EFD Rights Watch: Another child killed in Cizre… Children profiled by Diyarbakır Education Office…

Twelve-year-old shot dead in Turkey’s Kurdish southeast A 12-year-old boy was shot dead in Cizre in southeast Turkey on Wednesday, the sixth person to be killed in the largely Kurdish town in the last three weeks, security sources said. The spate of killings risk undermining confidence in a two-year-old peace process between the government and the … Read more

Davutoğlu in Paris becomes an Internet meme… Dispatches from Turkey…

via Amnesty launches campaign to stop S Korea exporting tear gas to Turkey The change.org campaign aims to stop S Korea exporting some 1.9 mln tear gas canisters to Turkey Repent over your tattoos, Turkey’s top religious body says Turkey’s top religious body has issued a fatwa that urges Muslims who have tattoos to repent if they … Read more

Oh boy, YouTube files complaint to Turkish Constitutional Court…. While US envoy says Turkey?s image hurt by graft claims….

YouTube files complaint to Turkish Constitutional Court Hurriyet Daily News YouTube has filed an individual complaint to the Turkish Constitutional Court against the ongoing ban through its lawyer Turkey?s image hurt by graft claims: US envoy   The US top diplomat in Turkey issues a veiled rebuke of the Turkish government for its recent censorship of Twitter … Read more

Syria crisis: US and Russia embark on diplomatic track… Syrian crisis isn?t just about chemicals, says Turkish president… Syria updates…

Syria crisis: US and Russia embark on diplomatic track Syria’s chemical arsenal was at the center of a ramped up diplomatic effort Sept. 11 as Washington put its threat of military strikes aside and engaged with Russia’s disarmament plan Israel proposed Syria chemical plan ?long ago? Israel long ago proposed to international actors, including Russia, the confiscation … Read more

Turkish pilot abandons Beirut flight to protest abduction of colleagues, Probe launched… A FP roundup

Turkish pilot abandons Beirut flight to protest abduction of colleagues A THY pilot abandoned today an Istanbul-Beirut plane to protest the abduction of two Turkish pilots in Lebanon Probe launched into Turkish pilot who abandoned flight to protest abduction of colleagues in Lebanon A probe has been launched into a pilot who walked off an … Read more

Eurosphere roundup: “New debts despite austerity policy

MAIN FOCUS: New debts despite austerity policy | 24/07/2013 The debts of the Eurozone countries continue to grow. Despite harsh austerity measuresthey amounted to 92.2 percent of the GDP in the first quarter – four percentage points more than the previous year, Eurostat announced on Monday. Commentators see this as proof that the stringent austerity … Read more

Eurosphere roundup: Hizbollah military wing on EU terror list now…

Hizbollah military wing on EU terror list EU foreign ministers take unanimous decision at Brussels meeting to blacklist Lebanese Shia group following a two-month campaign led by the UK EU weighs sanctions against military wing of Hezbollah European Union governments could decide to blacklist the military wing of Hezbollah on Monday (22 July), in a … Read more

Eurosphere roundup: “Greece lays off 25,000 public workers in education, police…Protests…

MAIN FOCUS: Greeks protest against job cuts | 17/07/2013 Tens of thousands of Greeks once again brought much of public life to a complete standstill with a general strike on Tuesday. They are protesting against the troika’s demand for job cuts in the public sector, which will be put to vote in parliament today, Wednesday. … Read more

Türkiye İslamcılığının yeni bir dip noktası… Fatih Camii?nde Protesto: ?Katil İran, Katil Hizbullah?

Haberi Haksöz‘de.  Ben Friendfeed‘de dolanırken gördüm. Birçok İslami kuruluşun dâhil olduğu Suriye Halkıyla Dayanışma Platformunun çağrısıyla bugün Fatih Camii?nde toplanan Müslümanlar Banyas?ta Esed?e bağlı çeteler tarafından kadın-çocuk demeden gerçekleştirilen katliamı ve yine Hatay?a bağlı Reyhanlı ilçesinde meydana gelen bombalı saldırıları protesto ettiler. Kusayr direnişinin selamlandığı eylemde Esed, Baas lobisi, Rusya, İran ve Hizbullah aleyhinde sloganlar … Read more

Eurosphere roundup: “Candidates for President of the European Council…”EU poised to blacklist Hizbollah army

EU poised to blacklist Hizbollah army Hope that a formal request by UK, ahead of a foreign ministers? meeting in late June, will open way for sanctions of Hizbollah?s European activity Desegregating Roma and Croat schoolchildren: what has been done? Three years after the ECHR’s decision in Or?u? and Others v. Croatia found “separate but … Read more