Turkey’s web censorship continues: Dailymotion now BANNED.

  news in Turkish here

Why in hell Turkey banned Rebelmouse.com?

  If you do not play with your dns settings etc, you will see this ban notification at http://rebelmouse.com/ It was a great aggregator I kind of liked recently and now it is banned….

Turkey now bans Gay networking app @Grindr

News in Turkish here. In the mean time, Turkey to train ?white hackers? – Turkey will train ?white hackers? to protect digital data in the public and private sectors, Technology Minister has said…  

Sosyal Medya ve Haklarımız. Bir grup bilişim derneğinden ortak açıklama.

BM ve bazı uluslarası kuruluşlar İnterneti ifade ve basın özgürlüğünün temel aracı olarak ilan etmişlerdir. İnternet ve Sosyal Medya bireyin gelişmesi, topluma katılması ve demokrasi için vazgeçilmezdir. Bütün dünyada geniş kitleler bilgiye erişim, saydamlık ve yönetime katılım talep etmektedirler. İfade, protesto özgürlüğü ve mahremiyet temel insan hakkıdır. İfade özgürlüğü, çoğunluğa ters gelen görüşleri de kapsar. Ancak hakaret, nefret … Read more

Cyberculture roundup: Snowden on the run…

Snowden seeks asylum in Ecuador Ecuador’s foreign ministry has confirmed that Edward Snowden has officially applied for asylum in Ecuador. He left Hong Kong this morning, landed in Moscow, and is said to be heading for Cuba next. MAIN FOCUS: Informer Snowden on the run | 24/06/2013 Edward Snowden, the whistleblower wanted by the US, … Read more

Government threat on social media. A statement by Alternative Informatics Association #OccupyTurkey

The wave of resistance which started at Gezi Park in Istanbul and spread all over Turkey once again clearly revealed the deep connection between real time communication of the social media and social movements. The social media became the genuine news source in an environment in which the mainstream media became the site of disinformation … Read more

Alternatif Bilişim Derneği açıklaması: Gezi Parkı – Sosyal Medyaya Tehdit Basın Açıklaması

#DirenSosyalMedya Gezi Parkı?ndan başlayıp tüm Türkiye?ye yayılan direniş dalgası, sosyal medyanın gerçek zamanlı iletişimi ile toplumsal hareketler arasındaki derin bağı bir kez daha açık bir biçimde gözler önüne serdi. Ana akım medyanın tamamen dezenformasyon ve atalet yaydığı bir ortamda sosyal medya gerçek haber kanalı haline geldi; ama bunun da ötesinde bir örgütlenme, yardımlaşma, dayanışma, kolluk … Read more

#OccupyTurkey Accessing Twitter in Istanbul seems to be impossible at the moment. Here is another roundup:

But we do not know the reason yet…- UPDATE- it is back. it was a worldwide problem,it seems… Media watchdog warns Halk TV over humiliating PM Turkey?s media watchdog has issued a warning to Halk TV due to a video clip which it deemed to be… Anonymous Joins Istanbul Protests, Attacks Government Websites As clashes in Turkey … Read more

Kesinti ve Sansür Durumunda Alternatif Erişim Yolları #DirenGeziParki #OccupyGezi

Kesinti ve Sansür Durumunda Alternatif Erişim Yolları Türkiye?de Internet kesintisi yapılması durumunda dış dünyaya erişmek için dial-up numaraları:   Tel. No: 0046850009990 User: telecomix Password: telecomix   Tel. No: 00492317299993 User: telecomix Password: telecomix   Tel. No: 004953160941030 User: telecomix Password: telecomix   Tel. No: 0033172890150 User: toto Password: toto   Tel. No: 0046708671911 User: toto Password: toto   Tel. No: 0031205350535 User: xs4all Password: xs4all         SMS ile Tweet   EMO bosluk mesaji yazip 4730?a kısa mesaj (SMS) atabilirsiniz. Buraya gönderdiğiniz mesajlar … Read more

“Korkunun ecele faydası yoktur…” It looks like Turkey now banned access to Wikileaks #turkeybannedwikileaks

A list of all banned sites in Turkey here: http://engelliweb.com/

Cyberculture roundup: New Laws on Privacy issues, Iranian presidential candidate does Reddit AMA, CISPA on the agenda…

  Iranian presidential candidate does Reddit AMA from FP Passport by Neha Paliwal The Enduring Power of Radio in the Digital Age from Mashable! by Matt Petronzio Did Terrorists Use Twitter to Increase Situational Awareness? from iRevolution by Patrick Meier Those who are still skeptical about the value of Twitter for real-time situational awareness during … Read more

EFD Rights Watch: 44 Kurdish journalists in KCK trial…

Kurdish women protest against the trial of 44 journalists in Istanbul. Photograph: Bulent Kilic/AFP/Getty Images   Dozens of Kurdish journalists face terrorism charges in Turkey from World news: Turkey | guardian.co.uk by Constanze Letsch, Luke Harding Human rights groups say country’s biggest ever media trial is attempt to intimidate press The biggest media trial in … Read more

.@altbilisim den sosyal medya’da sansür haberleri üzerine açıklama (+diğer açıklamalar)

Sansürün bahanesi bu kez nefret söylemi Yaygın medyayı çeşitli yollarla baskı altında tutan Hükümet, halkın tepkisini en rahat dile getirebildiği sosyal medyayı sansürleme derdinde. Bu kez sansüre gerekçe son dönemde artan nefret söylemi. Kamuoyunun bildiği gibi 20 bini aşkın sitenin engellenmesinin bahanesi çocuk ve aileyi korumaktı. Çıkarılan 5651 sayılı yasa ile youtube, wordpress, blogspot, googlesites … Read more

It is now official: the Turkish Minister states their intention “to intervene” social media services…#SosyalMedyadaSansüreHayır

…and he is very upset because this might be called as “censorship” According to Turkey’s Binali Yıldırım who is the minister in  charge of Transportation and Communication, communal tension between Turkish-Kurdish citizens in several are due to social media hatred campaigns. Thus, the Ministry aims to intervene momentarily to freeze – aka to block access … Read more

Aslı Tunç on Internet, Politics and Cyber Activism in Turkey…and a Turkish Cybersphere roundup

Against the Wind: Internet, Politics and Cyber Activism in Turkey by Acturca Euxeinos. Culture and Governance in the Black Sea Region (GCE-HSG) 5/2012, pp. 14-21 by Asli Tunç * The Internet, especially social media, has gradually become a defining force in modern-day politics in Turkey. Beginning to realize the oppositional power of the Internet a … Read more