Vildan Orancı (@lilobocegi) yazdı: “Balkanlar Hakkında Hep Bilmek İstediğiniz ama Sormaya Çekindiğiniz Herşey

Balkanlar Hakkında Hep Bilmek İstediğiniz ama Sormaya Çekindiğiniz Herşey   Bu yazı’nın öncelikle pratik bir rehber olmasına gayret edeceğim zira Balkanlara gitmeden önce şahsen çok araştırma yaptım, çok insanla konuştum ama kendi tecrübelerim çoğu zaman bunlarla örtüşmedi…O yüzden ben de kendi rehberimi hazırlamak istedim, sırasıyla Arnavutluk, Karadağ, Hırvatistan ve Bosna Hersek’e yaptığım bu yolculukta. ARNAVUTLUK Yolculuğum … Read more

in Sarajevo, attending Point Conference (@PointConference) (#point30)

The program looks fantastic. I am happy to be part of it. We will review Post-Gezi Resistance process with my colleague Prof. Aslı Tunç tomorrow. I will probably be tweeting about it and in the end I may end up producing a piece in Turkish or in English. We will see… Lemme jump into the … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: European Pirate Parties… Bosnia/Serbia floods…

  The Pirate Bay Running Promos For European Pirate Parties In Election Week  Falkvinge on Infopolicy by Rick Falkvinge Pirate Parties:?In a last-minute visibility boost, The Pirate Bay is providing front-page exposure to the European Pirate Parties in this European Election. Offline-borns would tend to scoff at this; however, the net generation understands that this is an … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “Extremism in South-Eastern Ukraine… ” Ukraine’s Pro-Russian Separatists…

Photos: Face-to-Face With Ukraine’s Pro-Russian Separatists Mashable! by Christopher Miller DONETSK, Ukraine ? Pro-Russian separatists are tightening their grip on Ukraine‘s embattled eastern region ahead of a referendum that insurgents plan to hold this Sunday.   EU prepares more sanctions against Russia EU governments reached a preliminary agreement yesterday (7 May) to expand the legal … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: Russia and US sharpen their tone over the Ukraine crisis…

  New Russia drills after Ukraine raid  BBC News | Europe | World Edition Russia announces new military exercises on its border with Ukraine, after Kiev orders troops to move against separatists in the east. MAIN FOCUS: Russia and US sharpen their tone | 24/04/2014 euro|topics Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov threatened with military intervention should … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “Occupiers ignore Ukraine deadline

  Occupiers ignore Ukraine deadline  BBC News | Europe | World Edition Pro-Russian militants continue to occupy government buildings in east Ukraine, ignoring a deadline to leave or face eviction by Ukrainian forces MAIN FOCUS: Kiev takes action against separatists | 14/04/2014 euro|topics Pro-Russian separatists occupied police and administration buildings in several Eastern Ukrainian cities on the … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: Apocalyptic scenes’ in Ukraine’s Kiev… Bosnia and Herzegovina articles in Open Democracy…

  France and Islamic feminism: intersectionality in the Republic The fact is that Islamic feminists in western countries, and especially in France, struggle with identity affiliations and fight against multiple forms of oppression that bind them to post-colonial and anti-racist movements. VIDEO: ‘Apocalyptic scenes’ in Ukraine’s Kiev At least nine people, including two police officers, have been … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “Renzi set to be Italy’s new PM…

MAIN FOCUS: Renzi set to be Italy’s new PM | 17/02/2014   Italian President Giorgio Napolitano is expected to task Matteo Renzi with forming a new government today, Monday. The power-hungry leader of the Democratic Party may provide the kind of imaginative leadership that can bring about the necessary reforms, some commentators believe. Others take the view that … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “Italian PM Letta has resigned…”EU?s top telecoms official rules out government control of the internet…

EU?s top telecoms official rules out government control of the internet The European Commission is trying to carve a mediator role for itself in the global debate over the future of internet governance, taking its distance from the US but also from the idea of a United Nations’ leadership of the Web, supported by Russia … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: Violent protests break out in Bosnia

More than 130 injured in anti-government protests in Bosnia   More than 130 people, including 104 police officers, were injured in a second day of anti-government demonstrations in the Bosnian town of Tuzla Violent protests break out in Bosnia   Demonstrators in Bosnia set fire to government buildings in Sarajevo and Tuzla amid mounting unrest … Read more