Word-cloud edition shows Republican anxieties over Shutdown… An Americana roundup…

Republican paranoia, fear and discouragement, word-cloud edition A Democratic-led study of the GOP (PDF link) placed evangelical, Tea Party and moderate Republicans in focus groups to share their “passions, nuances and divisions.” It’s a fascinating, if obviously biased report: according to its conclusions, conservatives believe they have essentially lost a war with Obama and that … Read more

In the mean time, Wisconsin citizens take a cue from the Arab uprisings…

more photos here 2011 Wisconsin budget protests Egyptian orders a pizza for the Wisconsin demonstrators from Boing Boing by Cory Doctorow Ian’s, a pizzeria near the Wisconsin state capitol that is sympathetic to the demonstrators, has been facilitating the process of supporters around the world who want to send pizza to the protest. They’ve fielded … Read more

Obama signs ?Don?t Ask, Don?t Tell? Repeal Act of 2010

President Obama Signs the ?Don?t Ask, Don?t Tell? Repeal Act of 2010 from Dipnote – U.S. Department of State Official Blog President Barack Obama signed the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Repeal Act of 2010 at the Interior Department on December 22, 2010. President Obama said that this act will help our national security and uphold … Read more

What the heck has Obama done so far?

a nice ad here ***************** America?s world: salesman and missionary, Godfrey Hodgson from open Democracy News Analysis – by Godfrey Hodgson Charles de Gaulle liked to say that a statesman should not be a demandeur; should not ask for favours, but should be in a position to say no. He knew what he was talking … Read more

US Midterm elections roundup

US Midterm Predictions from Stephen Spillane by Stephen Image via Wikipedia As promised yesterday, here are some predictions for the US Midterms. US Midterm Elections from Stephen Spillane by So Tuesday is the first electoral test faced by President Obama, since his election in 2008. That year also saw much celebration by the Democrats as … Read more

the Tea Party follows Obama, uses Digital Media to gain power…

How the Tea Party Utilized Digital Media to Gain Power from MediaShift The biggest story of the U.S. midterm election has been the growing influence of the Tea Party movement. Since their first rallies in early 2009, these vocal, visible conservatives have succeeded in shifting the center of American political discourse to the right. This … Read more

A blog project: Pictures of Muslims Wearing Things

Pictures of Muslims Wearing Things Muslims dressed in their garb Former NPR analyst Juan Williams, among other ignorant people, has an irrational fear of Muslims, and thinks you can identify them based on what they look like. Here I will post pictures of Muslims wearing all sorts of things in an attempt to refute that … Read more

Euro roundup: Lagendijk explains what happens in Netherlands, Merkel declares the end of multicultural society…

What currency wars mean for the eurozone by Centre for European Reform By Simon Tilford The dollar has now fallen to $1.40 against the euro. This is still below the low of almost $1.60 that it reached in the middle in July 2008, but it represents a steep decline from under $1.20 in early June. … Read more

“Neal Stephenson’s Novel Experiment”

Neal Stephenson’s Novel Experiment from Shareable – Sharing by design by Paul M. Davis A few weeks back, I wrote about authors Laird Harrison and Jesus Angel Garcia, who are leveraging the social web to distribute excerpts of their novels in unusual ways. Now comes word that Neal Stephenson, with his new publishing startup Subutai, … Read more

President Gül’s unfortunate statement on web censorship

from Turkey’s Gul says pleased with increasing consencus on new .. President Gul attended the World Leaders Forum at the Columbia University in New York and delivered a speech “What Next? Turkey’s Global Vision for a Prosperous Future”. Referring to the blocked access to some global sites, President Gul said, “I want to reiterate once … Read more

Steward and Colbert team up against Tea Party?

Stewart And Colbert To March On Washington With Facebook Fans from All Facebook by Caitlin Fitzsimmons The Daily Show is using Facebook to organize a ?Rally to Restore Sanity? in Washington DC on October 30. ?I?m mad as hell, and I?m not going to take it anymore!? Days of rage: the Tea Party & America’s … Read more