Anthropology roundup: “Affect, Attention, and Ethnographic Research

Affect, Attention, and Ethnographic Research: Thoughts on Mental Health in the Field  Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology — A Group Blog by Alix Johnson This year has seen some encouraging openings in a much-needed conversation on academia and mental health (for example: The Guardian, Chronicle Vitae, The Professor is In). Many of these interventions … Read more

Cyberculture agenda: Obama and hackers… The Typical #Twitter User…”Technology’s Impact on Workers…

Google Says Driverless Cars Will Join The Roads In Less Than 5 Years  Social Media Week by Tyler Becker In two to five years, Google’s driverless cars could be on the roads, primarily collecting data on how they interact with other vehicles and pedestrians. Chris Urmson, the Head of Google’s Self-Driving Car initiative, said they are … Read more