Cyberculture roundup: New Laws on Privacy issues, Iranian presidential candidate does Reddit AMA, CISPA on the agenda…

  Iranian presidential candidate does Reddit AMA from FP Passport by Neha Paliwal The Enduring Power of Radio in the Digital Age from Mashable! by Matt Petronzio Did Terrorists Use Twitter to Increase Situational Awareness? from iRevolution by Patrick Meier Those who are still skeptical about the value of Twitter for real-time situational awareness during … Read more

Cyberculture roundup: Between Facebook and Sex, Facebook Wins…

Brands: Apple the biggest winner in 2012, BlackBerry the biggest loser, Google passes Microsoft Between Facebook and Sex, Facebook Wins by Sarah Mitroff You do it in the morning in bed, at night on the couch, and occasionally at work. Turns out, it’s one of the hardest activities to resist. It’s not smoking a cigarette … Read more

First Kopimism wedding, US’ “clunky” cyberstrategy and more…

File-Sharing Church Weds First Couple from TorrentFreak by Ernesto All around the world file-sharers are being chased by anti-piracy outfits and the authorities. But while copyright holders are often quick to label file-sharers as pirates, there is a large group of people who actually consider copying to be a sacred act.   Kopimism: File-Sharing Religion … Read more

a Cyberculture roundup: US copyright enemies list, Facebook ‘Organ Donor’, Digital Activism, CISPA, the Pirate Bay

US copyright enemies list is worst ever, including countries whose crime is poverty from Boing Boing by Cory Doctorow Michael Geist sez, The U.S. Trade Representative released its annual Special 301 Report [an annual enemies list of countries judged not to be doing enough to police US copyrights] yesterday, unsurprisingly including Canada on the Priority … Read more

Cyberculture roundup: history of file-sharing, google lobbying, internet freedom fighters list…

The History of File-Sharing from TorrentFreak by Guest Digital filesharing has come a long way since the early days of the floppy disk, starting with a 79.7 kB storage capacity in the early 1970s. Google Spends More on Lobbying Than Apple, Facebook, Microsoft Combined from Mashable! by Alex Fitzpatrick Internet freedom fighters listed from Boing … Read more

Sneakily… the Congress passes CISPA… Cyberculture roundup…

Sneak attack: surprise amendment makes CISPA worse, then it is voted and passed a day ahead of schedule. Congress just deleted the Fourth Amendment from Boing Boing by Cory Doctorow Even with Rogers? Amendments, CISPA is Still a Surveillance Bill from Updates by rainey This week, a flurry of amendments were introduced to try … Read more

Cyberculture roundup: CISPA threat continues, Stop Cyber Spying Week, Google Drive,

CISPA Authors Confident Bill Will Pass Despite Rising Opposition from Mashable! by Alex Fitzpatrick   Google’s Sergey Brin: China, SOPA, Facebook Threaten the ‘Open Web’ from Wired Top Stories by Tim Carmody Google’s search engine was created when most of the web’s information was open and available to anyone willing to capture it. In today’s … Read more

Cyberculture roundup: Assange’s TV show, CISPA as the new threat and more…

Is Twitter Trying to End the Tech Patent War? by Sam Laird   Julian Assange’s TV debut from FP Passport by Joshua Keating The first episode of Julian Assange’s new TV show, The World Tomorrow, premiered on RT today with Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah as the first guest. Aside from a quick intro and a … Read more

a new threat CISPA; WordPress dominates the blogging scene.. A cyberculture roundup..

Trouble in Trolltown from Updates by parker Judges Increasingly Catching On to Copyright Trolls’ Unfair Tactics Life under the bridge is a bit less comfortable for copyright trolls these days, as a series of legal losses continues to undermine their misguided business model. Trolls make their money through variations on a simple scheme: file … Read more

From US, Europe to Iran, internet freedom under threat… a cyberculture roundup

ACTA: The State of Play in the US from Updates by maira In the last few weeks, we?ve seen surprising and significant developments with the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) in both the US and the EU. As we?ve noted before, ACTA is a plurilateral agreement designed to broaden and extend existing intellectual property enforcement … Read more

Cyberculture roundup: Proxy War Against The Pirate Bay; Facebook buys Instagram, Instagram alternatives emerge…

Proxy War Against The Pirate Bay Heats Up from TorrentFreak by Ernesto Last October the Antwerp Court of Appeal ordered two Belgian ISPs to block subscriber access to 11 domains connected to The Pirate Bay. The local anti-piracy movement applauded the landmark verdict which opened the doors for further censorship attempts. However, this cheerful mood … Read more