A radical musician, #İbrahimGökçek, was on death strike in order to make music and now even a proper funeral is denied #DirenGazi

Hawkish security establishment, which went back to its ultranationalist roots, has been aiming at the radical leftist music band, Grup Yorum, for a while. It is ironic, among many others AKP ironies has, that a decade ago Grup Yorum had massive concerts in the very urban centers. Now, it is one of the objects of … Read more

Istanbul busy today. EFD’s continously updated posts:

Group Yorum concert in Bakırköy and Emek Theatre protest in Taksim. Istanbul is busy with activism Today…

Grup Yorum konseri Saat: 15:00’te Bakırköy’de [güncellenecek ileti] #GrupYorumHalkKonseri

  [View the story “Grup Yorum konseri Saat: 15:00’te Bakırköy’de ” on Storify]

EFD Rights Watch: A view of İdil Cultural Center after the police search…

A gentle manner of search done by police as members of left wing band and many lawyers are arrested yesterday for some reasons ordinary citizens having difficulties to believe… Left-wing band Grup Yorum members jailed from Hurriyet Daily News Five members of the Turkish protest band Grup Yorum were arrested. *********************** Ankara Strives to Enhance its … Read more


GRUP YORUM VE SANAT İÇİN SOYUNMAK Panpişlerine gece yarısı hallerini divitleyen ?sanatçılar?ın ülkesinde sanat için soyunmak bir filmdeki sevişme sahnelerinin ötesinde bir anlam ifade etmeye başlar. Artiz olmak için evden kaçan her kızın başına gelen Nuri Alço gazozuyla imtihan edilmektir. Her ünlü sanatçı olunca, her soyunan da sanat için soyunmuş olur. Sanatın sanat için mi, … Read more

Meanwhile, Grup Yorum (@Grup_YORUM) band members are subjected to torture. Explicitly, with no shame…

Many members of a radical left wing music band, Grup Yorum, have been recently arrested after a suicide bombing attack to a police station in Istanbul by the illegal organization this band is close to. However, Grup Yorum is around for ages, has a public reputation and a few years ago, more than 30 thousand … Read more

EFD Rights Watch: Turkish authorities finally act on Pozantı Prison case/ Threats towards Alevi citizens in Adıyaman and more…

Turkey probes mistreatment in juvenile prison Turkey’s justice minister says 200 inmates will be moved from a juvenile prison following allegations of mistreatment by prison officials there and sexual abuse by fellow inmates. Alevi citizens concerned with mark on their doors from Hurriyet Daily News The doors of a number of houses belonging to members … Read more

Gündemden kısa kısa…

Çoğu günlerde olduğu gibi güne geç başladım ama günün kötü haberini çok geçmeden öğrendim. Grup Yorum elemanlarından 3ü gözaltına alınmış bir terörle mücadele operasyonu bağlamında. Kısa bir süreliğine ülke olağandışı olmuştu ama şimdi normallik geri döndü, gözaltılar, basına baskı, haşin seçim kampanyaları, kurumlardan şaibeli işlemler vb. Merkez sağ tüm haşmetiyle ve tabi pisliğiyle geri dönmüş … Read more

Turks reading, Grup Yorum, Ali Nesin

It is a bit of old news now. In last weeks, a Turkish NGO in cooperation with a local municipality tried to break a world record: Biggest number of people reading together. People gathered in a stadium to do it. They could not break the record. The act itself is a little bit silly and I assume conservative sections of Turkish public attempt to create new sphere of action like this. Still it is better than nothing. It was a nice try:)

Toplu okumada rekor kırılamadı

more photos here. 14 thousand gathered, says Hürriyet.

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