students vs. students

via President Abdullah Gül had lunch with some university students. The idea itself is good but the way some students talked to the media made the event a miserable PR stunt… On the other hand, some other students clashed with the police in Ankara… more photos here.

Bilgi?yi Bitiren Adam (Melek Çetin’den)

[Konuyla ilgili haberler ve Twitter tepkileri burada güncelleniyor-admin] Şimdi hep beraber 20 kere skandal diyoruz çünkü 20?sini Cüneyt Özdemir zaten söyledi. Kendisine  göre yapılması gereken, böylesine bıçaksırtı bir proje yapılmadan önce rektöre kadar herkese haber verilmesiydi. Bilgi Üniversitesi Görsel İletişim tasarımı bölümüne bitirme projesi olarak çekilen öğrenci filmini gazeteci skandalcılığı kokan iki yazıyla ?değerlendiren? Cüneyt … Read more

Bilgililer cevap veriyor.

Burası Bilgililerin katkılarına açık…Yeni yorumlar geliyor… A Facebook etkinliği burada. VCD öğrencileri de şu blog etrafında örgütleniyor. Göktuğ Özen: “Okulumda ?Porno? çekilmiş? Okulumda ?porno? çekilmiş ve inanın hiç rahatsız olmadım, çünkü aklıma FTV?den bir hocanın ?mezun olduktan sonra çıplak bacak gösterseniz dahi sansürlenir ama burası bunun yeri değil? cümlesi geldi. Okulumda ?türban? hiç bir zaman … Read more

Sabah Gazetesi pornocu öğrencilere kızgın (Melek Çetin)

Bilgi Üniversitesi?nde akademik bitirme projesi olarak VCD-Görsel iletişim Tasarımı Bölümü- öğrencisi tarafından çekilen filme en çok bozulan muhafazakar damgasız gazete Sabah oldu. Haber başlığını ?üniversitede porno rezaleti? olarak tercih eden gazetenin ?akademik çalışma adı altında? porno film çekildiğinden habersiz masum rektörlük ve tepki mailleri vurgusuna eşlik eden haber yönlendirmesi yine yüzümüzde tatlı bir gülümsemeye vesile … Read more

3 lecturers fired after the news of Porn movie as a thesis ? Twitter reactions

It hit the news yesterday. First in a news magazine (Tempo), then in a popular columnist’s column. A student at Visual Communication Design (at Istanbul Bilgi U) had produced a porn movie as a graduation thesis. Moral panic spread fast. “Bilgi Üniversitesi” is the top trending word at Twitter Turkey right now. 3 lecturers who … Read more

“New Measures of Scholarly Impact” and an academic roundup

New Measures of Scholarly Impact Data analytics are changing the ways to judge the influence of papers and journals. more Picking on Social Science House Republicans invite scrutiny of federal funding for social and behavioral sciences. Is anyone biting? more Endgame capitalism: an interview with Simon During from The Immanent Frame by Nathan Schneider Simon … Read more

Among the European countries, Turkey has the most students sent to US…

In 2009-2010 academic year 12,397 Turkish students were matriculated at a higher education institution in US… News in Turkish here. No doubt some go to to postpone military service (!) and in the mean time Orhan Kemal Cengiz continues to write on military service issues in Turkey… Our fragile manhood and military service from Today’s … Read more

“Online education disrupting traditional academic models

Online education disrupting traditional academic models By Kabir Chibber Technology of business reporter, BBC News FP’s 2010 Global Thinkers gala in photos from FP Passport by Joshua Keating Here are a few images from last night’s Top 100 Global Thinkers event at Washington’s Corcoran Gallery of Art. White House commission will review human research from … Read more

for the record, “Naipaul cancels Istanbul travel plans following reaction

Naipaul cancels Istanbul travel plans following reaction from Hurriyet Dailynews VS Naipaul, the winner of a Nobel Prize for Literature, has chosen to abandon his trip to Istanbul for a writers? conference following a storm of controversy over his past comments on Islam. But the writer who first started the debate, Hilmi Yavuz, says, ?The … Read more

“Landmarks in the critical study of secularism- “Internal Barriers to Online Expansion …………

Landmarks in the critical study of secularism from The Immanent Frame by Matthew Scherer In September of 2010, Talal Asad, William E. Connolly, Charles Hirschkind, and I met at the annual American Political Science Association conference to discuss two seminal texts in a recently emerging field of study, which could tentatively be called the critical … Read more

A video: This is How We Think: Learning in Public After the Paradigm Shift In “This is How We Think,” Richard E. Miller and Paul D. Hammond explore how education must change now that we live in a world where information abounds, where reading and research have moved from the library to the laptop, and where the act of learning itself is now making its way out of … Read more

“Pamuk’s contribution to the theory of the novel” from Austin American-Statesman

Pamuk’s contribution to the theory of the novel
Austin American-Statesman
Novelist Orhan Pamuk argues that visual representation in writing is what has made the genre so popular and lasting. By Anis Shivani When Homi Bhabha

Pamuk novel among NY Times bestsellers

Today’s Zaman
The paperback print of ?The Museum of Innocence,? the English translation of Turkish author Orhan Pamuk’s 2008 novel, ?Masumiyet Müzesi,? has hit the

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An anthropologist explains: Yemen is not a terrorist factory

Yemen is not a terrorist factory CNN International Editor’s note: Daniel Martin Varisco is a professor of anthropology at Hofstra University and has visited Yemen over a dozen times for development consulting and research since 1978. He moderates Tabsir, an academic blog on Islam and the Middle East. (CNN) — Domino theorists love the Middle … Read more

“The Rise of the ‘Edupunk’

The Rise of the ‘Edupunk’ At TIAA-CREF conference, higher ed braces for a new breed of tech-savvy students who won’t play by the old rules. more When Social Media Is Irrelevant At Sloan-C, academics discuss when fostering social intimacy in the online classroom environment is necessary, and when it might distract from more basic student … Read more

Arundhati Roy under attack…

India: Free Speech Or Sedition?

from Global Voices Online by Rezwan

By Rezwan

Arundhati Roy protests against dams on India’s Narmada River. Image by Flickr user International Rivers. CC BY-NC-SA

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