In the mean time, E.U. Commission Proposed Visa-Free Travel for Turks but its realization may still be not easy…

E.U. Proposes Visa-Free Travel for Turks  NYT > Turkey by By JAMES KANTER The plan is a significant step for the bloc as it struggles to come to terms with the migrant crisis and hew to its humanitarian values. Debate: Have the Turks earned visa-free travel? euro|topics The EU Commission is expected to speak out in favour … Read more

Anthropology roundup: “Affect, Attention, and Ethnographic Research

Affect, Attention, and Ethnographic Research: Thoughts on Mental Health in the Field  Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology — A Group Blog by Alix Johnson This year has seen some encouraging openings in a much-needed conversation on academia and mental health (for example: The Guardian, Chronicle Vitae, The Professor is In). Many of these interventions … Read more

The 2nd day of 15K Metal Workers… #MetalİscisiGrevde #MetaldeGrevVar

Turkish metal workers begin strike for better wages A group of metal workers began a strike on Jan. 29 around Turkey to protest poor wages in the sector and demand a better collective bargaining agreement with employers in the industry. Another group of metal workers are also planning to go on strike Feb. 19, increasing the … Read more

Eurosphere roundup: Blow to Golden Dawn in Greece… Berlusconi

  Greek police arrest dozen Golden Dawn members, including party leader Greek police arrested the leader of the far-right Golden Dawn Party in a morning operation Greek neo-Nazi MPs to face criminal charges: Court source Five lawmakers of the Greek neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn including its founder Nikos Michaloliakos will face charges of belonging to … Read more