A new article in NYT by Mr. Bilefsky quotes extensively from sources critical of the Ergenekon trial. I have once noted the evidence question last year and I still believe it is a valid concern. However, there is a concentrated attempt to slow down or disorient the process and these people are certainly not doing out of innocent democratic aims. As the article underlines the issue is too complicated but it is not a fiction. It is real despite all problems, anybody in town knows that the deep state operated in this country and Ergenekon trial is here to reveal some of the facts. But of course it cannot be an easy process to do that and by putting “clouds” on the Trial itself, some Western Media production helpsthe anti-trial lobby…
Subversion Trial Puts Cloud Over Turkey
Plot colonel put behind bars over action plan
Today’s Zaman
Dozens of Ergenekon members, including businessmen, members of the military and journalists, are currently incarcerated while standing trial.

A small scale campaign continues: Adding “Brave” to the name of Bingöl city. People of Bingöl was brave enough to reject the military enforced constitution referendum after the 1980 coup d’etat. In fact, it was only city…