Cyberculture agenda: Kremlin’s Twitter Bot Campaign…Snapchat’s first transparency report…

Social Network Analysis Reveals Full Scale of Kremlin’s Twitter Bot Campaign  Global Voices Online by Lawrence Alexander Profile pictures from a large network of pro-Kremlin Twitter accounts. Image by Lawrence Alexander. With the aid of open-source tools, Internet researcher Lawrence Alexander gathered and visualised data on nearly 20,500 pro-Kremlin Twitter accounts, revealing the massive scale of … Read more

Snowden drama today. Diplomatic row between US and Russia… and a Cyberculture roundup…

Morning Brief: Diplomatic Row Over Snowden Continues as Putin Refuses Extradition Diplomatic Row Over Snowden Continues as Putin Refuses Extradition     White House urges Russia to expel Snowden without delay The White House urged Russia to expel former government contractor Edward Snowden ‘without delay,’ as Kremlin opted out handing him over to the U.S. … Read more

Historic Win for the Pirate Party Movement in Iceland… a cyberculture roundup…

Pirate Party Enters Iceland?s National Parliament After Historic Election Win from TorrentFreak by Ernesto Founded in 2006, the Pirate party movement has scored some big and small victories over the years. Their biggest success came in 2009 when the party won two seats at the European Parliament. During the last year this was followed by … Read more

Google tries again with a new social media tool; LulzSec Shuts Down and more…

Anonymous takes over as LulzSec sails off into sunset by Xeni Jardin Illustration: Rob Beschizza. As noted on Boing Boing over the weekend, LulzSec has called it quits, amid increasing efforts by the FBI and other agencies to track them down?and amid a and leaked IRC logs by hacker foes. One LulzSec member told the … Read more