As a group of Bilgi faculty members, We salute Çarşı fan group. #CarsıYanlızDeğildir

Protests mark beginning of coup-plot case against Turkish fan group çArşı A trial against 35 individuals associated with Beşiktaş’s football fan group çArşı on charges of “attempting to overthrow the government” during last year’s Gezi Park protests has started at Istanbul’s Çağlayan Courthouse.

Another scandal of AKP Justice: Çarşı Football Fans on Trial for ‘Coup’ today.

Turkey: Football Fans on Trial for ‘Coup’ | Human Rights Watch–football–fans–trial–coup 4 hours ago – (Istanbul) – The prosecution of 35 football fans on coup-plot charges is a blatant misuse of the criminal justice system. The trial of supporters of Beşiktaşfootball club, associated with its Çarşı fan group, began Çarşı davasında ilk duruşma dfae


BİR DERDİM VAR BİN DERMANA DEĞİŞMEM Ahir ömrümüzün en güzel Haziran’ının hemen ertesinde bir 2 Temmuz mitingiydi. Mitingin bitişinde Ankara’da Ziya Gökalp Caddesinde yolu trafiğe açan Çevik Kuvvetin Çarşı’nın cıvıltılarını duyduğu andaki tepkisi şuydu: “Amirim Çarşı gelmiş, ne yapalım, trafiği tekrar kapatalım mı? Bize destek kuvvet, acil!” Ethem’in vurulduğu yere gitmeye çalışan kitleye izin vermeye … Read more

Fethullah Gülen ad in US papers condemns ISIS while Erdoğan slams New York Times over ISIL story…

Gulen Ad | ISIS Cruelty Deserves Our Strongest Condemnation  Mavi Boncuk Mavi Boncuk | ISIS Cruelty Deserves Our Strongest Condemnation Turkish President Erdoğan slams New York Times over ISIL story President Erdoğan has slammed the New York Times for a recent story claiming that Turkey is one of the biggest sources of recruits for ISIL militants   Erdoğan holds … Read more

As Dortmund fans give support to Beşiktaş group, Çarşı, Turkish judiciary makes history by claiming a fan group being coup plotter…

Never give up, Dortmund fans tell Beşiktaş group under fire Fans of Germany’s Borussia Dortmund football team lend support to Çarşı, the fan group of Beşiktaş whose pioneer figures are now facing ‘coup attempt’ claims çArşı to Stand Trial on December 16 Bianet :: English Istanbul 13th High Criminal Court ordered members of soccer fan group … Read more

Government turns back to #OccupyGezi activists, targets Çarşı #çArşıYalnızDeğildir

Turkish football fans face life in prison for ‘coup attempt’ during Gezi protests Prosecutors accused members of çArşı of ‘attempting to overthrow the gov’t’ in Arab Spring-like fashion Workers at Istanbul construction site block road denouncing ‘poor labor conditions’ The protest comes as 10 construction workers were killed in a labor accident Torun Center Workers: We Are Not … Read more

AKP’s social engineering on Football fans: e-ticket system

And of course e-ticket system is run by Erdoğan’s relatives-in-law….. Police crack down on football fan protest in Taksim over e-ticket system   The new system, dubbed ‘passolig,’ will allow security forces to check fans’ private data çArşı to boycott derby game to protest e-tickets   çArşı?s announcement is the latest supporter outcry against the … Read more

Newly founded pro-government BJK fan group attacks other fans, provokes stadium riots… #CarsininYanindayiz

Istanbul derby game suspended after supporters invade the field Hundreds of Beşiktaş supporters invaded the field during the derby game against Galatasaray An in-depth from the field observation in Turkish here. Interestingly, Turkish police sheepy here… Another one… It is now highly believed that – according to eye witnesses and friends from Çarşı, who stays at … Read more

“Ayakta Kal Çarşı” An anonymous anthem dedicated to Çarşı fan group whose leaders recently arrested. #OccupyTurkey

Operasyonla gözaltına alınan Beşiktaş’ın Çarşı taraftar grubu üyelerine Ayakta Kal Çarşı isimli bir marş hazırlandı.

Çarşı 30 Yaşında!

  [View the story “Çarşı 30 Yaşında! ” on Storify]

Beşiktaş fans at New Yorker.

Letter From Turkey The View from the Stands Life among Istanbul?s soccer fanatics. by Elif Batuman     Beşiktaş hosts Fenerbahçe in first İstanbul derby of year Today’s Zaman The Beşiktaş Black Eagles entertain the Fenerbahçe Yellow Canaries in their Spor Toto Super League week 22 match at the Fiyapı İnönü Stadium this evening in the … Read more

After Fenerbahçe, Before Manchester United game, best Beşiktaş videos…

Last Saturday we had an unexpectedly good win over Fenerbahçe: 3-0. Today we meet against Manchester United in an away game. Although our defensive line is surprisingly successful in the Turkish Super League (the least goal conceding team at the moment), I just hope we won’t concede more than 5 goals tonight:) At the very end, there is roundup on both games and of course any video recommendations are welcome…



A good collection of Beşiktaş songs/chants:


Beşiktaş fans in FB away game:



Besiktas' supporters club - Carsi

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Crackdown on (Çarşı) Beşiktaş fans- Hypocrisy in Turkish football

Beşiktaş Fans in Action

As of now, 36 Beşiktaş fans are banned from the stadiums for a year. Some fan leaders like Alen Markaryan are among the banned fans. Official reason is that they were “swearing”. Istanbul Police Deparment detained, interrogated, worked on the security cameras and the concluded on the ban. This is a crackdown executed by the alliance of Istanbul police and Beşiktaş administration. It is intended to destroy our famous fandom. Yıldırım Demirören, whom I name the worst Beşiktaş president ever, had a few weeks ago stated to “clean the stadium” and this is what he does now. Yes, in the last game, some fans began to swear at him but Mr. Demirören cannot tolerate any level of criticism and he does not hide his intention of “cleaning”.  After his statement, there happened to be fights in the stadiums and pro-Demirören gangs were rumored to terrorize anti-Demirören. Where the hell Police Deparment was then?

Çarşı and Greenpeace with a huge placard, standing against a possible nuclear power plant establishment in Turkey (Wikipedia)

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