Cyberculture agenda: Russia’s Anti-Blogger Law… International Day Against DRM…

3 Ways Big Data Is Going To Be Used Against You In The Future Stanford Center for Internet and Society Date published: May 6, 2014 Fast Company “”I worry that profitable organizations will use big data to disadvantage consumers,” Calo adds. “Intimate knowledge of consumers coupled with being able design every aspect of interaction–that?s going to … Read more

Niklas Femerstrand: Sweden Kidnapped My Friend… a cyberculture roundup…

Pirate Bay Co-Founder Lands In Sweden, Immediately Charged By Police from TorrentFreak by enigmax Sweden Kidnapped My Friend, Pirate Bay Co-Founder Anakata from TorrentFreak by Guest This is a guest post by researcher, hacker and political activist Niklas Femerstrand. He is involved in projects that include software development for micropayment service Flattr, cryptography and general … Read more

Thanks to Facebook 3 degrees of separation now…and cyberculture roundup

Tumblr users give Congress an earful about SOPA by Cory Doctorow Tumblr has rounded up the effects of its participation in American Censorship Day, a global day of protest of the prosed Stop Online Piracy Act, the worst proposed Internet law in American legislative history. Tumblr users did themselves very proud indeed: Joe Biden: SOPA … Read more

A massive cyberculture roundup: EFF on Spotify; wired vs. wikileaks; social media friends turning into real life ones; on digital literacies?

via How Social Media ‘Friends’ Translate Into Real-Life Friendships from MediaShift When social media first gained attention, I heard many people scoff that these online connections couldn’t possibly be real friends. Some even used “Facebook friend” as a synonym for shallowness, fearing people might trade face-to-face interaction for a virtual life online.   France Tracks … Read more

A massive cyberculture roundup: EFF on Spotify; wired vs. wikileaks; social media friends turning into real life ones; on digital literacies…

via How Social Media 'Friends' Translate Into Real-Life Friendships from MediaShift When social media first gained attention, I heard many people scoff that these online connections couldn't possibly be real friends. Some even used "Facebook friend" as a synonym for shallowness, fearing people might trade face-to-face interaction for a virtual life online.   France Tracks … Read more