#RefugeeCrisis -An Alevite village resists in Maraş fearing the camp will become a Jihadist training camp…

Turkish government uses the refugee crisis for social engineering. Planned refugee camps seem to be located near regions where anti-AKP citizens are in majority. That includes an Alevite village in Maraş. Alevites in Maraş were subjected to a major sectarian massacre in 1978.   Europe’s migrants, Turkey’s problem POLITICO.euOn March 18, as Turkey and the EU were sealing the … Read more

#PanamaPapers (2) – How over 400 journalists reported on the leaks…

Here’s how over 400 journalists at dozens of news orgs reported out the massive Panama Papers story Nieman Journalism Lab by Ricardo Bilton Sunday’s report of the Panama Papers detailed a global, decades-long story of bribery, arms deals, tax evasion, and financial fraud that implicates over 100 politicians and public officials. Equally impressive, however, is project … Read more