Such confusion. 3 different amounts about the cost of graft probe…

While continuing denial in graft probe, three members of the Turkish cabinet stated 3 different amounts [in Turkish] Turkey supposedly lost during the current crisis. Ali Babacan (L), Minister of Economy, 49 billion dollars , PM Erdoğan: 120 billion dollars, Efkan Ala, new Minister of Interior Affairs, 104 billion dollars. And none of them may actually … Read more

EFD Rights Watch: Turkey is after Pınar Selek…

Turkey applies to France for convicted sociologist’s Selek’s extradition Pınar Selek was sentenced to life imprisonment for the 1998 Spice Bazaar bombing Woman detained for protesting Turkish PM with shoebox Police detained a woman in Manisa after she protested against PM Erdoğan with a shoebox Projects Under Scrutiny Displace Istanbul?s Poor Development projects like the … Read more

Cengiz Aktar: Krizden kaosa

Krizden kaosa                                                                  Yılın son günü, son yazısı, zor yazı, hele bu cinnet ortamında? Yeni yılın, her yeni gibi, umut vesilesi olması bu memlekette yaşayanlar için şimdilik geçerli değil. Yeni olarak elimizde, gayet kötü yaşlanmış bir ?Yeni Türkiye? lakırdısı var. Türkiye muhtemelen yeni olmayı sürdürecek ama başında Tayyip Erdoğan?ın bulunduğu eski AKP ile değil.   Yılın ilk yazısını … Read more

EFD wishes you a happy new year…

EFD Presents: 2013 lists, 2014 predictions

  You can find a growing list of 2013 year lists here: 2013 lists 2014 predictions if you care to look at previous year lists: 2012 2011

Cyberculture agenda: “Sir Tim Berners-Lee: Edward Snowden is an ?important part of the system? in protecting the open Web

  Three things learned from the Snowden files The line they crossed separates the possibly legitimate, though dirty and distasteful tactics of spies from the impossible-to-justify, ?let?s hope it never becomes public? stratagems of an out-of-control surveillance establishment. Before the year ends, I wanted to capture a few points that stand out for me about … Read more

for a pro-AKP columnist: “From Vatican to CIA, all allied to bring AKP down…

One of the vocal pro-AKP columnist Dilipak’s claim are widely shared at Star , a staunchly pro-AKP daily, here.  Unfortunately, what I observe is that this paranoid belief system is not peculiar to some but a general attitude in AKP circles while they have entered a state of denial on the graft probe… A news … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “Ukraine?s point of no return…”2014: Europe’s year of decision

  Ukraine?s point of no return The Euromaidan activists continue to protest throughout Ukraine, despite considerable pressure from the authorities. A young journalist was recently beaten within an inch of her life, cars are set alight and there have been many other acts of provocation. But the protesters are resolved not to yield, reports Iryna Solomko … Read more

Best of Erkan’s Field Diary in 2013

Top posts in 2013 Video of How Lawyers arrested by police? #OccupyTurkey İrem Güner: Kızının adet görmesini sevinçle Facebook?ta paylaşan babaya medyatik linç girişiminin bir eleştirisi Ayşe Özer: ?Gecenin Öteki Yüzü: Angara Pavyonları? The Pirate Bay?s IP address? a cyberculture roundup ?The BBC has stated that its partnership with NTV is ?under review? in response to our petition? #OccupyTurkey … Read more

A Journalism roundup: “The future of the newspaper…”70 journalists died on the job in 2013…

  The future of the newspaper Digitalization is already part of the newspaper, both in terms of the production process and distribution. And the dual structure of print and digital media is likely to persist, write Thomas Steinfeld and Lothar Müller. The ultimate triumph of digital over print media is by no means imminent.   … Read more

EFD Seçim Günlüğü

Adaylar   Osman Baydemir Şanlıurfa’dan aday oldu   Barış ve Demokrasi Partisi (BDP), 29 Mart 2014 Yerel seçimlerinde Şanlıurfa’dan Diyarbakır Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanı Osman Baydemir’i aday gösterecek. İşte Kocaoğlu’nun seçim hedefi Hürriyet Kocaoğlu hedeflerinin Ak Parti’nin ?İzmir’de seçim kazanacağız? demeyeceği oy farkıyla kazanmak olduğunu açıkladı. Engin ise AK Parti’nin İzmir’den aday bulamayınca, İzmir’de yaşamayan, kentin … Read more

Anthropology roundup: “Lawrence of Arabia as anthropologist…”Anthropologists Respond to Gender-Citation Disparity

Lawrence of Arabia as anthropologist To be honest, I was surprised how much attention Peter O?Toole?s recent passing received. We all knew he was famous, but we also learned this week how deeply he was loved. Many people loved him because he had that one thing that is so hard to find in the entertainment … Read more

Denial continues… AKP try to mobilize its supporters by “foreign plot” plots… A roundup…

Turkey’s Erdogan and year of ‘foreign plot’   Erdogan uses might of state to quell unrest Turkey?s Economic Enemies: Corrupt Politicians and the U.S. Fed Turkey’s economy was already in a shaky place, thanks to decisions by the U.S. Federal Reserve that could make it harder for Ankara to sell its goods and borrow cash overseas. … Read more

Turkey’s New EU minister aims to pass his predecessor’s record: “warns Enlargement Commissioner Füle for graft statement

Turkey?s freshly appointed EU minister warns Enlargement Commissioner Füle for graft statement   In his first statement as EU minister, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has rebuked Stefan Füle urging him to be ‘more vigilant’ on his comments about Turkey FM Davutoğlu: ?The revolution Turkey made in its region has disturbed some?   ?The revolution done by Turkey … Read more

EFD Rights Watch: “Sebahat Tuncel may face jail…

Kurdish MP and HDP co-chair may lose parliamentary seat after top court approves sentence HDP’s co-chair Sebahat Tuncel may face jail as the Supreme Court of Appeals approved an eight-year sentence against her for PKK membership   Hakan Yaman: ‘They hit me and gouged out my eye with something sharp’   Minibus driver set upon … Read more