a 2006 obligation and given … Read more

Turkish government continues to pursue to block internet access without legal order… Dispatches from Turkey…

Turkish gov’t in new bid to block Internet access without legal order Hurriyet Daily News The Turkish government has been preparing to make yet another move which would add insult to injury for those who have been concerned over plight of freedom of expression in the country Prosecutor Requests Arrest of Journalist After Release  Bianet :: English … Read more

Such Rotten Elections. Election in Ağrı cancelled after AKP’s 15 requests of re-counting…

In the mean time, no re-counting yet for Ankara, Antalya and Istanbul cities where election frauds abound… Ağrı was won by BDP and during the 16th re-counting, some votes were found to be missing and the election will be re-held on June, 1….  Surreal Turkish version of Groundhog Day in Agri. Every morning they wake … Read more

EFD Rights Watch: Erdoğan among “Great People” in RSF’s annual list. 22 lawyers tried in Silivri… #SavunmayaÖzgürlük

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GVInDRlYZA Journalists killed, bloggers imprisoned, censorship…, the overall level of freedom of information violations continues to be very high and the situation is still worrying in 2013 as proved by the annual round-up published on December 13th, 2013 by Reporters Without Borders. Reporters Without Borders and its agency BETC denounce this alarming observation with their … Read more

An animation on Occupy Gezi: TORNISTAN / BACKWARD RUN

TORNISTAN / BACKWARD RUN from AYCE KARTAL on Vimeo.   A self-censored film which was criticizing press censorship on Gezi Park protests. Year: July 2013 This digital hand drawn animated short film has been urgently completed in 18 days ( after the Gezi Park protests which was happened in Turkey between May-June 2013 ) for … Read more

EFD Rights Watch: Turkey at work to trick UEFA to bring police at games..

  Turkey seeks way to sway UEFA over police at games The Turkish government is mulling ways to convince UEFA over the authorization of police officers to oversee the security at games Male students wear skirts to protest ban in Turkey’s Antalya A small group of male high school students wore skirts in protest at … Read more

Yeni Anayasa Gündemi: “Anayasa Uzlaşma Komisyonu’nda CHP’li Batum ve Kart birbirine girdi..

  Öc-alan Anayasası mı? Milliyet Halk, parlamentolarında yapılan ve yapılacak olan yasalarından huzur, istikrar, güven ve mutluluk beklerken, tersini yaşamaya başladı. Yapılan Yeni Anayasa çalışmaları, yeni bir Öcalan Sendromunu, beraberinde mi getirdi ? Yeni bir Anayasa yapma, adeta Anayasa Uzlaşma Komisyonu, Cemil Çiçek başkanlığında toplanacak Bugün Yeni Anayasa çalışmaları çerçevesinde çalışmalarına devam eden Yazım Komisyonu, bugünkü toplantısında Anayasa Uzlaşma Komisyonu’nun TBMM Başkanı Cemil Çiçek başkanlığında daha … Read more

?Shame museum? marks victims of Gezi protests.. EFD Rights Watch…

The ?shame museum? displays the personal belongings and photographs of Ethem Sarısülük and Ali İsmail Korkmaz, two people killed in the Gezi unrest. ?Shame museum? marks victims of Gezi protests A ?shame museum? originally established to exhibit belongings, photographs and memories of those who died during the Sept. 12, 1980 military coup era  Heberler, Political Satire … Read more

Yeni Anayasa Gündemi: “Yeni anayasa çalışmalarında uzlaşılan 48 madde…

Kılıçdaroğlu: Anayasa Kapalı Kapılar Ardında Yazılacak Bir Metin Değildir Haber 3 CHP Genel Başkanı Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, “Anayasa çalışmalarına, toplumda gençlerimiz de katılmalı. Anayasa kapalı kapılar ardında yapılacak, yazılacak bir metin değildir. O nedenle biz Anayasa’ya önem veriyoruz. Geri çekilmek, tatil geliyor, seçim Baykal: Anayasa, mutabakatı zorunlu kılar Radikal CHP eski Genel Başkanı ve Antalya Milletvekili … Read more

Video: In a parking lot in Antalya, 3 protesters are beaten heartlessly by police…


#OccupyTurkey the 8th Day. Deputy PM Arınç apologizes to injured protesters in passing but mostly supports PM’s arguments. A huge roundup:

A gallery of Resistance Humor here. A gallery of how civic this Resistance is here. Turkish deputy PM apologizes to injured protesters The initial reaction against the demolition of a park in Istanbul?s central Taksim. UN rights office urges probe of Turkey crackdown Turkey must conduct a far-reaching, independent probe on its security forces’ treatment … Read more