Elections for parliament speaker continues while Turkey’s presidential office plays logical games to justify ISIS

ISIL exists because al-Assad exists: Erdoğan aide A senior spokesperson for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s office has indicated the presence of terrorist organizations such as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) was linked to the prevalence of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria AKP candidate leads in elections for parliament speaker in … Read more

Filiz Taylan Yüzak (@ftaylanyuzak)’tan Londra notları devam ediyor: “Açıl Susam Açıl!”

Açıl Susam Açıl! Geçen hafta Londra’nın yeni yüzlerinden “Sesame”ı keşfetme şansım oldu. İngiltere’nin ünlü şeflerinden, Nopi adlı lokantanın ve OttoLenghi adlı meze barın sahibi, İsrailli Yotam Ottolenghi’nin yeni numarası burasıymış. Bu saydığım yerleri deneyip beğendiğim, ama çok pahalı bulduğum için fast food havasındaki, çok daha ucuz olduğu söylenen Sesame’ı denenecek yerler listeme almıştım. Öğle yemeğinde … Read more

Reading Lists from Index on Censorship for a limited time:

Teaching Freedom of Expression in Universities: Reading Lists to Share with Your Students We are delighted to present a collection of reading lists from Index on Censorshipto help support the teaching of freedom of expression. Visit the collection page today to gain free access to five reading lists grouped according to the following subject areas: Threats … Read more

Cyberculture agenda: The Next Front in the Battle for Net Neutrality in Europe… “Reddit Turns 10…

Europe: The Next Front in the Battle for Net Neutrality  EFF.org Updates Americans won big on net neutrality in February, when the FCC voted to adoptnew rules that would allow it to rein in the abusive and discriminatory practices of big telecommunications operators, such as blocking or throttling of Internet data, and charging content providers for … Read more


BİZ BU DAVANIN MÜBAŞİRİYİZ View image | gettyimages.com “Soma’da, Ermenek’te, Reyhanlı’da AKP birinci parti olmuş. O zaman bu halk kendi celladına aşık, bir Stockholm sendromu içinde azizim, başına gelen her türlü felaketi hak ediyor, herkes layık olduğu şekilde yönetilir, sizin için döktüğümüz göz yaşları haram olsun”. Fularları aynı zamanda yularları olan “solcu bünyelerin” bu sözleriyle … Read more

Literati roundup: “Five politics classics every activist should know about….

Five politics classics every activist should know about open Democracy News Analysis – by Tom Butler-Bowdon And they’re not all what you think… 1. Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals (1971) The McCarthy era decimated the ranks of American radicals, yet it did not stop the disillusionment that America’s young felt in the 1960s about politicians and … Read more


BİR FRAK UĞRUNA YA RAB! “Bodrum’da ve Marmaris’te can yelekleri artık bakkallarda satılıyor” dedi ana haber bültenleri. Yüzme bilmeyen ve cankurtaranlardan yoksun halk plajlarında beyaz slip donla denize girenlerin ülkesinde can yeleği satışları mı patlamıştı? “Florya Plajına halk gelince vatandaş kaçtı” derdi aydın cenahı. Vatandaş, slip don sevmezdi. Can yeleği de gerekmezdi ona, her vatandaş … Read more

#LoveWins but Not in Turkey… #Pride2015 #OnurYürüyüşü #LovePride

    17:47 #İstanbul #Taksim, polis grupları #Harbiye yönüne doğru uzaklaştırıyor. via @KILICASLAN pic.twitter.com/JhVdvwkxIP — 140journos (@140journos) June 28, 2015 kalabalık taksimden harbiyeye sürüldü trafiğe daldık taksiler kornayla eşlik ediyor #lgbt #taksim #pride #… https://t.co/18uYnKC4Sv — Maçka Forumu (@mackaforumu) June 28, 2015   #TR#İstanbul#onuryürüyüşü başlamadan,polis plastik mermi,gaz ve tazyikli su ile müdahale etti. pic.twitter.com/PnzXu5kjdp — … Read more

Thousands gather for the #PrideMarch in Taksim, Riot Police blocks the march and reported to detain a few #OnurYürüyüşü

 However, the march is schedule to begin at 5 pm. Still half an hour to go… Some makes fun with a photo of Erdoğan and Gökçek (Ankara Mayor) in old days but probably another insult trial is to come: Social fabric roundup: Wikipedia releases warning on Turkey’s censorship, monitoring Wikipedia has reacted after Turkey blocked a number … Read more

First Erdoğan then his lapdogs call for war in Syria and Twitterati responds: #BilalGitsinSavaşa*

 *Bilal Should go to War- (Bilal is Erdoğan’s son… ) Turkish media’s deafening silence on arms-laden MİT trucks linger due to fear todayszaman.com – Jun 27 – Following the release of testimony from the arrested prosecutors who are accused of espionage and treason for ordering and being present for the stopping and searching of weapon-laden … Read more

Post-Apocalpytic Istanbul Cards by Gabriele Boretti… Istanbul news roundup…

More photos here ‘100 Years of Travelers’ in Istanbul The Istanbul Research Institute is currently exhibiting, “Journey to the Center of the East, 1850-1950: 100 Years of Travelers in Istanbul from the Pierre de Gigord Collection,” until Oct. 17. WATCH: A journey into Jewish Istanbul Haaretz A visit to Istanbul, where Jews have lived for over … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “Greece closes banks amid debt crisis

Greece closes banks amid debt crisis  BBC News | Europe | World Edition Greek banks are to close and capital controls imposed, the prime minister says, amid fears of a default and possible exit from the eurozone. ECB ‘to maintain Greek funding limit’  BBC News | Europe | World Edition The European Central Bank says it will … Read more

A pro-Jihadist Al Jazeera Turkey reporter is the source of news claiming YPG attacking Turkmens

In this piece in a Turkish jihadist magazine his own positioning is clear. Yılmaz Bilgen was the source in many news in pro-AKP media that claimed Syrian Kurdish forces were attacking Turkmens. Here are some images that show his friendly appearance among Jihadis (including ISIS) in Syria:

Eurosphere agenda: “Greece to hold referendum on bailout

Greece to hold referendum on bailout Greek PM Alexis Tsipras calls a referendum on 5 July on a bailout plan offered by international creditors that he condemns as “unbearable”.  BBC News | Europe | World Edition / Greece and migrants to dominate EU summit Crunch summit on Greece and migrants loom  BBC News | Europe … Read more

EFD Rights Watch: US State Department Country Report on Terrorism 2014 – Turkey

Country Report on Terrorism 2014 – Turkey June, 2015 Overview: Largely because of the ongoing conflict in Syria, Turkey has voiced increasing concern about terrorist groups near its border, including Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), al-Nusrah Front, and other al-Qa’ida (AQ)-affiliated groups. Throughout 2014, Turkey served as a source and transit country for … Read more