Eurosphere agenda: Front National wins regional polls; defeated in key vote…

French far right defeated in key vote BBC News | Europe | World Edition France’s far-right National Front fails to win a single region, despite leading in nearly half in the first round of voting. MAIN FOCUS: Front National wins regional polls | 07/12/2015 euro|topics The far-right Front National won the first round of France’s regional elections … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: Tsipras resigns, Syriza splits…

Syriza split: What next for Greece? BBC News | Europe | World Edition What does new election mean for Tsipras and reforms? MAIN FOCUS: Tsipras wants new elections in Greece | 21/08/2015 euro|topics Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced his resignation on Thursday. New elections are expected to be held in mid-September, and Tsipras has said he … Read more

In Europe, Hungary proposes Internet tax, “Big Pirate Sites ‘Raided’, Admins on the Run

  Big Pirate Sites ‘Raided’, Admins on the Run  TorrentFreak In June 2011, police across Europe coordinated to carry out the largest anti-piracy operation the continent had ever seen. Their target was and its affiliates, a huge illegal movie streaming operation with links to Spain, France and the Netherlands. Internet tax prompts Hungary protest BBC News … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “Nationalists win Bosnia’s joint presidency… “Election gains for Hungary far right

Nationalists win Bosnia’s joint presidency: results Nationalist candidates from Bosnia’s Croat, Muslim and Serb communities won the country’s three-man presidency, election results showed Election gains for Hungary far right  BBC News | Europe | World Edition The far-right Jobbik party in Hungary makes gains in local elections dominated by Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s ruling nationalist Fidesz. Sarkozy strikes … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “Voting begins in Scottish referendum

I hope Scotland leaves, and I hope England follows them open Democracy News Analysis – by Oliver Huitson Britain is a dying project. A Yes would not only be good for Scotland but good for England; a major blow for popular sovereignty against unresponsive, undemocratic and incompetent rule.   Vote Yes for the NHS – independence is … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “Renzi set to be Italy’s new PM…

MAIN FOCUS: Renzi set to be Italy’s new PM | 17/02/2014   Italian President Giorgio Napolitano is expected to task Matteo Renzi with forming a new government today, Monday. The power-hungry leader of the Democratic Party may provide the kind of imaginative leadership that can bring about the necessary reforms, some commentators believe. Others take the view that … Read more