Cyberculture agenda: Russia’s Anti-Blogger Law… International Day Against DRM…

Date published:
May 6, 2014

“”I worry that profitable organizations will use big data to disadvantage consumers,” Calo adds. “Intimate knowledge of consumers coupled with being able design every aspect of interaction–that?s going to create incentives to exploit.”” Read more » about 3 Ways Big Data Is Going To Be Used Against You In The Future

randomErr (172078) writes “Russia is tightening its grip on free speech and freedom of the Internet by creating a new ‘bloggers law’. This policy follows the pattern set by China, Pakistan, Turkey, and Iran.”
Crystal clusters of world data

Artist Scott Kildall generates what he calls World Data Crystals by mapping data on a globe with cubes and clustering them algorithmically. He then produces the result in physical form for something like the piece below, which represents world population

A history of anti-game moral panics and crusades

Jesse Walker of Reason presents highlights from the history of game-driven moral panics – from pinball to porn to poker.

International Day Against DRM: It’s Time to Fix U.S. Copyright Law


EVENT TODAY: We’re taking this day to educate people about the threats of DRM and the current policy challenges we face around DRM. We just completed a live video discussion at 10:00 AM PDT / 1:00 PM EDT to learn more about these fights and what we can do to take back our rights to control over the digital media and devices that we own. EFF Staff Attorney Mitch Stoltz, International Director Danny O’Brien, and Global Policy AnalystMaira Sutton were featured on this live discussion moderated by Activist April Glaser.


How DRM Harms Our Computer Security

International Day Against DRM

DRM and the laws that back it up actively undermine our computer security. On this Day Against DRM, the first one since we learned about the US government?s efforts to sabotage the integrity of our cryptography and security technology, it’s more important than ever to consider how the unintended consequences of copyright enforcement make us all less safe.



The U.S. Navy is now rolling out an e-reader to sailors that they can actually use while deployed at sea.


Pinterest is well-known as a social network where people can find out about new recipes, pass along pictures of delicious-looking food, and plan parties, but police departments across the country have discovered it can also be used to help solve crimes.

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