A video to celebrate the 20th anniversary of EFF

20 years of the Electronic Frontier Foundation! from Boing Boing by David Pescovitz

Web Censorship in Turkey: An Impasse due to a Minister who takes it personal, Kemalist complicity with the politically conservative judiciary and Indifferent user base


I feel that Mr. Yıldırım takes the web censorship issues in a very personal level in his continuously apologetic speeches. Maybe indifference of Google administrators made him angry and he is also annoyed by netizens who criticize him of web ignorance. He keeps on using nationalistic arguments, he acts as if he is the minister of finance and he keeps telling his successes in infrastructural developments and in the mean time he builds an alliance within the information technology community (see the infotech awards below). His road-making etc is all right but I wish he wasn’t involved in information highways. Yes, during his ministry Turkey succeeded to contain all fiber highways in and out of Turkey so that all web flow can be controlled. Now private companies are not allowed to have their own. All submits the central authority. Very successful Mr. Yıldırım…

In a recent BBC news (see below) head of the Ataturk Thought Association defends their position in complaining about videos etc that insult Atatürk. Her mindset is so small that she cannot see that this in long turn weakens Atatürk’s image. She and her crew live so far away from fellow netizens…

And users are quite tech savvy. They can still access Youtube etc. and they don’t need to protest in any way. I saw tons of videos about Sonisphere are already uploaded to YouTube, which is banned for more than 2 years… But the growing censorship begins to threaten digital economies. That’s what I hear. but this does not have an impact on ordinary users yet…

These are Turkish ways sometimes I like (having such ridiculous situations is not easy to achieve) and mostly I hate…

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Yahoo’s style guide for web content

here is the style guide site here is the news about it: Email? Not ?E-mail?: Yahoo Creates Style Guide for Web Content ************** British Columbia?s Capital City Officially Names June 30 Social Media Day *************** ROUNDUP EXCLUSIVE: First Teaser For ?The Social Network? [VIDEO] from Mashable! by Christina Warren Facebook Unleashes Open Graph Search Engine, … Read more

New study on Sexting

Medvedev Tweets from FP Passport by Joshua Keating

Twitter stumbles as Medvedev visits

from FT.com – World, Europe
The Russian president, who is touring Silicon Valley companies, sends his first ‘tweet’ from the offices of the messaging service, which is struggling with outages because of usage spikes during the World Cup

“Sexting”: legal and practical issues

from Berkman Center Newsfeed by syoung

The Berkman Center is pleased to share our Youth and Media Policy Working Group Initiative’s latest document, which addresses legal and practical issues related to the practice colloquially known as sexting:

Sexting: Youth Practices and Legal Implications (PDF)

The document was prepared by Harvard Law School’s Cyberlaw Clinic, based at the Berkman Center, for the Risky Behaviors and Online Safety cluster of the Youth and Media Policy Working Group Initiative. It is intended to provide background for discussion of interventions related to sexting. It begins with a definition of sexting, and continues with overviews of research and media stories related to sexting. It then discusses the statutory and constitutional framework for child pornography and obscenity. It concludes with a description of current and pending legislation meant to address sexting.

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Declaration against web censorship in Turkey (in Turkish)

Declaration is first announced in these addresses: (to sign declaration personally click here: http://www.sansursuzinternet.org.tr/) Alternatif Bilişim Özgür Interent Cyber Rights Temel Hak ve Özgürlükler Engellenemez 1. Internet kullanıcılarının düşünce özgürlüğü ve bilgiye erişim hakkı engellenemez. 2. Türkiye?de bireylerin, kurumların, ve şirketlerin bilişim alt yapılarını istedikleri şekilde oluşturmaları ve istedikleri servislerden yararlanmaları engellenemez. Sansür ülke ekonomisine … Read more

a brief note for the Anti-web censorship meeting

Three kingpins of web censorship in Turkey: Fethi Şimşek, Binali Yıldırım, Tayfun Acarer via The meeting took place at Kadir Has University. It has a New Media Department. But the meeting was not explicitly supported by the department. Coffee was not allowed: A person in charge rudely warned me that “Floor has been cleaned and … Read more

Milli Motor/ Milli Tüp

Young Civilians launched two sites to make fun the web censorship. Milli Motor (National Search Engine) is an imitation of Google Search Engine but all searches end up linking to censorship news and national documents. Milli Tube (National Tube) is an imitation of Youtube and lists music videos on the right hand side that were … Read more

Hackers warn Turkish censorship authorities

While businesses are now exposed to economic losses due to the new wave of web censorship, it looks like a small does of revanche was on stage last night. First we thought TİB mistakenly banned itself but later it was announced: It was probably a DoS attack… FF discussions and links to related news here … Read more

Turkey steps up the fight against Google

In yet another shameful day in Turkish web history, an Ankara prosecutor got the order to ban 44 more IP numbers Google use for YouTube. News source here.

19 July: A major meeting against web censorship

Press release here. Location: Kadir Has Üniversitesi Cibali Kampüsü Date: 19 Haziran 2010 Cumartesi Time: 13:00 – 17:00 An FF discussion here. Turkish Green Party’s anti-web censorship statement here. Internet Sansürüne Karşı Ortak Platform Toplantısı from Sansüre Sansür by miocaro 19 Haziran 2010 tarihinde, Kadir Has Üniversitesinde gerçekleştirilecek olan internet sansürü konulu toplantı pek çok … Read more

the Minister uses nationalist rhetoric to justify web censorship

Binalı Yıldırım may be right in wanting Google to be a taxpayer like in many other countries. But is this the way to demand? Latest censorship wave had some substantive impact on newly emerging digital economies in Turkey (digital agencies’ statement here) and the minister relies on the most primitive rhetoric to justify his unjustifiable desire to break the netizenship of Turkey. Good for you Mr. Yıldırım…

Friendfeed discussions on minister’s rhetoric here, and here. Google officials seem to have decided Turkish netizens as they are meeting with the Minister soon.


Making fun of the ban. Here is the “National Search Engine”: Millimotor

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Cyb-Roundup: Google’s new search index, COPPA,

found in  never trust a hippy


Our new search index: Caffeine

from Google Webmaster Central Blog by Michael Wyszomierski
(Cross-posted on the Official Google Blog)
Today, we’re announcing the completion of a new web indexing system called Caffeine. Caffeine provides 50 percent fresher results for web searches than our last index, and it’s the largest collection of web content we’ve offered. Whether it’s a news story, a blog or a forum post, you can now find links to relevant content much sooner after it is published than was possible ever before.

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Journalism roundup: Robert Fisk’s advice to journalists etc

Robert Fisk Offers Advice for War Reporters from Editors Weblog – all postings by Carole Wurzelbacher Robert Fisk, a Middleastern correspondent for The Independent, recently gave a speech at the Al Jazeera annual forum addressing the power of words and warning other journalists against using what he calls “words of power” in war reporting. He … Read more

Turkish crusade against Google (#TurkeyCensorGoogle)

Turkey continues to embarrass herself. update: The latest ban comes through Atatürk Thought Association‘s appeal: It appealed the court because of a Google Site that insulted Atatürk. The Court decided to ban all Google Sites:) (Source) A list of 6400 banned site with court decision numbers can be found here. A circulating open letter to … Read more