As long as this is a work of a weird and marginal pastor and his community, I would not mind much. There are always cases like this. Some Muslims are not respectful to other religions’ sacred things, too. I suppose Terry Jones’ act itself is not that significant but many people are anxious because of the rising Islamophobia and this is a tiny reflection of that…
Pastor of Florida church cancels plans to burn Qur’an, later reconsiders
The leader of a Gainesville, Florida church announced yesterday that the church had cancelled its plan to burn copies of the Qur’an on Saturday, but later stated that he had reconsidered his decision. Earlier yesterday, Pastor Terry Jones said that the Dove World Outreach Center would cancel the burning of the Islamic holy book, stating that Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, had agreed to relocate Park51, a mosque and community center to be located a few hundred meters away from the site of the September 11, 2001 attacks.
QURAN BURNING cartoons by all the top cartoonists!
Quran-burning pastor was expelled from German church

It turns out the Florida Pastor Terry Jones, who plans to host an “International Burn a Koran Day” event at his chuch on Sept. 11, has an interesting history in Europe as well. From Der Spiegel: