EFD Rights Watch: Turkey mass-convicted by ECHR…

ECHR Convicts Turkey Under 3 Different Charges  Bianet :: English In 3 different cases, the European Court of Human Rights convicted Turkey of torture, ill-treatment and long term imprisonment, ordering the Turkish state to pay a sum of 30,900 euros as damages. Euro court fines Turkey 58,000 euros in five separate cases The European Court of Human … Read more

Iraq Kurd fighters on Turkey border await to join Kobane; Biden to visit Turkey next month…

  US Vice President Joe Biden to visit Turkey next month US Vice President Joe Biden next month visits Ukraine as well as Turkey, where fighting across the border in the Syrian town of Kobane has sparked tensions with Washington Iraq Kurd fighters leave base for Syria deployment: report More than 150 Kurdish peshmerga fighters left a … Read more

Cartoonists hit back: #ErdoganCaricature Dispatches from Turkey

#ErdoganCaricature: cartoonists hit back at Turkish leader’s clampdown theguardian.com – James Walsh – Oct 23, 7:20 AM – Cartoonist Martin Rowson urges cartoonists to caricature Turkey’s president Erdoğan, to highlight the trial of a Turkish cartoonist who lampooned him The cartoonist and author Martin Rowson has encouraged people around the world to draw… Turkish deputy PM … Read more

A staunchly pro-AKP columnist desires for a Pol Pot style government…

Yusuf Kaplan in an article entitled, 20 suggestions for Erdoğan, published in AKP’s Pravda, Yeni Şafak declared that: 19- Bogaziçi, Bilkent and ODTÜ, which are being the volunteer agencies of other cultures, should be ‘demolished’ and in their place pilot universities, which are similar to Ivy League universities in the U.S.A. that trace the American culture and world … Read more

Pro-ISIS Turks meet in Istanbul.

This is a place a little bit out of Istanbul. Meeting for Ramadhan Bayram was announced in a pro-ISIS site and meeting happened yesterday. News in Turkish here. Other news from Turkey Turkish PM says he won’t be a traditional president Confident that he will win presidential elections in the first round, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip … Read more

Nobel Foundation denies reports of nomination for Abdullah Öcalan but does not rule out PKK leader?s nomination…

Nobel Foundation does not rule out PKK leader?s nomination, but denies reports Hurriyet Daily News An Iraqi politician claimed his application for Öcalan’s nomination to the Nobel has been accepted ********* Jailed PKK leader Öcalan?s Nobel nomination accepted: Report Hurriyet Daily News An Iraqi politician claimed his application for Öcalan’s nomination to the Nobel has … Read more

Cengiz Aktar: Seçmen ?mazoşizminin? ekonomi politiği

Seçmen ?mazoşizminin? ekonomi politiği Ortalığa saçılmış rezilliğe rağmen AKP?nin seçimden birinci çıkacağı konusunda kanaat yaygın. Eğer seçim gününe kadar altın vuruşluk bir ifşaat gelmezse büyük ihtimalle de öyle olacak. Medyada, cemiyetlerde tepkisizliği anlamaya, anlatmaya yönelik bir dolu ?teori? ve tesbit serdediliyor. AKP?nin seçim galibiyetinin çapı ne olursa olsun bu arayış sürecek. 2010 referandumundaki %58 ve … Read more

Facebook closes yet another Ötekilerin Postası (@OtekilerPostasi) Page, a new one opened…

Facebook continues to have a negative relationship with activist news service Ötekilerin Postası who provides activist news with a radical left and pro-Kurdish perpestive. Today, it announced from its Twitter account its Facebok page was closed again and it listed the not much reasonable reasons to close down its pages or cases of censorship… Because of … Read more

Turkish State releases a photo of imprisoned Abdullah Öcalan

Abdullah Öcalan  

Serhatcan Yurdam (@syurdam) Berlin’de “PKK yasağı kaldırılsın” mitingini haberleştirdi…

Berlin‘de “PKK yasağı kaldırılsın” mitingi BERLİN – Binlerce eylemci, dün gerçekleşen bir mitingle, Almanya’da 20 yıldır süren PKK yasağını ve örgütün terör örgütleri listesinde değerlendirmesini protesto etti. Miting, Almanya Fedaral Meclisi (Bundestag)’ın yakınındaki tarihi Bradenburger Tor Meydanı’nda yapıldı.. .   Almanya merkezli Tatort Kürdistan İnisiyatifi’nin dün Berlin’de düzenlediği “Barış sürecine destek verilsin, PKK yasağı kaldırılırsın” adlı eyleme 10.000 … Read more

Yeni Anayasa gündemi: Altan Tan: Yeni anayasa yapımı fiilen rafa kalkmıştır

  Anayasa Uzlaşma Komisyonu’nda ‘anadilde’ anlaşma yok T24 Anayasa Uzlaşma Komisyonu, üçüncü haftasında da ‘anadil’ de anlaşma sağlayamadı. BDP’nin komisyon danışmanı Meral Daniş Beştaş, üyelere, ?Anadil bizim olmazsa olmazımız. Anadilde eğitim bir hak. Biz bundan geri adım atmayız? dedi. Beştaş … Anayasa Yazım Komisyonu Anayasa Uzlaşma’da ‘bölücülük’ kavgası Anayasa Komisyonu’nda tartışma   Anayasa Komisyonu’nda ‘Türk … Read more

“Turkish gov?t to finalize work on “democratization process”… The PM continues to accuse CHP for protests… A politics roundup..

  Turkish PM increases rhetoric against CHP, accusing it of fomenting unrest Turkish PM Erdoğan has accused the main opposition Republican People?s Party of fomenting unrest across the country, particularly through a sectarian tension Turkish gov?t to finalize work on democratization process A comprehensive democratization package aiming to keep the Kurdish resolution process on track … Read more

BDP says Kurdish Must Obtain Legal Status.. A politics roundup…

BDP: Kurdish Must Obtain Legal Status BDP Istanbul Headquarters held a press conference this morning, saying that the Kurdish language must obtain a legal status in Turkey. ?Kurdish as second language in public schools is unacceptable,? the statement said. Turkish government to meet at urgent security summit Top Turkish civilian and military officials are set … Read more

The Guardian piece: “Uneasy truce holds as Kurdish guerrilla forces withdraw from Turkey… A roundup…

Uneasy truce holds as Kurdish guerrilla forces withdraw from Turkey Peace process stalls between PKK fighters led by Abdullah Ocalan and Turkish government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan Kurdish politician urges government, PKK to take steps Kurdish politician Kemal Burkay has urged the PKK to withdraw from Turkey as soon as possible and the Turkish state … Read more

Gülen vs. Erdoğan…”Gülen Movement denies ‘rift with ruling AKP’ -Politics roundup

Gülen Movement denies ‘rift with ruling AKP’ The Journalists and Writers Foundation, a leading institution of the Gülen community, has denied rumors of a split between the group and the ruling government   The issue of growth in the long election process The growth issue occupies the top of the agenda both around the world … Read more