“Keeping Turkey out of Europe

Egemen Bağış'a protesto

Egemen Bağış, the chief negotiator, talks at Bahçeşehir U today after a protest by a group of leftist anti-EU students…

A positive signal from Germany, a supportive article from the Guardian (Keeping Turkey out of Europe), but a negative sign in Van Rompuy ‘s debut and a group anti-EU college students makes a fuss in Istanbul.  A funny intervention by a Bulgarian minister against Turkey who is criticised in the end by his own government… A roundup.

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More than 7.5 mln tourists in İstanbul last year…

Merian Dergisi son sayısını İstanbul?a ayırdı
German Merian magazine has a feature on Istanbul. Nice photos thru Hürriyet.

Eski Kafa: New-Age Old-Fashioned

from Istanbul Eats

Quiet time at Eski Kafa -- photo by Yigal Schleifer
An ironic wink and nudge come with the restaurant name Eski Kafa, which is also a Turkish term for ?old fashioned to the hilt.? This little eatery, with its Zen lodge décor and signage boasting ?all natural? ?organic? and ?without hormones? is also decidedly new age ? to the hilt.

İstanbul hosts 7.5 mln tourists last year
Today’s Zaman
More than 7 million tourists visited İstanbul, the capital of both the Byzantine and Ottoman empires, last year, according to official figures.

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Mala min mala te ye*

* My house is your house

Former DTP Chair Ahmet Türk is having troubles to find a place to rent.  After banished from politics by the Constitutional Court,  Mr. Türk decided to leave the place he was living because of neighbours and move to a new apartment.  Apparently, his contract for the new apartment was cancelled before he could even more there because of a military official living in the same building.  In the mean time, a group of intellectuals started a campaign in favor of Mr. Türk. “My house is your house… “

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T. Boellstorff: Coming of Age in Second Life

I recently finished reading Tom Boellstorff’s Coming of Age in Second Life: An Anthropologist Explores the Virtually Human. As an anthropologist Prof. Boellstroff added another site to the Archive of anthropology. It surely became a must-read in the growing anthropological literature on cybercultures. My major concern is what he repeatedly insists (also in the quotation … Read more

“‘Wise men’ discuss EU’s 2020 strategy

‘Wise men’ discuss EU’s 2020 strategy

from EurActiv.com
Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero hosted a meeting with prominent EU ‘wise men’ in Madrid yesterday (5 January) to discuss Europe’s economic and social strategy for the next decade. EurActiv Spain reports.

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Deserved buzz for Flashforward

Just finished watching the first 10 episodes of Flashforward. A Serial that got quite a buzz around me. Most of the people got an interest in it because of its relatedness (thru producers and casting) to the TV Series Lost. Well, Lost remains to be one of my all time TV series favorite. Flashforward remains … Read more

30 years ago, London Calling appeared!

I have discovered Punk after being a metal fan. The Clash is always there as an idol. As you might guess, I favored Sex Pistols mostly but who can’t respect The Clash? Thirty years ago today, The Clash released the greatest album ever made, London Calling, in the United States. IN 30th anniversary of The … Read more

On conference organizing and more

A nice post on conference organizing, another look at Copenhagen summit and activism, some more interesting posts and images…

Thoughts on conference organizing

from Culture Matters by gregdowney

There have been a couple of interesting posts I?ve run across in my attempts to find out what happened at the 2009 AAA conference (see especially Lorenz?s run-down at antropologi.info). These discussions of conferences in general have encouraged me to write something about my own experiences organizing and attending conferences over the past year (see also, Lorenz?s What?s the point of anthropology conferences?, Kerim?s What?s Your Favorite Anthropology Conference? and Strong?s How to attend a conference in a couple hours). I thought I?d add a different perspective; that of the amateur, I?ll-never-do-it-again (dis-)organizer.

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Oh boy, so JİTEM never existed…

Turkish army continues embarrass itself. In a recent official statement they denied the existence of JİTEM. This intelligence unit formed within Turkish Gendarmerie had been effectively used in fight against PKK and notarious with illegal practices… Any suprise? Today, Star daily published some photos and documents about the existence of this intelligence unit…

A rotten year for the military

Not surprisingly, as far as Western coverage of Turkish politics goes, it was once again The Economist that offered the most convincing verdict on how 2009 will be remembered in Turkey. Here is the opening salvo from last week?s article: ?It has been a rotten year for Turkey?s generals.,

General Staff statement lacks credibility


The General Staff continues to draw criticism for a statement it made regarding the apprehension of seven military officers who were caught tailing Kadir Kayan, a judge at the Ankara 11th High Criminal Court.

Numerous military documents prove JİTEM’s existence
Today’s Zaman
JİTEM is also thought to be an instrumental arm of the terrorist Ergenekon organization, which is charged with plotting against the government.

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Klaus Jurgens on Turkey?s future media professionals

Promoting an uncensored press: Meet Turkey?s future media professionals

As 2010 is by now two days old and the nation holds its breath as new revelations are made about shady underworld networks as well as ?official? deep state involvement, with the discovery of the so-called ?cosmic rooms? being only one of the topics, I thought it necessary to give column space to some members of Turkey?s younger generation.

Dinç Bilgin interview in Star.

It is not the first time, old media conglomerate Dinç Bilgin, ex-rival of Aydın Doğan talks “honestly”. But here you are are, another one he talks about his days as a media conglomerate. (In Turkish though)

and more on media…

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We want it all: Turkey will ask for the return of the bones of Saint Nicholas..

Turkey to become 16th Largest World Economy in 2014 from Mavi Boncuk by M.A.M Mavi Boncuk| Turkey was the 8th fastest growing economy during 1994-2009 time frame at an average annual rate of 6.2% and Real GDP growth was 250% and will make Turkey the 16th Largest World Economy by 2014 with 1.13 trillion dollar … Read more

FT on Wikipedia: “Wikipedia: Fact and friction

Wikipedia: Fact and friction By Richard Waters Published: January 1 2010 22:17 | Last updated: January 1 2010 22:17 It is one of the great paradoxes of the internet: an essentially open medium has created deeply entrenched information powers. Within a remarkably short time, companies such as Google, YouTube and Facebook have come to dominate … Read more

Spanish Council Presidency (begins with a failing website acc to Eurobloggers)

Spanish Presidency official site.

Spain takes over EU presidency as Turkey eyes progress

Spanish Council presidency website is a failure

by Julien Frisch

I totally agree with The European Citizen and Grahnlaw that the website of the Spanish EU Council presidency is a failure, uninspiring and absolutely not useful for the public.

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Tanpınar in English

The masterpiece of Turkish literature’s one of the greatest novelists (Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar) is published in English. “A mind at Peace” is so powerful that your mind will not be in peace after that (!) Enjoy! Book | A Mind at Peace by Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar from Mavi Boncuk by M.A.M The first inaugural Istanbul … Read more

Erkan’s collection of year lists: 2007-2010

Update: 3 Jan 2010 Some links may not work. 2007 2008 2009 2010 caricaturque has a great collection of New year greeting e-cards: Greeting e-cards arrived on the New Year’s Eve and more here New Year 2010 greeting e-cards most recently received From the anthro world: Happy New Year with lists!