Cyberculture agenda: “Emoji Diplomacy..

Emoji Diplomacy – a new diplomatic sign language Twiplomacy Emojis are more than a series of smileys and other funny faces abundantly used by teenagers on social networks. These tiny, little pictograms offer an entirely new, more visual way to express complex concepts and are used more and more often by world leaders and diplomats on … Read more

EFD Haftanın Web Projesi: “Genel İzleyici” (@genel_izleyici_)

Son zamanlarda gördüğüm en güzel veri tabanlı projelerden biri…   TBMM üyelerinin Twitter hesaplarına dayanıyor. Bir bakın derim:   Önerilerinizi alalım: Loading… Ha bir de EFD’ye katkıda bulunmak isterseniz: Loading…

Journalism agenda: “London attacks changed the news: The value of the witness

The value of the witness: How the London attacks changed the news  Mashable! by Colin Daileda The night after the deadliest peace-time attack on London, the BBC led its 6 p.m. newscast with a shaky video of screaming commuters, an ambulance siren howling in the background Twitter’s new article preview cards could be a boost for publishers … Read more

Journalism agenda: 6 news orgs’ Snapchat stories…

Snapchat stories: Here’s how 6 news orgs are thinking about the chat app  Nieman Journalism Lab by Joseph Lichterman When Sam Sheffer, The Verge’s social media editor, launched the site’s Snapchataccount at the end of July last year, he meant it to be a small-scale experiment. “I only promoted it on my personal Twitter account,” Sheffer … Read more

Cyberculture & Journalism agenda: new Tow Center report on data journalism…

  Read some of the smartest thinkers on data journalism in this new Tow Center report  Nieman Journalism Lab by Justin Ellis In order to consider the future of data journalism, you have to start by looking at the past. Alex Howard, a fellow at The Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia Journalism School, has a new report … Read more

Journalism roundup: Impact of Manning case on media and more..

A Salute to Bradley Manning, Whistleblower, As We Hear His Words For The First Time from Boing Boing by Daniel Ellsberg L: A young Daniel Ellsberg, whistleblower and former U.S. military analyst. R: PFC Bradley Manning, 24; former Army intelligence analyst. Today, the Freedom of the Press Foundation, an organization that I co-founded and for … Read more

Mehmet Sinan Egemen’den Veri Gazeteciliğine Giriş sunumu #yurttasgazeteci

Veri Gazeteciligi sunumu on Prezi

MediaShift report: Digital First? Print First? Both Should Work Together- A journalism roundup

Digital First? Print First? Both Should Work Together from MediaShift Let’s learn a lesson from the past. When the news first started going digital, that is when it started appearing on the World Wide Web and print saw it as a competitor that would give the product away for free. The digital prophets saw a … Read more

press freedom rankings- US also slumps… a journalism roundup

US slumps in press freedom rankings from Boing Boing by Rob Beschizza In this year’s Reporters Without Borders international press freedom index, the U.S. slumped to 47th place, a fall of 27 places, largely due to arrests of journalists covering protests. The full report is available in PDF format. [RSF]   3 Laws for Journalists … Read more

A Journalism roundup: World’s most dangerous region for journalists; AP’s social media editor,

Press release: World’s most dangerous region for journalists: the Arab World from Editors Weblog – all postings by Federica Cherubini Repression of uprisings makes the region the world’s most dangerous place for journalists. Sixty-four journalists and other media workers were killed world-wide because of their professional activities in 2011, with nearly half of them killed … Read more

Twitter for Newsrooms… A journalism roundup

Twitter for Newsrooms as a relationship-building guide from Nieman Journalism Lab by Justin Ellis One of the most novel things about Twitter is that, from the beginning, they let the audience discover the best ways to use it. From hashtags to retweets, many of Twitter?s best features bubbled up from users, and journalists have developed, … Read more

Data journalism and a general Journalism roundup

Data Journalism: a new gateway at the Guardian from Editors Weblog – all postings by Federica Cherubini The Guardian announced yesterday the launch of a new gateway to its data journalism and visualisations. “DataStore: Fact are sacred” is the subhead on the new data site, and that is the exact statement CP Scott, the Guardian … Read more

Social media changing the face of investigative journalism…

How social media is changing the face of investigative journalism from Editors Weblog – all postings by Grace Donoso Online tools and information available through social media are making the jobs of investigative journalists easier and more efficient, Mashable reports. According to the article, journalists are using “web socialization” to their advantage, not only by … Read more

?Augmented Reality Invades Newsrooms?

Augmented Reality Invades Newsrooms, Kids’ Shows, Ads from MediaShift You point your wireless device — cell phone, iPad, whatever — at a graphic on a box of unassembled furniture and then the instructions, complete with 3-D diagrams, instantly appear on-screen. Point at a piece of paper and it’s suddenly a game board shared by friends … Read more