Euro roundup: Lagendijk explains what happens in Netherlands, Merkel declares the end of multicultural society…

What currency wars mean for the eurozone

by Centre for European Reform

By Simon Tilford

The dollar has now fallen to $1.40 against the euro. This is still below the low of almost $1.60 that it reached in the middle in July 2008, but it represents a steep decline from under $1.20 in early June. Moreover, the US currency is likely to weaken further. The euro has also risen sharply against the British pound in recent weeks. Why is this happening? And what are the implications for the eurozone economy and, in particular, the member-states currently experiencing difficulties funding their government deficits?

MAIN FOCUS: Nato deliberates new strategy | 15/10/2010

from euro|topics

The Nato members agreed on a draft of a new military strategy – including plans for a European missile defence shield – at a meeting in Brussels on Thursday. The new strategy is necessary but will exacerbate conflicts within the defence alliance, commentators write.

JOOST LAGENDIJK – What is happening in the Netherlands? (1)

Let me start by welcoming all of my new readers. This is my first column for Zaman and Sunday?s Zaman. I am happy to be able to write a regular column, twice a week, which will be published in Turkish and in English for the readers of both newspapers.

British anti-Islam group seeks US Tea Party ties

from Hurriyet Dailynews
Tentative links are developing between supporters of the Tea Party movement in the United States and right-wing fringe groups in Britain that are opposed to what they call the “Islamification” of Europe.

?Governmental populism? is hot in Europe

from Social Europe Journal by Rene Cuperus

There is a populist time bomb ticking underneath all postwar political systems. This is very visible in some countries on the European Continent , where populist parties with unprecedented speed move from the margins to the political center. Everywhere new combinations of the center-right aligning with right-wing or radical-right populism pop up. The dominant style of government could be called ?governmental populism?. Governments, claiming to be the voice of (the false unity of) the people, revolt against the postwar European order. Think about Berlusconi and his all-out media war against the Italian juridical system.  Think about Sarkozy, who?s presidential-populist ADHD  makes the Front National redundant. Think about the anti-minaret Swiss People?s Party, SVP, which is the biggest governing party of Switzerland. Think about Denmark or Austria and Norway in past years.

We have just published a new Eurobarometer survey :

Right of the Child

Girls and boys aged 15-17 from all 27 EU Member States discussed children’s rights: What obstacles do children face in exercising their rights? Who do they trust? What actions would they like to see from adults around them and from policy makers? What are the good things and the bad things about being a child in 2010? The participants in the study expect to see more confidence in them, greater respect for their views and to be involved more in decisions. They also want more support for children in the most vulnerable situations, they want to see existing laws implemented to provide greater protection, and they expect to see more communication about children?s rights. Children are ready to take on responsibilities, but also relish the opportunity to be children and have a care-free childhood.

Travel Diary: Engaging the European Union

from Dipnote – U.S. Department of State Official Blog

About the Author: William E. Kennard serves as U.S. Ambassador to the European Union.

On October 14 I had the honor of accompanying Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on a half-day marathon of meetings and events with the European Union. The Secretary’s day began early with an interview with ABC’s “Good Morning America,” which broadcast a segment of the popular show live from Brussels. It’s great to know that our friends and families in the U.S. will get a glimpse into the work we do here with the European Union.

How much EU legislation in member state UK? Nosemonkey and House of Commons Library

by Grahnlaw

On 13 October 2010 the European Parliament awarded its journalism prizes to for excellent media work on Europe. Among the four categories, the prize for Internet journalism went to the Euroblog pioneer James Clive-Matthews, also known as Nosemonkey.

So, I?ve won the internet category of the European Parliament Prize for Journalism

from Nosemonkey’s EUtopia by nosemonkey

And here?s a nice report from

European Parliament Prize for JournalismI may well be posting some more detailed thoughts here at some point soon ? no doubt musing on the concept of a political institution giving journalists money for doing their job in a manner the politicians like (or, indeed, of giving journalists any money whatsoever), the state of political blogging, journalism and EU coverage in general.

Wilders condemns Dutch minister’s dual nationality | World | Reuters

Merkel: Multicultural society has failed

from BBC News | Europe | World Edition
Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have “utterly failed”, Chancellor Angela Merkel says.

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