US military’s “gratuitously harsh treatment” of Manning condemned by NYT, WaPo, LAT, ACLU
A growing number of news organizations and civil liberties groups are condemning the Department of Defense’s “gratuitously harsh treatment” of Bradley Manning, a young Army intelligence specialist charged with downloading thousands of US government documents and passing them on to Wikileaks.
2011-03-20: Manning set to become an issue during Obama’s Ireland visit
2011-03-20 Another example of the Guardian?s creative ?redacting?
An Introduction to the Federated Social Network
Lately, EFF’s work to protect rights and liberties in the online world has focused rather heavily on social networking sites and their policies. The logic is borne out by the numbers ? Facebook and Twitter combined claim hundreds of millions of worldwide users, so advocating for stronger privacy and less censorship from these kinds of websites will mean a better Internet for lots and lots of people.
5 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch
from Mashable! by Ashley Brown
Facebook friends = regime instability?
I?m giving a talk this week to a group focused on telecoms in Africa, so I?ve been catching up on my African telco statistics. In the process, I stumbled on Online Africa, a really extraordinary collection of data sets about connectivity, social media and the internet in Africa.
Finally, A Reason to Use LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a strange beast. A growing number of people have joined LinkedIn but the majority have little how or why to use it other than accepting connection requests.
10 Reasons Why You Should Upgrade Your LinkedIn Account
from Social Media Examiner by Linda Coles
U.S. Military Developing False Online Personalities to Counter ?Enemy Propaganda?
from Mashable! by Sarah Kessler
Microsoft Outranks Google in Ethics
from Mashable! by Jolie O’Dell
U.S. Military Wants Phantom Army On Facebook
from All Facebook by Jackie Cohen
New .XXX Domain Approved for Porn Sites
from Mashable! by Jolie O’Dell
Top 100 Socially Networked Cities in the U.S.
from Mashable! by Charlie White
2011-03-19 Eight Years of War: What WikiLeaks Has Revealed on the US Occupation of Iraq
This date, March 19, 2011, marks the beginning of the ninth year of the US war in Iraq. The war, which began in 2003 with a bombing campaign of ?shock and awe,” has for years been more of an occupation than a war. Despite the fact that many believe the war is over (especially Americans), the US still has 47,000 troops in Iraq and, despite a 2011 withdrawal date, will likely continue to have tens of thousands of soldiers based in Iraq for years to come.
2011-03-19 The Guardian: Redacting, censoring or lying?
WL Central published an article two days ago, outlining the extraordinarily heavy handed redaction by the Guardian of a Bulgarian cable. Wikileaks tweeted the article, saying it was “Another very serious example of the Guardian “cable cooking” in violation of WikiLeaks agreements”. Guardian investigations editor David Leigh responded with “@wikileaks Another stupid lie from #Assange alleging ‘cable censorship’ by #Guardian, (stuck with UK libel laws as he knows). What a liar!”
2011-03-17 Human Rights Watch: US must explain conditions of Bradley Manning’s confinement
Human Rights Watch has issued a statement demanding that the US government explain the “extremely restrictive and possibly punitive and degrading treatment” of PFC Bradley Manning in pre-trial detention at Quantico Marine base in Virginia:
9 Newsworthy Twitpics That Captivated the World
from Mashable! by Amy-Mae Elliott
4 Reasons Today?s Tech Scene Differs From the ?90s Bubble
from Mashable! by Alexander Hotz
In-District Meetings: an Offline Tool for Defending Your Online Rights
In the EFF Action Center, we provide you tools to defend online civil liberties. But if you really want to make a difference, one of the best things you can do is have an in-district meeting with your Congressional representative.
2011-03-21 Greek cablegate revelations
As WL Central reported earlier, the Greek SKAI media group has access to all of the US state cables and has begun reporting on them. These are translations of the first articles.
2011-03-21 US military blames photos of war crimes for causing “distress”
2011-03-21 #Wikileaks makes its first partnership with #Turkey
Last Thursday, 17th March, Wikileaks announced the first partnership with a newspaper in Turkey on releasing around 11,000 U.S. State Department cables regarding Turkey from between 2000 and 2010 to Taraf, a liberal Turkish newspaper . Publishing since late 2007, Taraf has distinguished itself by opposing interference by the Turkish Military in civilian affairs. After Taraf revelations made on June 21 (2008) regarding the Egenoton (an alleged clandestine, ultra-nationalist organization in Turkey with ties to members of the country’s military and security forces), when Adnan Demir, who was on the editorial staff of Taraf, was charged with leaking secret military information, the military responded by canceling the newspaper’s accreditation for press releases at its headquarters for a short time. Taraf itself is also a whistle-blower journal, since Turkish military leaks were published on its pages more than once. Taraf holds a very good reputation worldwide, the journal was quoted by Der Spiegel, Times Online and such others as “Courageous,” “independent,” “plucky,” and “scrappy”.
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