Looks like all spied on Turkey but Turkish leadership can only be aggressive towards domestic opposition…

How the NSA Helped Turkey Kill Kurdish Rebels  The Intercept by Laura Poitras On a December night in 2011, a terrible thing happened on Mount Cudi, near the Turkish-Iraqi border. One side described it as a massacre; the other called it an accident. US, UK spied on Turkey, report says citing Snowden Turkey is one of the US’ … Read more

Politics roundup: New cabinet with 4 names, continuity in policies…

  Erdoğan appoints aide who denounced ‘murder attempts by telekinesis’ as economic adviser The move is likely to alarm investors already concerned over the economic management PM Davutoğlu takes no risk before 2015 elections August was a very meaningful month for Turkish politics this year. It brought about a new president, new prime minister and new Cabinet … Read more

“Two Istanbul reservoirs close to drying out… Istanbul news roundup…

Two Istanbul reservoirs close to drying out New pictures have shown how two of the reservoirs supplying Istanbul’s water needs have nearly dried Istanbul residents on streets to keep guard against robbers Residents of Istanbul’s Eyüp district are keeping guard against rising theft in their neighborhood, hoping to stop the criminals before being robbed. Old 3D print of … Read more

“Coronation” finally. Erdoğan, the 12th President

  Erdoğan Takes Oath As 12th President  Bianet :: English Having received his official election results, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was sworn in as president this afternoon. US denies that low-profile Erdoğan delegation sends ulterior message The US denied reports that it sends a low-profile delegation to Erdoğan’s oath to convey a message to Ankara Official Gazette publishes presidential … Read more

2 Eylül’de. Açık Oturum: İnternet Çağında Medya Özgürlüğü

Açık Oturum: İnternet Çağında Medya Özgürlüğü Tarih: 2 Eylül 2014, Salı Saat: 10:30-11:30 Yer: santralistanbul Kampüsü Katılımcılar:  Neelie Kroes (Avrupa Komisyonu Başkan Yardımcısı) Prof. Dr. Yaman Akdeniz (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi)  Melih Kırlıdoğ (Alternatif Bilişim Derneği) Dr. Agnes Callamard (Küresel İfade ve Bilgi Özgürlüğü Platformu Müdürü /Kolombiya Üniversitesi, Başkan Özel Danışmanı) Tartışılacak temalar arasında; basın ve medya özgürlüğü, internete ve sosyal medyaya … Read more

Next week events (1): “Governance or Ungovernance: A Strategy Workshop for Internet Activists #ungov

Governance or Ungovernance: A Strategy Workshop for Internet Activists 3rd of September, 2014 at MMO [1] Istanbul, Turkey https://iuf.alternatifbilisim.org/gov_ungov_workshop.html * Are you confused about all the complicated and overlapping institutions that claim to be working on Internet governance? * Are you unsure about how activists concerned with local censorship and surveillance fit into these global structures? … Read more

Cyberculture agenda: [Interactive] The Global Terrorism Database; Clickbait; Crowdfunded news-site after ISIS; Self-segregation on social networks [on Ferguson]

Self-segregation on social networks and the implications for the Ferguson, MO story  …My heart’s in Accra by Ethan Michael Brown was fatally shot by police officer Darren Wilson on Saturday August 9, 2014. After his body lay in the hot street for four hours, Ferguson residents took to the streets to protest his killing. Brown’s death, the … Read more

Erkan Saka: Yakın zamanda ofis açılmaz. Twitter’dan yeni strateji. Twitter Ekibinin 2. Ziyaretinin Ardından.

Yakın zamanda ofis açılmaz. Twitter’dan yeni strateji. Twitter Ekibinin 2. Ziyaretinin Ardından.   Erkan Saka Twitter ekibi Nisan ayında yaptığı gibi hükümet yetkilileri dışında sivil toplum ve akademi çevrelerinden bir grupla da sohbet etti. Ben de davetliler arasındaydım, buradan birebir aktarma yapmayacağım ama hem o sohbetten hem de yansıyan haberlerden kaynaklanan gözlemlerimi aktaracağım. Twitter’ın bazı … Read more

Turkey’s new PM to be chosen in AKP Congress where 13 Media Institutions banned.

6,000 people honor Atatürk’s memory by forming his portrait **************** ‘AKP chair, not leadership, is changing hands’ Here are the first impressions from the ruling party’s congress in Ankara Accreditation Barrier for 13 Media Institutions by AKP 13 media institutions, including Cihan News Agency, were restrained from broadcasting AKP congress on the account that they weren’t accredited. These … Read more

Freedom House report on (the lack of) Internet Freedom in Turkey

  The Struggle for Turkey’s Internet PDF version Turkey is a battleground state for Internet regulation, according to a Freedom House report released in advance of the Internet Governance Forum. The report shows how a young population, improving technology and international connections could result in a free Internet the world might envy, or that government … Read more

EFD Haftanın Sitesi: plagiarism-turkish blog. Türkiye’de intihal örnekleri

Dizayna bakmayın, dolu dolu ama minimalist. Takibe değer. Teşekkürler kısmında katkıda bulunanlar üzerinden katkıda bulunanlar hakkında bir fikir edinilebilir… Buyrun: http://plagiarism-turkish.blogspot.com.tr/      Önerilerinizi alalım: Loading… Ha bir de EFD’ye katkıda bulunmak isterseniz: Loading…

Eurosphere agenda: “The Juncker Presidencie…”Merkel to mediate in Kyiv…

  Handelsblatt: France is the new sick man of Europe  by Open Europe The Juncker Presidencies & EU budget stability Ideas on Europe by Ronny Patz I’m just doing some research on budgetary rules in the Eurozone, pre- and post-crisis, and stumbled over some interesting EU trivia: Reading the original Council Regulation (Regulation 1466/97) on the … Read more

Cyberculture agenda: “Careless Pirates… “FinFisher Surveillance Tools in Pakistan… “Islamic State Flocks to Diaspora…

No VPN on Earth Can Protect Careless Pirates  TorrentFreak Last year, Philip Danks, a man from the West Midlands, UK, went into a local cinema and managed to record the movie Fast and Furious 6. He later uploaded that content to the Internet. After pleading guilty, this week Wolverhampton Crown Court sentenced him to an unprecedented33 … Read more

NYT Piece: “Turkey’s Failed Foreign Policy

  Turkey’s Failed Foreign Policy nytimes.com – Aaron Stein – Aug 22 – Geneva — In 2002, Turkey ‘s Justice and Development Party, known as the A.K.P., turned to Ahmet Davutoglu, then an obscure academic, to help craft its new foreign policy. In 2009, he became foreign minister and was soon attempting to resolve Isis surges towards the … Read more

Anthropology roundup: ” Collaborations between ethnographers and data scientists…”Weaponizing Anthropology

Finding The Anthropology In Latin Dance Music WNPR News “If I’m going to talk about dancing, I’m going to try to look at a very deep and emotional and anthropological, even biological side, of it,” he says. “What it means, music and dancing, for us, as a species.” Drexler is not your ordinary songwriter: He .   Weaponizing Anthropology: … Read more