Erdoğan’s rallies are also criticized by some members of Turkey’s media watchdog #TurkeyElections

Turkish PM defends Erdoğan’s public rallies, claims no constitutional restrictions President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s public rallies ahead of one of Turkey’s most important elections are “neither extraordinary nor abnormal,” Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has said, arguing that there are no constitutional restrictions preventing such meetings Four members of Turkey’s media watchdog criticize Erdoğan’s rallies Four members of … Read more

Killing #Soma miners again: “Theology professor says Soma mining accident was a better way to die…

Theology professor says Soma mining accident was a better way to die A theology professor has made controversial remarks over the victims who died in the country’s worst ever mine disaster in the Soma district in the Aegean province of Manisa, saying their deaths while trying to make an honest living were better than dying while … Read more

#TurkeyElections In one week, 44 hours of live Erdoğan speeches in Turkish TVs, but NOT ENOUGH. He is defiant over right to speak

Turkish TV stations air 44 hours of live Erdoğan speeches in one week: Report The report is prepared by a member of Turkey’s top television and radio watchdog. President Erdoğan defiant over right to speak on upcoming polls Despite rising criticism from opposition parties and a fresh reaction from two members of Turkey’s top election body, President … Read more

Kenan Evren, the head of 12 September 1980 coup d’etat just died. #KötüBilirdik He can just rot in hell.

Kenan Evren – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Wikipedia Kenan Evren is a retired Turkish military officer who was the seventh President of Turkey from 1980 to 1989. He assumed the post by leading the 1980 military 1980 Turkish coup d’état – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia’état Wikipedia The 12 September 1980 Turkish coup d’état, … Read more

Today’s Turkish judiciary drama: Kenan Evren sentenced, Balyoz Trial for re-trial, Yusuf Yerkel saved…

  Former Turkish president Evren sentenced to life for staging 1980 coup Reuters UK Hundreds of other officers have been jailed after investigations known as “Ergenekon” and “Sledgehammer”. The army has also been excluded from state bodies that had exerted influence on politics, especially after the 1980 coup. Throughout the trial Top Turkish court rules that … Read more

Ayşe Özer (@ayseozer): Duhule müsait yarın [bir 12 Eylül yazısı]

Duhule müsait yarın Dayım anlatmıştı. 70?lerde bizim oralara gazeteler birkaç gün sonra gelirken, dedemle İstanbul?a gittiklerinde akşamüstleri gazeteci çocukların ?Yarının gazetesi!? diye bağırarak bir sonraki günün gazetesini sattıklarını görmüş. ?Çocuk aklımla ?yarın ne olacağını nereden biliyorlar da yazıyorlar? ?diye düşünmüştüm? demişti. Bu anekdot bana hep, Özalizmin yarattığı orta sınıfın bir yandan kapitalizmin ekmeğine yağ sürerken, … Read more

Cengiz Aktar: Askerî zihniyetle topyekûn hesaplaşma vakti

Askerî zihniyetle topyekûn hesaplaşma vakti   4 Nisan?da başlayan Evren-Şahinkaya davasının ardından gelen 28 Şubat darbe soruşturması ve mecliste kurulan 12 Mart ile 27 Mayıs darbeleri araştırma komisyonu sayesinde 27 Nisan muhtırası dışındaki tüm darbelere el atılmış durumda. Onyıllardır adalet bekleyen mağdurları için, darbelerin karanlıklarında kaybolmuşların yakınları için ayrı yerleri var bu davaların.   Darbe … Read more

EFD Rights Watch: ’80 coup trial roundup; Turkey on religious rights and more…

Military Coup Case Begins with Victims’ Cry for Justice Two generals didn’t attend the first sitting of the case but relatives of the victims and rights’ activist were there. They all demanded the investigation to be enlarged and the trial to be founded on “crimes against humanity”. Cabinet intervenes in historic ?80 coup trial The … Read more

Turkish politics roundup: 1980 junta on trial; 4+4+4 education system; and more..

Three Decades After the Coup: Turkey Puts Generals on Trial from Yahoo news I grew up in the long, dark, soul-numbing shadow of Turkey’s 1980 military coup. Although just a child, I recall tanks, manned by young gun-toting soldiers, ominously patrolling our street, months of curfew, my parents’ hushed and anguished late-night conversations over my … Read more

Nigâr Hacızade’s Storify piece: #12EylülYargılanıyor/September 12 on Trial

  [View the story “#12EylülYargılanıyor/September 12 on Trial” on Storify]

Letter Q is still a threat for some of our wise judiciary members…

via Letter “Q” Constitutes Element of Crime from Bianet :: English Sociologist Beşikçi and Layer Şimşek are accused of “spreading propaganda for the PKK”. In the second hearing of the case, the prosecutor saw an element of crime in the use of the letter “q”, which is not part of the Turkish but of the … Read more