Anthropology roundup: “Religion has been causing conflict since 2000 years ago,anthropologists say”…

Religion has been causing conflict since 2000 years ago,anthropologists say ChristianToday This social tension caused by religion, however, is not a product of the modern world, according to a new study published on the journal “Current Anthropology.” In fact, researchers have concluded that religion has been causing conflict for over 2,000 Anthropologists overwhelmingly vote to … Read more

Anthropology roundup: “Paul Stoller’s Public Anthropology Turn…

Paul Stoller’s Public Anthropology Turn Huffington Post Evidence that anthropology is taking a more public turn abounded at the annual conference of the AmericanAnthropological Association (AAA) in Denver last month. WesChester University’s Paul Stoller, a consistent presence on Huffington Post since 2010, … CFP: Best Annual Food Studies Conference!  FoodAnthropology Here is the call for papers for … Read more

Nice piece: Encrypting Ethnography: Digital Security for Researchers- Anthropology roundup…

Encrypting Ethnography: Digital Security for Researchers Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology (This invited post comes to us from Jonatan Kurzwelly. Jonatan is a a Ph.D. candidate in anthropology at the University of St. Andrews. You can email him . his PGP fingerprint is: 1B4B 89B4 DD31 B05E 949A E181 B51C CA99 2FD6 6382 -Rex) Imagine … Read more

Anthropology roundup: “Jack Goody (1919-2015): an oral history

Jack Goody (1919-2015): an oral history  Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology — A Group Blog [The following is an invited post by Keith Hart, Centennial Professor of Economic Anthropology in the Department of International Development at the London School of Economics and International Director of the Human Economy Program in the Centre for the … Read more

Anthropology roundup: “11 Cutting-Edge Thinkers That Anthropologists Should Be Paying Attention to…

  11 Cutting-Edge Thinkers That Anthropologists Should Be Paying Attention to Right Now! Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology ?   Well it wouldn?t be an unpaid internship in the 2014 if the bosses upstairs didn?t have me doing a listicle, so I?m proud to present to you a new feature: The Savage Minds Rundown. … Read more

Cyberculture roundup: LSE research shows piracy isn’t killing big content…Twitter IPO… Anonymous members indicted…

  London School of Economics: piracy isn’t killing big content; government needs to be skeptical of entertainment industry claims Copyright and Creation, a policy brief from a collection of respected scholars at the rock-ribbed London School of Economics, argues that the evidence shows that piracy isn’t causing any grave harm to the entertainment industry, and that anti-piracy … Read more

“U.S. Universities Ranked by BitTorrent Usage… An Interview with Prof. Anthony D. Smith.. A literati roundup…

College Pirates? U.S. Universities Ranked by BitTorrent Usage BitTorrent has plenty of legitimate uses but much of the traffic that passes through can be linked to copyright infringement. This is true on all regular Internet providers but also on university networks. Unlike consumer ISPs, however, educational institutions are required by law to prevent copyright infringement … Read more

As the world seems to be back in the old Cold War game, Turkey also assumes its older role… A FP roundup…

Back to the old Cold War game With the upcoming lifting of the arms embargo for Assad regime opponents in Syria we are back to the old game: Cold War –  the USA and the former Soviet Union both offering advanced weapon systems to the belligerent parties (visual montage) . MAIN FOCUS: Fears that the … Read more