EFD Rights Watch: “Three reports rule out self-defense in Gezi protester Sarısülük killing

Three reports rule out self-defense in Gezi protester Sarısülük killing: Lawyer Three separate reports all indicate that police officer A.Ş. did not use self-defense when he shot dead Ethem Sarısülük *************** Go and live in the forest, Turkish PM tells environment activists PM Erdoğan slammed environment activists opposing the construction of a road passing through … Read more

Here is the road to the Museum of Innocence from Istiklal Street (!).. and more images…

The photo credited to Hakan Kumuk University students who protested Turkish PM face 6 years in jail An Ankara prosecutor has demanded six years of imprisonment for the 45 university students who had protested against prime minister Taksim Square to have trees planted due to locals? demands, Istanbul Mayor Topbaş says Istanbul?s Taksim Square will have … Read more

#SerdarKadakal is a(nother) victim of excessive pepper gas usage… #OccupyTurkey

Serdar had a heart condition and when exposed to excessive pepper gas in Kadıköy during the last 2 days, he lost his life… God bless Serdar and shame on government motivated police violence… Serdar Kadakal’ın kalbi biber gazına dayanamadı VAGUS.TV ? 9/14/13 ? Kadıköy’de günlerdir yoğun polis gazına maruz kalan Serdar Kadakal dün gece kalp krizi geçirerek … Read more

güncelleniyor- Duvar yazıları (ve yazılamalar) geri döndü…

via @DirenGeziParki @Gilorya via @theRedHack via @kolektifler via @DirenUmraniye @tomagrafi via @wrzl via @DirenIcadiye @wrzl via @DirenGeziParki via @wrzl via @muhsinakgun via @mudahalevar via @forumfest1     ?@didemgencturk @ayagakalktaksim @brtrkmn @NilMerdan Yaz deftere! #direnkadıkoy @onudemekistedim ?@Kocabasoglu @aytavsani Kadıköy

“‘Yüksekten Düştüğüne Dair Bulgu Yok, Kafasında Çökme Var’…. #AhmetAtakan

Antakyalılar Ahmet’i uğurluyor: 16.00?da Çekmece’de buluşuluyor Sendika.Org ? Binlerce Antakyalı Ahmet’i uğurluyor. Armutlulu gençlerin ittiği cenaze aracı Ahmet’in evine ulaştı. Cenaze, Çekmece Pınarbaşı Mahallesi’ndeki Ahmet’in evinin önünden ‘Yüksekten Düştüğüne Dair Bulgu Yok, Kafasında Çökme Var’ Bianet ? Hatay‘ın Antakya ilçesindeki ODTÜ direnişinde öldürülen 22 yaşındaki Ahmet Atakan ‘ın sabaha karşı götürüldüğü Hatay Devlet Hastanesi’nde Antakya’da polis, Ahmet … Read more

EFD Rights Watch: “Turkey?s ?Standing Man? receives German human rights award

Nine suspects released on probation in Turkey?s ?post-modern? Feb 28 coup case The figures released on probation pending trial included the former head of the Higher Education Board (YÖK), Kemal Gürüz and former Air Force Commander Ahmet Çörekçi Turkey wants scholar on Interpol list International Red Notice could be issued for dissident academic Pinar Selek … Read more

Ankara Mayor’s move to cut 3,000 trees inside ODTU campus begins, 14 students detained. #DirenODTÜ

3,000 trees in Ankara’s Middle East Technical University to be cut in road plan The ODTÜ Rector?s Office said in a written statement that around 3,000 trees would be affected inside the campus More news in Turkish here

Social fabric roundup: “Unwed couples against our faith, says Turkish deputy PM

Unwed couples against our faith, says Turkish deputy PM Marriage is a significant and sacred matter, Deputy PM Bülent Arınç said Sept. 1 at the wedding of a young couple ***************** Newspapers account for 90 percent of Turkey?s written media circulation, report shows Over 90 percent of written media circulation in Turkey in the last … Read more

Ankara Mayor provokes, Students starts resistance to protect Trees…. #direnODTÜOrmanı

ODTÜ students in tent protest against Ankara Municipality for campus-crossing road Students at Ankara?s Middle East Technical University?s politically-aware campus has taken a stand on against a new road that is set to be built inside its perimeter Turkey’s squares not destined to become second Tahrir: PM Erdoğan Turkey’s squares were not destined to become … Read more

17-18-19 Haziran 2013’de Bilgi’de: “Kitleleri Yeniden Düşünmek: Şiddet, Hukuk ve Demokrasi

Tarih: 17-18-19 Haziran 2013 Saat: 9.30-17.30 Yer: santralistanbul Kampüsü, E1-301 Gün geçtikçe daha da büyüyen, çoğalan, farklı etnik yapılara ve sosyal sınıflara dağılan kitle şiddeti, artık hukuk sistemlerini ve adına demokrasi dediğimiz toplumsal örgütlenmeleri tekrar sorgulamamızı gerektirmektedir. Kitlenin hukukla, siyasetle, demokrasiyle ilişkisini ve etki alanını ortaya koymak, hem içinde bulunduğumuz veya bulunmak istediğimiz sistemleri hem de insan … Read more