A new leaked document claims that “Operation Cage” by the Ergenekon gang planned assassinations on non-Muslim Turkish citizens to provoke and contain AKP rule…
Ministry announces number of people tapped
Hurriyet Daily News- The ministry had earlier said that within the last five years, 69 judicial officers were tapped ? 56 of them related to the Ergenekon case
Third letter from military source raises tensions in Turkey (SETimes.com)
Turkey probes fresh allegations of anti-govt plot
They say these conspirators belong to a shadowy, nationalist group dubbed the “Ergenekon” network. A judge suspended until Monday a hearing in the
Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu of CHP backed down and gave support to Onur Öylem who had explicity supported the Dersim Massacre of Alevite citizens. Two those who claim him to be the “Gandhi of Turkey”: Gandhi my ass.
A documentary on Dersim Massacre (In Turkish)
In order to create a Turkish nation from above, Turkish nationalists waged a campaign against non-Turkish and non-Muslim elements of the empire.The First World War served as an excuse for the Young Turks, then the Turkish goverment, to exterminate Armenians. It was a deliberate and sustain war, in the course of which hundreds of thousands Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks had been ruthlessly killed or forced into exile.The collapse of the Ottomans had left a power vacuum, filled by another section of the Turkish nationalists, called Kemalists at a later time.In 1937-38, i.e., at a time when world attention was focused on the Second World War, the Turkish nationalists commited another genocide. This time the victims were Dersimis, who are also known as Kızılbash or Alevis. Approximately 40.000-70.000 of them were killed and thousands were taken into exile. The Dersim Genocide of 1937-1938 was on one hand a continuation of the Kızılbash extermination of the Ottoman times and also an extermination of an ethnically distinct and separate people from Turks.
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