EFD Rights Watch: “Child bride” issue as vital as always… Not surprisingly Press Freedom Upside Down…

Investigation deepens into death of child bride in southeastern Turkey   An investigation into the death of a 14-year-old mother in the southeastern province of Siirt has been intensified Father of child bride victim voices doubts on her circumstances of death   The case widens as the Family Ministry applies to become a party in … Read more

EFD Rights Watch: Amnesty Campaign: What happened to Hakan Yaman?

Hakan Yaman was walking home from work in Istanbul during the Gezi Park protests when he was caught up in a brutal attack by the police…. Here is the official campaign page: http://www.hakanyamananeoldu.org/ Amnesty International asks ?what happened to police who beat Hakan Yaman? on Human Rights Day Yaman, a minibus driver, was severely beaten by police … Read more

EFD Rights Watch: PM Erdoğan accuses Taraf reporter of ?treason? over leak story….

Turkish PM Erdoğan accuses Taraf reporter of ?treason? over leak story   ‘Revealing state privacy is not called freedom, it is sheer treason,’ PM Erdoğan said, slamming Mehmet Baransu for publishing a document from a National Security Council meeting ************** Hate crime narrowly defined in Turkey’s democratization package Turkey?s much-waited ?democratization package? contains a ?narrow? … Read more

Cengiz Aktar: Tekadamlardan medet ummak

  Tekadamlardan medet ummak     Liderin, güçlü iktidarın cazibesi ne buraya mahsus ne de basit bir doğu-batı farkıyla açıklanabilecek bir şey. Doğu?da tekadamlardan geçilmezken Batı?nın yakın zamana kadar diktatöründen seçilmiş tekadamlarına kadar güçlü liderleri vardı. Franko 1975?te öldü, Hitler çok eski değil, de Gaulle ve Thatcher daha dündü.   Tekadamdan gözünüzü alamayınca onun yaptığı hataları, … Read more

EFD Rights Watch: Turkey lifts ban on thousands of books, but attempts to ban new ones…Steinbeck, Brad Pitt movie…

Another novel on the spot… AKP Men Don’t Wanna Watch Brad Pitt, Don’t Wanna Say “Vagina” from The Istanbulian by Emre Kızılkaya Two recent examples to show how progressive the AKP leaders are:   * Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc condemned an opposition MP for saying “vagina” during her speech at the parliament floor. “I … Read more


  Haluk Şahin     TARTIŞMALARA SEMANTİK BİR MÜDAHALE:  MİSYON, OPERASYON, DAVA GAZETECİLİĞİ   Son bir ay içinde medya?da ?misyon?lar karıştı.   ?Misyon? sözcüğü iki ayrı tartışmada iki farklı anlamda kullanılınca kimin ne demeye çalıştığı pek anlaşılmadı.   Bu noktada semantik bir müdahale gerektiğini düşündüm.  Çünkü, bu yapılmazsa, çoğu kez olduğu gibi bu kez de,  ?az sonra? … Read more

Manning under harsh treatment… a Cyberculture roundup…

  US military’s “gratuitously harsh treatment” of Manning condemned by NYT, WaPo, LAT, ACLU from Boing Boing by Xeni Jardin A growing number of news organizations and civil liberties groups are condemning the Department of Defense’s “gratuitously harsh treatment” of Bradley Manning, a young Army intelligence specialist charged with downloading thousands of US government documents … Read more

Two Turkish dailies on journalistic offensive (!): Taraf starts to cooperate with Wikileaks and Star relaunched with a new design and content…

Taraf daily announced today that they began to cooperate with Wikileaks and Turkey related Cablegate material will be published soon. Today’s issue also has an exclusive interview with Julian Assange. Taraf is definitely the best paper in Turkey to cooperate with. Very good decision for Wikileaks… http://twitter.com/tanselparlak/status/47903928171511808 Yeni Star'ı çok beğendim. Bu sabah Star ve … Read more

by the way, Mass grave in Mutki should not be ignored… A human rights in Turkey roundup…

Four heavy digging vehicles are being used for the excavations in the Mutki district in the province of Bitlis. DHA photo Dozens of bone fragments found during Mutki excavation Many human bone and skull fragments were discovered during excavations in a large trash dump in the Mutki district of Bitlis. Many fragments of bones and … Read more

Students now beaten at ODTÜ. A human rights roundup.

It looks like AKP power consolidates as center right and old patterns of malpractices emerge. Erdoğan?s trial by criticism from Today’s Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news :: Turkish Pre by Mehmet Barlas Just as novelist Halide Edip Adıver wrote a book titled ?Türk?ün Ateşle İmtihanı? (Turkish trial by fire) Prime Minister Recep Tayyip … Read more

[Turkish] Wikileaks depremi. Türkçe haberler/yorumlar (4)

WikiLeaks?ten geriye ne kaldı? from Devrimci Halkın Birliği | Haber Portalı WikiLeaks belgeleri açıklandı ve bir bilgi bombardımanı yaşandı. İşte ilk üç günün sonunda ciro: WikiLeaks?ten geriye hangi somut bilgiler ve hangi iddialar kaldı? ‘TARAF GAZETESİ ÇOK AYIP EDİYOR’ from Medyatava.com Wikileaks belgelerini dayanak göstererek eski gazeteci Sadık Albayrak hakkında “suiistimal” iddiasıyla haber yapan Taraf … Read more

Two TV ads from two Turkish dailies

Taraf daily’s latest TV ad. ThemeÇ Challenging political taboos.

Zaman’s latest ad with a theme “prejudice”. Challenging political prejudices. Zaman, who is known to have direct relations with Fethullah Gülen, has been producing very nice ads for a while…

And a roundup of interesting videos Erkan had a look….

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