“Turkey backers” response to “Europe”: flooding social media with Nazi symbols…

  ‘Turkey backers’ target Amnesty, BBC and other major Twitter accounts  BBC News | Europe | World Edition Hackers tweeted “Nazi Germany, Nazi Holland” from several official accounts in Turkish. Twitter accounts tweet swastikas and pro-Erdoğan support in massive hack  World news: Turkey | guardian.co.uk by Alex Hern Accounts that use third-party analytics service Twitter Counter compromised … Read more

Journalism agenda: It seems that WashPost Making History by its Call for Prosecution of Its Own Source in the Snowden case…

WashPost Makes History: First Paper to Call for Prosecution of Its Own Source (After Accepting Pulitzer) The Intercept by Glenn Greenwald Three of the four media outlets that received and published large numbers of secret NSA documents provided by Edward Snowden — The Guardian, the New York Times, and The Intercept –– have called for the U.S. government to allow the … Read more

Journalism agenda: “How Are Journalists Using Social Media? (Report)

How Are Journalists Using Social Media? (Report)  All Facebook by Kimberlee Morrison Social media has grown from friend communication service to all-encompassing digital life tool. During this digital evolution, journalists who were early adopters and used social sites for both gathering information and broadcasting content have become a core part of many platforms. A white paper … Read more

bianet is 10 years old!

As far as I know, bianet, a local news network that is generously funded by the EU could not challenge major news agencies in Turkey but it certainly made a difference in its 10 years of existence….
bianet (Independent Communication Network) comprises more than internet news website bianet.org. It is a continuously unfolding network since 1997 and embraces “Training Drives” for journalists and communication students and NGOs; handbook series, “Radio Programs” for the local media, conferences, forums, international exchange programs.

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