My Spotify Lists

I have been meaning to share my Spotify lists for a while. Last year, I finally decided to switch to Spotify. A combination of codes, materialities, and usage practices led me to this switch. A few years ago, when I searched for some obscure metal bands, Spotify did not have them. So I kept my … Read more

Metalkafa 24 ve 25 podcast’leri: Megadeth special- Women fronted metal bands special @murderday

When I was a kid, Warlock’s Doro Pesch was the only metal woman performer I knew…    Erkan Saka ve Halit Bingöllü ile İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi radyosu Radyovesaire’de Metalkafa devam ediyor… metalkafa 25 women fronted metal bands   metalkafa 24- megadeth special

Arch Enemy dün gece İstanbul’daydı

Erkan’s new attaction: Radio. Today his very first program begins: Metalkafa [Metalhead]

I have recently been invited as a guest to a student show in our faculty radio: Radyo Vesaire.It is a web-based radio, experimental in its first semester of its launch. I liked the experience and since I have been fantasizing about a heavy metal show for a while, I could not resist any more. My … Read more

METALHEAD (Part 1)- Erkan introduces a new regular post series…

In addition to irregular series of  “Introducing Turkish Cybersphere” and weekly Sunday posts of ” Erkan?s field diary: Top posts of the week and month“, I would like to introduce a weekly post series on my heavy metal consumption. I hope to post “Metalhead” every Thursday… METALHEAD (Part 1) album of the week Knights of … Read more

Metalhead Diaries; A look at Turkish metal scene (In Turkish)

An interview with Özge Özkan, Turkish gothic metal band, Catafalque’s lead singer, who prepared the Metalhead Diaries documentary… Part I Metalci Günlükleri; Catafalque grubu ve solo projesiyle tanıdığımız metal sahnesinin en önemli bayan vokallerinden Özge Özkan’ın hazırlamış olduğu Türkiye’de metal müzikte dışavurum temalı bir öğrenci belgeselidir. Fakat bir öğrenci belgeseli olmanın ötesinde,Türkiye’de metal müziğin … Read more