#RefugeeCrisis -An Alevite village resists in Maraş fearing the camp will become a Jihadist training camp…

Turkish government uses the refugee crisis for social engineering. Planned refugee camps seem to be located near regions where anti-AKP citizens are in majority. That includes an Alevite village in Maraş. Alevites in Maraş were subjected to a major sectarian massacre in 1978.   Europe’s migrants, Turkey’s problem POLITICO.euOn March 18, as Turkey and the EU were sealing the … Read more

Dirty deal on refugees between Turkey and EU starts. Greece starts deporting refugees…

The Guardian view on the EU refugee deal: Greece has Europe’s reputation in its hands | Editorial  World news: Turkey | guardian.co.uk Deporting migrants could be a human rights catastrophe. Officials must tread with the greatest careThe crunch has arrived. After a vote by Greek MPs, Monday sees the start of the implementation of last month’s … Read more

Foreign envoys at journalists’ trial were the last target of Erdoğan’s wrath…

Turkish President Erdoğan slams foreign envoys at journalists’ trial Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has severely criticized a group of Western diplomats who attended the trial of Cumhuriyet’s Can Dündar and Erdem Gül on March 25 Turkish Journalists Speak Out Before Trial NYT > Turkey by By REUTERS Can Dundar, editor in chief of the Cumhuriyet newspaper, … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “Spain and Portugal top the list as holidaymakers seek safety…

Spain and Portugal top the list as holidaymakers seek safety World news: Turkey | guardian.co.uk by Bob Atkinson The Iberian peninsula, Malta and Greece have been the beneficiaries of tourists’ changed travel plans   MAIN FOCUS: Macedonia urged to protect EU external borders | 20/01/2016 euro|topics In view of the consistently high number of refugees who arrive … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “Row over Syria policy

MAIN FOCUS: Row over Syria policy | 30/09/2015 euro|topic The presidents of Russia and the United States met to discuss a policy on Syria at the start of the week. Syrian ruler Bashar al-Assad remains the main bone of contention between the two leaders. According to some commentators Putin has pushed through his strategy of including … Read more

Journalism roundup: “Jeff Jarvis: Free speech is not a privilege. It is a journalistic responsibility”

Free speech is not a privilege. It is a journalistic responsibility. BuzzMachine by Jeff Jarvis   Al Qaeda Source: AQAP Directed Paris Attack  The Intercept by Jeremy Scahill UPDATED — A source within al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has provided The Interceptwith a full statement claiming responsibility for the attack against the offices of Charlie Hebdo … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: Grexit debate…

Grexit divides politicians in Athens  EurActiv.com Eurozone membership is “irrevocable”, the European Commission said today (5 December), after media reports about Greece leaving the single currency that triggered strong reactions in Athens. EurActiv Greece reports.   MAIN FOCUS: EU Commission joins Grexit debate | 06/01/2015 euro|topics The EU Commission stressed on Monday that according to the EU treaties a … Read more

Eurosphere roundup: Italy’s insane Internet law triggers anti-censorship protests online; Dexia falters and more…

via   Italy Wikipedia strike: anti-censorship protests online from cafebabel.com by Eva Vanhee Here we go again: a new chapter of the world of online democracy begins. In response to a draft law restricting freedom of information being discussed in the Italian parliament, wikipedia Italy has chosen to temporarily close down. A virtual strike but … Read more